WorldUnrests: Publisher’s Note
On the ground of its intrinsic historic importance,
and of the widespread interest it has attracted on
the other side of the Atlantic, there seems to be
good warrant for the publication of an American
edition of The Cause of the World’s Unrest.
The American pulishers desire to make clear,
however, that they do not accept responsibility
for the soundness of the conclusions presented in
this volume.
They have issued the book because of their belief that the American reading public should be afforded an opportunity of examining the material.
It is the contention of the author that certain of the plans for domination outlined in the documents upon which his volume is based have apparently been followed in the recent movements in Russia.
The pulishers desire to point out, what the author of the volume has himself emphasized, that, while the statements presented do reflect upon the purpose and the actions of certain groups of Jews,and of certain groups of Freemasons, there has been no intention of bringing accusation against the Jewish race as a whole, or against the Freemasons as a society.
New York, Sept. 20, 1920.