William G. Simpson: WWWM-Footnotes
1. The genes of this stock may now most often be overlaid and momentarily hidden in people whose appearance is not Aryan-Nordic. But they exist and play a part in everyone who has some measure of Aryan-Nordic ancestry.
2. Oswald Spengler—The Decline of the West, 2 vols., Knopf., 1926, 1929. The German word in the title which is translated “decline” is “Untergang,” and really means “going down,” “sinking,” “foundering”—as of a ship.
3. Lothrop Stoddard—The Rising Tide of Color, Scribner’s 1930; The Revolt against Civilization, Scribner’s, 1922.
- “Es ist eines der Ratsel ünserer Zeit, warum sich der Weisse Mann, Herr der Erde von Pol zu Pol, in der knappen Spanne eines Menschenalters seiner Herrschaft begab, sich müde zuruckzog aus einer weltweiten Machtstellung, dass er heute in panischem Schrecken flieht, wo er noch gestern unantastbar regierte.” Deutsche Wochen-Zeitung, 2. Jahr-Nr, 30, July 16, 1960.
5. Buffalo Evening News, editorial, November 30, 1972.
6. Arthur Krock—Memoirs, Sixty Years on the Firing Line, Funk, 1968, pp. 406, 416.
7. James Burnham—The Suicide of the West, Arlington House, 1964.
8. The eminent military critic Captain Liddell Hart, declared that victory in the Second
World War was achieved “through practicing the most uncivilized means of war that the
world has known since the Mongol devastations.” The Evolution of Warfare, Faber,
London 1946, p. 75. Quoted in F.J.P. Veale’s fearful but irrefutable book Advance To
Barbarism, Devin-Adair, 1968, p. 23.
9. So stated by Trygve Lie, Secretary-General of the U.N., in his book In the Cause of
10. See John Stormer—None Dare Call It Treason, Liberty Bell Press, Florissant, Mo.,
1964, p. 205
11. I shall have much more to say to establish my point here before I finish this chapter.
12. Congressional Record, May 31, 1955, p. A3764—as quoted by John Stormer, None
Dare Call It Treason, op. cit., 1964, pp. 88-9.
13. This thesis was first brought to my attention in such simplicity and clarity by Sir
Arthur Keith in his A New Theory of Human Evolution, Philosophical Library, 1949. For
a brief statement of Sir Arthur’s status and attainments in the world of science, see his
name in my directory of scientists, Note 85 in my previous chapter.
It is to be noted that, according to Sir Arthur,
- “Man did not acquire his dual mentality as a result of practicing two codes of morality, but he practiced a dual code because of the two-fold organization of his nervous system” (page 61).
In other words, it is rooted not just in our mores, in attitudes that can be altered by indoctrination, but in our very physical constitution. It is something it is hardly possible to extirpate.
14. For this quotation and for support of the thought of this whole paragraph see the
remarkably percipient and incisive article entitled “Dissecting A Racial Mystique” by Mr.
Ivor Benson, editor of the highly recommended newsletter Behind the News, P.O. Box
3145, Durban, South Africa.
15. C.D. Darlington—The Evolution of Man and Society, Allen & Unwin, 1969, p. 608.
16. See S. J. Holmes—Human Genetics and Its Social Import, McGraw-Hill, 1936, pp.
312-3, 316, 334-6; Edward M. East—Mankind at the Crossroads, Scribner’s, 1924, pp.
309-313; Madison Grant—The Passing of the Great Race, Scribner’s 4th revised edition,
1932, pp. 89-90, 47ff.
17. I single out the United States for special attention, largely because I myself am
American-born, have my roots here, know it best, and have a responsibility to it that I
owe nowhere else. But I must add that the symptoms to be observed in the U.S. are more or less, and sometimes very largely duplicated, in the other nations of the White man’s world. The Common Market, for instance, has so removed barriers to the free movement of the citizens of its member nations, that northern Europe, which on the whole is Nordic Europe, is being invaded by swarms of non-Nordic peoples from the Mediterranean littoral. Warnings are out that predominantly Nordic England is destined to become the racial sewer of Europe. But perhaps my principal reason for now giving the U.S. a close look is its key position. Without question, it is the most powerful White nation on Earth. And it is a common saying that if the U.S. succumbs to the concentrated assault now being leveled against it, the rest of the White man’s world is doomed.
18. Again, see Mr. Wilmot Robertson’s The Dispossessed Majority.
19. James Oneal—The Workers in American History, Rand School of Social Science, 4th
ed., 1921, pp. 89-90.
20. Charles A. Beard—An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution, Macmillan, 1960,
pp. 64ff., 242. Cp. p. 164f. See also Henry Cabot Lodge—A History of the English
Colonies, p. 149.
21. John B. McMaster—The Acquisition of the Political, Social and Industrial Rights of
Man in America, Imperial Press, Cleveland, Ohio, 1903, pp. 15, 18-21, 70-1, 82. See also Kirk H. Porter—A History of Suffrage in the U.S., University of Chicago Press, 1918,
Chapter 11.
22. Woodrow Wilson—A History of the American People, Harper, 1902, Vol. III. pp. 120-1.
23. See Attack, formerly published by the National Youth Alliance, June 1973, p. 2, for a
picture of the Pruitt-Igoe $36 million public-housing development for low-income Blacks
in St. Louis, demolished in 1972. The article is now available in a compendium entitled
The Best of Attack and National Vanguard Tabloid. The legend under the picture reads:
- “Neo-liberal planners spent public funds on this huge, 33-building, high-rise development and ballyhooed it as ‘the city of the future.’ Its 3800 apartments were turned over to Negro families at nominal rents in 1956, and they immediately began converting it into a jungle. Doorways and elevators were used as urinals, halls and stairways as convenient places to dump garbage. Residents stripped copper sheeting from roofs to sell as scrap metal, and vandals smashed windows. Soon the elevators ceased functioning, their wiring shorted by urine, and ceilings began collapsing as a result of leaking roofs. Repair crews could not keep up with the destructiveness of the occupants, and last year the Neo-liberal planners finally admitted defeat and began razing the abandoned, windowless, filth-filled buildings as a public-safety measure.”
