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  • Dateigröße 863.31 KB
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  • Erstellungsdatum 24. Januar 2022
  • Zuletzt aktualisiert 16. Mai 2022

Magnesium, the nutrient that could change your life

It is only recently that scientists have definitely established the existence of magnesium deficiency in man. For years medical reports stated that a person could obtain enough magnesium from food to keep his bones and cells healthy. Yet the more researchers learned about this mineral, the more they have come to realize that much ill health is due to existing magnesium deficiencies.

Furthermore, they now know that since most people never eat enough of the magnesium-rich foods (nuts, seed foods, and green vegetables), the deficiency may well be universal. Without magnesium the actions of nerves and muscles are impaired. Convulsions, dizziness, muscular weakness, weak teeth and bones, and nervous irritability have all been cited as features of magnesium deficiency. There are other conditions where magnesium deficiency may also be present yet difficult to detect because the overt symptoms are missing or masked.