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  • Dateigröße 5.71 MB
  • Datei-Anzahl 1
  • Erstellungsdatum 20. Mai 2022
  • Zuletzt aktualisiert 20. Mai 2022

Mercury in Pancreatic Cells of People with and without Pancreatic Cancer


In conclusion, mercury is found in normal pancreatic islet, acinar, and periductal cells more oftenin people with pancreatic cancer than people without this cancer. Mercury has genotoxic effects, so these findings support the hypothesis that toxic metals such as mercury contribute to the pathogenesis of pancreatic cancer. In addition, the finding of mercury and cadmium in human pancreatic islets supports proposals that these metals play a role in diabetes mellitus. Further investigations of multiple toxic metals in pancreatic cells of people with pancreatic cancer and diabetes mellitus are needed to provide more evidence for the role of toxic metals in the pathogenesis of these disorders.