24. See my last chapter, Section c: “Mental Differences,” toward the end, where Dr. McGurk reviews the evidence.
25. I produced overwhelming evidence of this backwardness in my last chapter.
26. Robert Gayre—“The Dilemma of Inter-Racial Relations,” Mankind Quarterly, VI, 4
(April-June 1966), p. 188.
27. Ibid., p. 194-200. Some of the more pertinent passages read as follows:
- “The ideal is only attained when a particular region is inhabited exclusively by people of one ethnic stock who compete solely against each other in the schools and colleges, with the result that an elite emerges which assumes the leadership of the people. . .” (p. 196).
- “The Negro peoples are being made the victims of a political philosophy—disguised as a desire to promote their welfare—which will distort their natural development, rob them of their own self-respect and of satisfaction in their own achievements and ways of life, and do them untold harm” (p. 200).
- “It is a curious phenomenon of the present time that these people who so loudly—and sometimes so impudently—claim a monopoly of virtue for desiring to aid the backward stocks of mankind are the very people who are insisting upon exposing the Negroes to an unequal struggle with the Whites. This can only end in tragedy for the Negroes wherever they become the victims of these theorists who are determined, no matter who suffers, to try to establish their quite unproved—indeed untrue—doctrine that with changes in social and physical environment they can equalize all races of men” (p. 189).
28. Ibid., pp. 188-200.
29. See, for instance, Dallas-Park Cities Digest, Supplement, Oct. 8, 1962: “The
Mississippi Story.” Also, Oxford, A warning for Americans, Oct. 1962, published by the
Mississippi State Junior Chamber of Commerce, Jackson, Mississippi, and Shreveport
Journal, final edition, Oct. 1, 1962.
30. See last chapter, Note 187.
31. Quoted by Michael Myers, National Chairman Sohi Committee of 25 sponsoring
open investment—in an appeal for support.
32. See the findings of the distinguished geneticist Sir Julian Huxley as stated in his
article: “Eugenics in Evolutionary Perspective,” Perspectives in Biology and Medicine,
VI, 2 (Winter), 1963, p. 165.
33. Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th Ed., “Portugal,” Vol. XXII, p. 139.
34. Ibid., p. 144.
35. I am much indebted to Mr. Peterson for the research he did on Portugal’s record. An
article by Ray Smith based on his research, entitled “The Black Man’s Gift to Portugal”
was published in The Best of Attack! and National Vanguard Tabloid, (p. 8).
36. Carleton Putnam: “This Is the Problem!” in The Citizen, Nov. 1961, p. 25.
37. Earnest Sevier Cox—White America, Noontide, 1966, p. 10.
38. This would include all persons who by their personal appearance or their records gave any evidence of having Negro blood in them. The country to which they would be sent might be any besides those of Africa with which suitable arrangements could be
39. Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, edited by Roy P. Basler, Rutgers University
Press, 1953, Vol. III, p. 16. The date was August 21, 1858.
40. Lincoln declared as early as June 26, 1857, in an address at Springfield, Ill., that the
amalgamation of the races could be prevented only by their separation, and that
- “such separation, if ever effected at all, must be effected by colonization.” Lincoln’s Collected Works, op. cit., Vol. II, pp. 408-9.
In his Emancipation Proclamation of Sept. 1862 he said:
- “I have urged the colonization of the Negroes, and I shall continue. My Emancipation
Proclamation was linked with this plan [of colonization]. There is no room for two
distinct races of white men in America, much less for two distinct races of whites and
blacks. - “I can conceive of no greater calamity than the assimilation of the negro into our social and political life as our equal. . .
- “Within twenty years we can peacefully colonize the negro. . . under conditions in which he can rise to the full measure of manhood. This he can never do here. We can never attain the ideal union our fathers dreamed, with millions of an alien, inferior race among us, whose assimilation is neither possible nor desirable.” Collected Works, op. cit., Vol. V, pp. 371-5.
41. See Earnest Sevier Cox—White America, op. cit., p. 176. This book is the fullest
presentation in existence of the grounds for the repatriation of the Negro. See the review
of it in Mankind Quarterly, VII, 2 (Fall, 1966), p. 118. Cox was a “truly great man and
respected anthropologist.” His entire life was dedicated as much to the Negroes’ welfare
as to that of the Whites. He went to extraordinary lengths to obtain the fullest possible
knowledge of the effect on the White race of trying to live in sustained contact with the
Black race—through six thousand years of history, and in Africa, Asia, and South
America, as well as in his native U.S.A. He reviews the case of one nation and
civilization after another which “perished through contact with Colored Races.” He was
forced to the same conclusion as that of the great French observer of American life
Alexis de Tocqueville, that the White and the Negroes “must either wholly part or wholly
mingle,” and in the end found himself forced to take the position that “sixty centuries of
race history have proved that the white man has at no time remained white when in
prolonged contact with colored races.” See White America, p. 10.
42. Ernest Sevier Cox—Lincoln’s Negro Policy, reprint by Noontide Press, Los Angeles,
Calif., 1968, p. 50.
43. Robert Ford, in the review of Cox’s White America, mentioned in Note 41 supra.
44. E.A Cox—Lincoln’s Negro Policy, op. cit., p. 50.
45. From History Today, London, No. 1 (Jan. 1968—as reprinted in Mankind Quarterly,
Vol. X, No. 3 (Jan.-March 1970), p. 173. “. . . the African Nationalist Pioneer Movement
. . . advocated as a matter of racial survival, that all able-bodied, ambitious and race-
loving Black people seriously consider colonization in Africa on a mass scale.”
46. For evidence of the massive Jewish support of Negro radical and even revolutionary
movements, see Wilmont Robertson—The Dispossessed Majority, Howard Allen, Cape
Canaveral, Fla., 1972, p. 210, Note. 12. Cp. The Ugly Truth About the NAACP, an
address by Atty. Gen’l. Eugene Cook of Georgia, before the 55th Annual Convention of
the Peace Officers Assn. of Georgia; Common Sense (Union, NJ.), No. 352 (Nov. 1,
1960), article entitled “Zionists Control NAACP.” The NAACP has never had a Negro as
its national president. Always, or practically always, he has been a Jew. Herbert Lehman, one of its directors, had 10 Communist-front citations; and another was Felix Frankfurter, who packed countless key positions in our society with men and women who, when they were not Jewish, were invariably Communists or Communist supporters.
And Communism, as I am about to show, always as been, from its inception, to the present day, essentially a conspiracy aimed at establishing a Jewish dominion of the whole Earth.
In Feb. 1957, the Georgia Commission on Education (Atlanta, Ga., issued a report
entitled “Ten Directors of the N.A.A.C.P.,” which showed that the citations against these
ten directors, indicating “association with Communist fronts,” had ranged from 18 to 72.
Zygmund Dobbs, writing in Red Intrigue And Race Turmoil (Introduction by Archibald
B. Roosevelt), Alliance, Inc., New York City, 1958, pp. 19-20, states the well-known fact
that the group which founded the NAACP
- “was made up entirely of whites who were socialists or socialist sympathizers.”
- It goes on: “It took almost twenty years for the pro-communist elements to build up their present influence in the national leadership of the NAACP” (pp. 22-3).
That they succeeded was revealed by the Communist agitator Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, who “disclosed that the official report of the Fourth National Convention of the Communist Party of the United States, held in 1925, stated that the Party had penetrated the NAACP.” (See Common Sense, Union, N.J., Oct. 15, 1955, p. 3, col. 3.)
And Zygmund Dobbs (op. cit., p. 25) wrote
- “Today, the Kremlin leadership in Moscow feels so firmly entrenched in the NAACP that the top official organ of the Communist Party in the United States has advised all its followers that: ‘We must support the NAACP in this struggle with every ounce of energy at our disposal.’ ” (He cites Political Affairs, official organ of the Communist Party of the U.S., Feb. 1950, p. 26.)
- “The U.S. Senate internal Security Subcommittee on Nov. 2 [1971] released a studyasserting that at least 21.5 million persons had been executed or had died in prison camps in the Soviet Union during the past 51 years.“The study, ‘The Human Cost of Soviet Communism,’ was prepared by Robert Conquest of London at the request of Senator Thomas J. Dodd, the vice-chairman of the sub-committee. . . Robert Conquest, an expert on Soviet affairs, said that his estimate of 21.5 million deaths was conservative and that the real figure may be as high as 45 million.”
South African Observer, Jan. 1971, p. 8. The estimate of Mr. D.G. Stewart-Smith, editor
of the East West Digest, as reported in the London Daily Telegraph, 8/29/69, comes to 45 million.
Prof. Antony C. Sutton, of the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, made it 35 million. See the dedication in his National Suicide, Arlington Press, 1973.
48. Carleton S. Coon—The Story of Man, Knopf, 2nd edition, 1967, p 403.
49. F.J.P. Veale—Advance To Barbarism, revised edition, Devin-Adair, 1968, pp. 222-3.
This has been referred to as
- “One of the most important books to come out of the Second World War.”
See also Nesta H. Webster (with Anthony Gittens)—World Revolution, Britons, revised edition 1971, 317-8 (with Notes 2 and 3 on p. 323). For further and very authoritative confirmation of all this, see Alexander Solzhenitsyn—The Gulag Archipelago, Harper & Row, 1974.
- “One of [the chief merits of this book] is that it shatters the myth, so often enunciated by Red apologists, that Russian Communism was a noble concept which went wrong only after Lenin was succeeded by Stalin.
- “Employing documented evidence, Alexander Solzhenitsyn makes it quite clear that right from the bloody inauguration of the Bolshevik regime any who would not, or even could not, fit into the mould dictated by the Communist state was ruthlessly eliminated. The
brave new world of Communism was raised on a foundation of corpses and it was this that Stalin built, only in even more extreme form. As a social system, Communism held that a man’s life was of no value whatsoever unless he could contribute something to the state. Solzhenitsyn’s portrayal of frame-ups and massacres is brilliant—even grumblers and malingerers were considered anti-social and so exterminated like mad dogs.” R. Huxtable, in a review in Candour, Sept. 1974.
50. U.S. News and World Report, Dec. 11, 1972.
51. See Prof. John Beaty—The Iron Curtain over America, Wilkinson Pub. Co., Dallas,
Texas, 1951, Chap. 11: “Russia and the Khazars,” especially page 16. He cites and quotes indisputable authorities.
52. Boswell Publishing Co., London, 1938. Chapter I is entitled “The Jews As A Race.”
“Cobbett” was the nom du plume of Anthony M. Ludovici, a distinguished English
scholar and author with whom I corresponded for many years and came to be a close
friend, and whom I twice visited in England.
53. For example: Sir Arthur Keith, one of the greatest of modern anthropologists and one-time President of the British Association for the Advancement of Science—A New
Theory of Human Evolution, Philosophical Library, New York, 1949, Chap. XXXVII:
“The Jews As A Nation and As A Race.” He concludes that “whether we use the term
race as the zoologist uses it, or in its original sense, the Jews are to be regarded as a race”
- (p. 378). It has been only their fanatical sense of race which has preserved them from “the absorption and death of their nation by its disappearance in the common sea of humanity”
(p. 376). Prof. E. Ruggles Gates, who at the time of his death in 1962 was looked upon as the world’s foremost geneticist, wrote of the Jews as follows:
- “Coon [Carleton S. Coon—The Races of Europe, Macmillan, 1939] has traced the racial history of the Jews in some detail. He shows (p. 442) that ‘the Jews form an ethnic group’ and that like all ethnic groups they have their own racial elements distributed in their own proportions . . . They have developed ‘a special racial sub-type and a special pattern of facial and bodily expression easy to identify but difficult to define.’”
On page 444, he declared that they “have their own standard racial character.” His
discussion of the question will be found on pp. 432-44 and 638-46. For a review of Dr.
Coon’s status in the world of science, see Note 85 of my last chapter. See also Werner
Sombart—The Jews And Modern Capitalism, Putnam, 1913, p. 291ff. The whole of
Chap. XIII, “The Race Problem,” is eminently worth reading.
54. See “Cobbett,” op. cit., pp. 24-27, where he reviews and weighs the considerations
pro and con.
55. Theodor Herzl—The Jewish State, American Zionist Emergency Council, New York,
1946, p. 76. Cp. p. 92.
56. Louis D. Brandeis—The Jewish Problem and How to Solve It, Zionist Organization,
New York, 1919, pp. 12, 14.
57. Quoted in The International Jew, Dearborn Publishing Co., 1920, Vol. II, p. 6.
58. For instance, the Jews so successfully resisted the identification of immigrants into
the United States by race, insisting that they be set down not as Jews but as Germans,
Poles, or what not, that for many years the various national quotas were taken up almost
entirely by Jews, and to this day the number of Jews in the United States is known only
by the figures the Jews themselves choose to give us.
59. Henry Preserved Smith—Old Testament History, Scribner’s, 1911, 389-398. Dr.
Smith was a widely recognized Biblical authority on the faculty of Amherst.
60. Cobbett, op. cit., pp. 86-9.
61. Proverb of Hell No. 49, Poetry and Prose of William Blake, Nonesuch, 1927, p. 194.
62. See Sveinbjorn Johnson—Pioneers of Freedom, Boston, 1930, pp. 119, 120, 135.
63. See The American Hebrew for Sept. 10, 1920: “The Jew evolved organized
capitalism, and its instrumentality the banking system.” Werner Sombart, in his The Jews
And Modern Capitalism, Dutton, 1913, supplies monumental evidence to the same effect.
64. Ezra Pound observed, sagely, “Without understanding economics one cannot
understand history.” Impact, p. 61.
65. See Frederick Soddy—The Role of Money, Harcourt, 1935, pp. v, vi. Oxford
University professor, Nobel Prizewinner, “father of nuclear fission.” No one has done
more to illuminate the Money Question than he has. See his name at the end of Appendix I of this chapter.
66. See Frederick Soddy—The Role of Money, Harcourt, 1935, page v.
67. Ezra Pound—Impact, Regnery, 1960, pp. 48, 106-7, 191.
68. Jeffrey Mark—The Modern Idolatry, Chatto & Windus, 1934, p. 17. (Bombay
reprint, p. 9.) For information about this book see the name of its author in Appendix I at
the end of this chapter. It was one of two books especially recommended to me by Mr.
A.K. Chesterton when I began my study of our Money System.
69. A word to avoid misunderstanding. I do not for a moment impugn the honesty or
integrity of the ordinary banker. It is a paradox that most men who take an active part in
what basically is the most dishonest of business enterprises are themselves among the
most honest men in any community. Apparently, they enter it with as little suspicion and
with as little inquiry into its basic operations as a man accepts employment as a manager or as a clerk in a chain store. They simply carry out the banker’s traditional role, doing what is expected of them.
Nevertheless, the severity of my indictment and my condemnation of our Money System
must stand. Full knowledge of the facts will admit of no less, and it is endorsed to the hilt
by Prof. Frederick Soddy, whose eminence as a scientist and as a scholar is manifest from what I will say in my note about him at the end of Appendix I to this chapter. Here
suffice to say that he was a Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry, a Professor in Oxford
University, and a Fellow of the Royal Society, England’s highest scientific honorary
body. In September 1944, shortly before the end of the Second World War, profoundly
disturbed by what the International Money Power had done to Britain and to the British
people during the two world wars, and by what it could be expected to do to ruin the
British future, he published a warning, signed by eight other men of more or less
distinction, in which he attempted to arouse the British people, before it was too late, to
stave off the disaster that was suspended over them.
This brochure, entitled “Present Outlook: A Warning,” was addressed primarily to the public of England, but it applied equally well to the U.S.A. It was reprinted over here by Mr. John G. Scott, editor of Money, who died in the mid-Fifties. This, if space will permit, I shall quote in full at the very end of Appendix I to this chapter. I will submit here only the following very significant passages:
- “1. The Nation has lost control over its own money and, therefore, over its whole future and destiny. From the first false step of granting a monopoly of note-issue to the Bank of England, soon after its foundation in 1694 [as we did in letting ourselves be saddled with the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913 (W.G.S.)], it has been stealthily, but now completely subjugated to the soulless despotism of Money Power, wielded by institutions still calling themselves ‘banks,’ but operating, for their own power and profit, what is now nothing but a gigantic private minting swindle. . .
- “6. The money system is rotten to the core, and until it is replaced by a national, scientific system which is both fool-proof and knave-proof, the corruption will permeate ever more deeply into the roots of our national life. We shall continue with the rest of the world to be governed, as Disraeli said, by persons very different from what is imagined. Crushing taxation and mounting loads of national and municipal debt will hamstring our production, beggar the masses and ruin their hope of social amelioration. It is our hope that before the rot spreads [groups in England for which we have no exact parallel in the U.S.] may make common cause with those who, like ourselves, have been and are trying to educate the public on this absolutely vital matter, so that the existing money system may be entirely abolished and replaced by an honest national, scientific system capable of turning to constructive social betterment this Age of Plenty.”
Soddy closes by denouncing our present money power as
- “the most dangerous conspiracy against the freedom of men the world has ever known.”
70. Gertrude Coogan—Money Creators, Sound Money Press, Chicago, 1935, p. 329. For an introduction to Miss Coogan and a statement of her credentials, I suggest that my
reader look up her name in Appendix I to this chapter.
71. Werner Sombart—The Jews and Modern Capitalism, Dutton, 1913, p. 99.
72. Ezra Pound—Impact, p. 94. Prof. Frederick Soddy records that “it was recognized in
Athens and Sparta ten centuries before the birth of Christ that one of the most vital
prerogatives of the State was the sole right to issue money.”
73. Cp. Gertrude M. Coogan, op. cit., p. 13:
- “Fundamentally, only the Government of a nation should create money. It should becreated by the imprint of a National Government, and paid into circulation in the firstinstance as government expenditures. . . Were the money system of a nation in the hands of conscientious men, they would carefully observe the growth of actual production, and as it increases; they would enlarge the supply of money, and put it into circulation in payment for some governmental operation. When issued to pay for necessary governmental buildings or to pay the legitimate and reasonable costs of carrying out the government’s real purpose—to protect the person and property of private individuals—all governmetal costs do not have to be met by taxation. But additional money can only be issued as physical production increases. Otherwise, the purchasing power of all money outstanding would be diluted.”
74. For obvious reasons, this real ruler will choose to apply its pressures upon the
apparent government in ways that escape public attention, until such time as it is ready to
lift the smoke screen and openly establish itself as the dominant power in the land.
75. Jeffrey Mark—op. cit., Chatto & Windus, London 1934, p. 60.
76. See Emil Ludwig—Lincoln, Little Brown, 1930, p. 448.
77. In support and justification of this, Prof. Soddy declared flatly:
- “As for the public’s confidence, what better calculated to restore it than to put behind a national system the whole wealth and credit of the nation. What a change that would be from the reputation for integrity and bottomless affluence which is the private banker’s whole stock-in-trade.” Op. cit., p. 14. (Emphasis in the first sentence added.)
It was upon such knowledge and conviction that Lincoln, in the face of all the international bankers’ intense propaganda and humbug to the contrary, had the courage to act. “Lincoln knew that the way to finance the Civil War was to have the United States Government itself issue non-cancellable United States currency but to issue it only in such amounts as corresponded with the nation’s ability to produce the actual physical things needed to conduct the war.” Gertrude Coogan, op. cit., p. 215.
Consonant with this is a remark that Disraeli put in the mouth of Sidonia in his novel
Coningsby. Sidonia has come to be accepted as representing the head of the House of
Rothschild in England in the time of Disraeli. Sidonia has received word that the
Government cannot pay the interest on the national debt, and wants to know if he can
make it a loan. To which Sidonia replies, in an aside to Coningsby,
- “Can anything be more absurd than that a nation should apply to an individual to maintain its credit, and with its credit, its existence as an empire and its comfort as a people?” Coningsby, Everyman Library edition, p. 205.
78. Quoted by Ezra Pound, op. cit., p. 26.
79. Frederick Soddy—Wealth, Virtual Wealth and Debt, Omni Publications, 1961, p.
188. Christopher Hollis, in his The Breakdown of Money (Sheed, 1934, p. xviii), declares
flatly that
- “There is no dispute about the fact that our economy is built by bankers, lending money that they do not possess, never have possessed, and never will possess, on the calculation that they will not be asked for that money in notes or coin; nor can there be any sensible dispute about the importance of the fact.” (Emphasis added)
He cites statements of some outstanding English bankers. See also the testimony of
Vincent Vickers, one-time Director of the Bank of England, and that of Robert H.
Hemphill, Credit Manager of the Federal Reserve of Atlanta, Georgia, as quoted in
Appendix I to this chapter.
Christopher Hollis points out also the extraordinary fact that even “in otherwise comprehensive and painstaking historical treatises,” the determining influence of Finance on historical developments, even those crucial for our very destiny, is as a rule almost completely ignored. See his pp. xvii, xix and xx.
80. Routledge, London, 1928, Vol. II, pp. 651-2. Cp. Werner Sombart. op. cit., pp. 51,
81. See the following, from the testimony of Marriner Eccles, Chairman of the Federal
Reserve Board, before the House Banking and Currency Committee, Sept. 30, 1941:
- “Congressman Patman: ‘Mr. Eccles, how did you get the money to buy those two billions of government securities?’
- “Eccles: ‘We created it.’
- “Patman: ‘Out of what?’
- “Eccles: ‘Out of the right to issue credit money.’”
See also: Ezra Pound, op. cit., p. 46f.: C. H. Douglas—The Brief For The Prosecution,
K.R.P. Publications, Liverpool, 1945, p. 43, where he cites the Encyclopaedia Britannica
for authority;
and W. Cleon Skousen—The Naked Capitalist, Salt Lake City, 1970, p. 12,
where he quotes from pp. 48-9 of Tragedy and Hope,
A History of the World in Our Time—Dr. Quigley is Professor of History at the Foreign Service School of Georgetown University, and formerly taught at Harvard and Princeton.
82. See Christopher Hollis—The Breakdown of Money, Sheed, 1934, pp. 49-50. Mr. A.N.
Field, in his All These Things (Omni Pubs., 1963, pp. 218-9), makes the following
comment on this development:
- “Thirty-three years after Cromwell had let the Jews into Britain, a Dutch Prince arrived from Amsterdam surrounded by a whole swarm of Jews from that Jewish financial centre. Driving his royal father-in-law out of the kingdom, he graciously consented to ascend the throne of Britain. A very natural result following on this event was the inauguration of the National Debt by the establishment six years later of the Bank of England for the purpose of lending money to the Crown. Britain had paid her way as she went until the Jew arrived.” [Emphasis added]
The pawnshop was then opened and the resulting situation in which the nation finds itself to-day could not be better described than in the words put by Shakespeare with prophetic vision in the mouth of the dying John of Guant:
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England,
This land of such dear souls, this dear dear land,
Dear for her reputation through the world,
Is now leas’d out, (I die pronouncing it,)
Like to a tenement, or pelting farm:
England, bound in with the triumphant sea,
Whose rocky shore beats back the envious siege
Of wat’ry Neptune, is now bound in with shame,
With inky blots, and rotten parchment bonds:
That England, that was wont to conquer others,
Hath made a shameful conquest of itself.
The history of the second Jewish settlement in Britain is one long trail of parchment
bonds shackling the nation in debt. Every step in the ascent of the Jew in the nation’s
affairs has been marked by the increase and multiplication of debt.
The culmination was reached when under the Asquith and Lloyd George Ministries, surrounded by the Marconi Scandal Jews, the European War was financed by the fictitious lending of £6,000,000,000 of completely non-existent money. The bare-faced fraud of these proceedings was capped after the war by an audacious contraction of the means of payment, and the consequent wholesale wrecking of British industries and reduction of millions of people to destitution.
- “. . . From that time onwards we were simply going to London each year and borrowing more money to pay the interest on what we already owed.” Since Mr. Field wrote these words (his book was first published in 1931), Britain has been brought to far greater depth of humiliation and disintegration.
- With the above account of the return of the Jews to England, compare Werner Sombart, op. cit., pp. 88-9, where, with much else, he says that “towards the end of the 17th century, the [London] Exchange . . . was full of Jews. So numerous did they become that a special corner of the building was designated the “Jews’ walk” “The Alley throngs with Jews,” wrote a contemporary.
- “Whence these throngs? The answer is obvious. They came in the train of William III
from Amsterdam, and brought with them the machinery of Stock Exchange dealings in vogue there. . . - “The Stock Exchange was like Minerva: it appeared on the scene already armed. The
principal participants in the first English loan were Jews: they assisted William III with
their advice, one of them . . . was Marlborough’s banker, giving the General an annual grant of £6,000 and receiving in return the advantage of being first in the field with news of the wars. . .” - Etc., etc., always to the Jews’ steady increase in wealth and in control over England’s
whole life.
83. See John Hargrave—Montagu Norman [Governor of the Bank of England 1920-44.]
Greystone Press, New York, 1942, espec. pp. 107 and 123. For the history of the “Bank
of England,” see Chap. 9 (pp. 55-8.) Cp. Jeffrey Mark, op. cit., p. 59 (last two pages of
Chap. VII); Christopher Hollis—The Breakdown of Money, Sheed, 1934, p. 64 (this is
excellent); Gertrude M. Coogan, op. cit., pp. 176f, 132-3, 139, 141f; A.N. Field, op. cit.,
pp. 7, 8; John M. Elson—Lightning over the Treasury Building, Forum Pub. Co., Boston,
1941, Chap. 11, entitled “The Bank of England.” A reprint of Elson’s book is available
from Omni Pubs. Hawthorne, Calif.
84. “The great panics of 1873, 1884, 1903 and 1907 had been serious handicaps in the
development of America, but each time the great industry and thrift of the American
people caused them to go ahead even though manipulators had repeatedly caused them to lose their properties through intentional well-timed curtailment of the supply of money.”
Gertrude M. Coogan, op. cit., p. 63.
85. Martinet Eccles, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, on March 13, 1939, issued a memorandum stating that: “The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System opposes any bill which proposes a stable price level.” See H.S. Kenan—The Federal Reserve Bank, Noontide, 1967, p. 125.
86. See Wickliffe B. Vennard—The Federal Reserve Corporation, Meador, p. 8ff.
87. See Eustace Mullins—Mullins On The Federal Reserve, Kaspar & Horton, New
York, 1952.
A second edition, with the title The Federal Reserve Conspiracy, was published in 1954 by Common Sense, Union, NJ. See also Wickliffe B. Vennard—The Federal Reserve Corporation, Meador Publishing Co., n.d. (reprint obtainable from Omni Publications); H.S. Kenan—The Federal Reserve Bank, Noontide, 1967, Chap. XI: “In The Beginning”; A.N. Field—All These Things, pp. 4-8, 121-2; Gary Allen—“The Bankers” in American Opinion, March 1970; Paul M. Warburg—Essays on Banking Reform in the U.S., the Introduction by E.R.A. Seligman, where Mr. Seligman says:
- “It may be stated without fear of contradiction that in its fundamental features the Federal Reserve Act is the work of Mr. Warburg more than of any other man in the country.”
Prof. Seligman, of the international banking family, was head of the Department of
Economics at Columbus University. See also, W. Cleon Skousen—The Naked Capitalist,
Salt Lake City, 1970, pp. 16-25. Mr. Skousen’s book consists, for the most part, of
copious excerpts from, and trenchant commentary on, Tragedy and Hope, A History of
the World in Our Time by Prof. Carroll Quigley, mentioned in Note 81. Of this almost
monumental 1300-page book, Mr. Gary Allen says:
- “It is one of the most important ever written about the international conspiratorial apparatus, and is a must for serious students of modern history. Although Professor Quigley writes from the Establishment point of view . . . he presents considerable information which makes a strong case concerning the existence of an elite international conspiracy.” Gary Allen: “The Federal Reserve,” in American Opinion, April 1970, p. 3, footnote.
88. See A. N. Field, op. cit., p. 123. See also Gary Allen:
- “The Federal Reserve,” American Opinion, April 1970, pp. 24-30, where much solid evidence is submitted. Former Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr., writing of the 1921 panic in his book The Economic Pinch (p. 95), declared that “under the Federal Reserve Act panics are scientifically created; the present panic is the first scientifically created one, worked out as we figure a mathematical problem.”
Louis T. McFadden, for many years Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee and a past-President of the Pennsylvania Bankers Association, declared:
- “It [the depression] was not accidental. It was a carefully contrived occurrence. . . The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so that they might emerge as the rulers of us all.”
Ferdinand Lundberg wrote to the same effect. Mr. Allen observes that “the House Hearings on Stabilization of the Purchasing Power of the Dollar disclosed evidence in 1928 that the Federal Reserve Board was working closely with the heads of European central banks. The Committee warned that a major crash had been planned in 1927 at a secret luncheon of the Federal Reserve Board and heads of the European Central banks.” (Op. cit., p. 26) He states the conclusion:
- “Had the Insiders not had a Federal Reserve by which they could control and manipulate inflation, the depression would not have occurred.” (Ibid.)
89. Between 1929 and 1933,
- “the Nation’s total money supply decreased by about $8 billion, or one third. . . Such a reduction in the money supply could not help but magnifyif not initiate any crash in prices and output—and it did.” See A Primer on Money, 1964,p. 83, put out by the Subcommittee on Domestic Finance, Committee on Banking andCurrency, House of Representatives, 88th Congress, U.S. Govt. Printing Office.
But while the international bankers were making money ruinously scarce here, they were
making it available to Russia, and this at a time when our Government had not yet given
the Soviet Government its recognition. See Gary Allen, “The Federal Reserve,” American Opinion, April 1970, p. 28.
90. See A.N. Field, op. cit., p. 123. Also, Gertrude M. Coogan. op. cit., p. 60ff. Perhaps
the basic history of the United States centers around the struggle between the forces for
government control and the forces for bankers’ control of credit—something which, very
significantly, our history books rarely touch upon. Mr. Arthur Kitson, a wealthy
Englishman for many years in business in a large way in Philadelphia, in his testimony
before the Macmillan Committee on Finance and Industry at London, May 15, 1930,
gave a vivid account of the depths of baseness to which the big bankers have descended in order to deceive the people and corrupt politics to the end that they might establish the control of credit in their own hands. See Jeffrey Mark, op. cit., Chatto & Windus edition, 1934, pp. 239-240. (Bombay edition, pp. 190-191.)
91. McFadden’s speech of June 10, 1932, as reprinted in full in H.S. Kenan, op. cit. See
p. 170. His collected speeches are obtainable from Omni Pubs.
92. Ibid. 142. Mr. A.N. Field adds:
- “There is a mass of evidence to show that the Bolsheviks since 1917 have received enormous support by international finance, and this alone made the Five Year Plan possible.” Cp. Comte de Saint-Aulaire—Geneva Versus Peace, Sheed, 1937, pp. 74-90. Saint-Aulaire was Ambassador of France to Great Britain, 1920-24.
Mr. McFadden, in naming outstanding operators in the International Money Power, and
to show the interconnectedness and tight solidarity existing within the ranks of financial
Jewry, said, in a speech in Congress, 6/24/34:
- “Mr. Chairman, understanding that Henry Morgenthau is related by marriage to Herbert Lehmann, Jewish Governor of the State of New York; and is related by marriage or otherwise to the Seligmans, of the international Jewish firm of J. and W. Seligman, who were publicly shown before a Senate committee of investigation to have offered a bribe to a foreign government; and to the Warburgs, whose operations through Kuhn, Loeb & Co., the International Acceptance Bank, and the Bank of Manhattan Co., and other foreign and domestic institutions under their control, have drained billions of dollars out of the United States Treasury and the bank deposits belonging to United States citizens; and to the Strauses, proprietors of R.H. Macy & Co., of New York, which is an outlet for goods dumped upon this country at the expense of the United States Government; . . . and that Mr. Morgenthau is likewise related or otherwise connected with the Jewish banking community of New York and London, Amsterdam, and other financial centres, and that he has as his assistant, presiding over public funds, Earl Bailie, a member of the firm of J. and W. Seligman, bribe-givers as aforesaid, it seems to me that Henry Morgenthau’s presence in the United States Treasury, and the request that Congress now give him a $200,000,000 ‘kitty’ of the people’s money for gambling purposes, is a striking confirmation of the statement made by me on the floor of the House on May 29, 1933. . .” A.N. Field, op. cit., p. 155.
To the above may be added the following from Mr. McFadden’s speech in Congress of
May 4, 1933:
- “Mr. Chairman, there is a condition in the Treasury of the United States which would
cause American citizens, if they knew what it was, to lose all confidence in their
Government. That is a condition that Roosevelt will not have investigated. He has
brought with him from Wall Street, James Warburg, the son of Paul M. Warburg. Mr.
Warburg is head of the Bank of Manhattan Co. Mr. Warburg, alien born and the son of an alien who did not become naturalized here until several years after this Warburg’s birth, is a son of a former partner of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., a grandson of another partner, a nephew of a former partner, and a nephew of a present partner. He holds no office in our Government, but I am told that he is in daily attendance at the Treasury, and that he has private quarters there. In other words, Mr. Chairman, Kuhn, Loeb & Co. now control and occupy the United States Treasury.” A.N. Field, op. cit., p. 129.
Understandably, Mr. McFadden’s scathing exposure of the financial operations of the
Jewish community called forth the most venomous resentment. (See A.N. Field, op. cit.,
111-2.) He “was preparing to break the full story when he collapsed at a banquet and
died. As two assassination attempts had already been made against him, many suspected poisoning.” Gary Allen: “The Federal Reserve,” op. cit., p. 30. This is confirmed by other sources.
93. The Jews, Constable, 1922, p. 91.
94. Op. cit., pp. 22, 24-5. For the socialistic aims of Paul Warburg as he himself stated
them in 1917, see B.C. Forbes—Men Who Are Making America, p. 404.
95. Op. cit., Chatto & Windus ed., p. 237. (Bombay ed., p. 189.)
96. In regard to what is meant, or should be meant, by the expression “sound money,”
attention should be paid to the words of Mr. Reginald McKenna, Chairman of the
Midland Bank (one of England’s largest) and one-time Chancellor of the Exchequer of
Great Britain. He was
- “one of the few bankers who have been straightforward enough to admit publicly that ‘the time has gone for the child-like belief that as long as a country is on the gold standard, all is well.’”
He declared himself
- “unable to attach any meaning to the phrase [‘sound money’] except that a ‘sound’ unit of currency would always be of the same value measured in the aggregate of the things on which our money is spent. . . Viewed in this light, could any standard have failed more signally than the gold standard of recent years?” (Speech at Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders, Jan. 29, 1932.
See Jeffrey Mark, op. cit., Chap. XXXI.) Cp. Gertrude M. Coogan, op. cit., p. 295f.:
- “The phrase ‘sound money’ was appropriated by the money creators and misused to
designate the kind of money they create and control for private profit. The money
creating powers have been used for international destruction. As now used by the old
crowd, it means money that is based 3% on gold and 97% on ‘confidence,’ ‘courage,’ and other purely psychological and irrelevant factors. - It means money, the volume of which can be expanded or collapsed at the will of a few individuals who hold huge liquid funds which they can surreptitiously juggle between the various countries. The public has never understood that an export of one gold dollar potentially destroys thirty ‘confidence’ dollars. As thus misused, sound money means mystery money.”
97. Gertrude M. Coogan, op. cit., p. 165ff.
98. R. McNair Wilson—Promise to Pay, Routlage, 1934, p. 9. See Appendix 1.
99. See Jeffrey Mark, op. cit., London ed., pp. 66-8 (Bombay ed., pp. 49-51.) Cp.
Gertrude M. Coogan, op. cit., Chap. III: “The Origin of the Practices.”
100. Ezra Pound—Impact, p. 107.
101. That was the very purpose of the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944. See A.N.
Field—The Bretton Woods Plot, Nelson, New Zealand, 1957.
102. It has been brought to my attention by Mr. Borge Jensen that in the Encyclopaedia
Britannica, under “Russia, New Financial Policies,” will be found the statement that
- “the State Bank [of Soviet Russia] was established in 1921 [that is, four years after the Revolution] and given authority to issue bank notes as well as to serve as a credit
institution. . . the rouble was thus given its pre-war gold equivalent.” - “In other words,” Mr. Jensen comments, “the Jewish system of finance, i.e., the issue of credit based on gold, was adopted by the ‘new’ and ‘proletarian’ country as obediently as by all the other ‘Capitalist’ countries. The link between the two largest Federations in the world is, fittingly enough, the ruling Jewish financial house of the world, Kuhn, Loeb & Co., and when members of the families of Warburg, Kahn, etc., visit the Soviet capital they are received with royal pomp, the Soviet troops . . . presenting arms as they pass.”
See P.R. Masson and Burge Jensen—Hitler’s Policy Is a Jewish Policy (correspondence
with a Jewish publicist), K.R.P. Publications, Liverpool, about 1941, p. 14.
103. C.H. Douglas—The Brief for the Prosecution, K.R.P. Pubs., Liverpool, 1945, p. 51.
Cp. pp. 31, 59 “P.E.P.” stands for Political and Economic Planning. It is a scheme to get
Britain into the economic straitjacket of state-owned and state-directed bureaucratic
monopolies. It was initiated and promoted by Jewish Fabian socialists and Zionists.
Douglas believed it collided head-on with the genius of the British peoples. They wanted
“self-employment” and “the restoration of the sovereignty of the individual over his own
affairs” (pp. 48, 63).
104. Ezra Pound, op. cit., pp. 101, 107, 104.
105. Ibid., p. 104. Cp. Brooks Adams—The Law of Civilization and Decay, Knopf, 1943,
p. 306. See especially R. McNair Wilson—Monarchy or Money Power, Eyre &
Spottiswoode, London, 1933.
106. Jeffrey Mark, op. cit., Bombay ed., pp. 167, 169. In Chatto & Windus ed., first 2 or
3 pp. of Chap. XXVI: “The Bid For World Power.” Cp. C.H. Douglas—The Brief for the
107. Ibid., Bombay ed., pp. 51, 53. Chatto & Windus ed., last couple of pages of Chap.
VII: “The Genesis of the Moneylender.”
108. At this point Prof. Soddy (and mind you, he is no “anti-Semitic” bigot or
hatemonger, but an Oxford University professor and a Nobel Prize winner, and his book
is remarkable for its coldly rational and objective analysis) actually cites the Protocols of
the Learned Elders of Zion (published by The Britons Publishing Co., 1925), which
purports to be a statement of Jewish aims for world subjugation and of the means by
which it is to be accomplished.
Though Jews furiously disavow all responsibility for the work, it is significant that what has been going on in the world throughout this century is in striking agreement with what is set forth in this book. This fact was observed by Henry Ford, as reported in the New York World, Jan. 17, 1921. It is detailed and brought up to date by the great British journalist Mr. A.K. Chesterton in his brilliant book The New Unhappy Lords, An Exposure of Power Politics, 4th revised edition, Britons Pub. Co., 1972.
However, the Protocols (the book as a whole) does require some critical examination,
and this I have given it elsewhere. But as my case is in no way dependent on the
Protocols, I will do no more here than suggest that my reader try to get his own
impressions of the book, preferably by reading The Protocols and World Revolution,
Small Maynard, Boston, 1920. This, in addition to the text of the Protocols, in Part III
contains corroborative evidence taken from testimony of eyewitnesses before the special
Overman Committee in the U.S. Senate, which was set up to investigate Bolshevism in
And it is in order, I think, to call attention to the fact that the Jews so feared or hated the book, for whatever reason, that they put Small Maynard & Co. out of business for publishing it, and in the early days of the Revolution in Russia the Jewish Bolshevists
shot anyone found with a copy of the Protocols on his person. It is significant, too, that
for all this effort to stamp the book out of existence, no official body of Jewry has ever,
as far as I am aware, disavowed the aims or repudiated the means set forth in the
109. Frederick Soddy, op. cit., 1933, pp. 321-3. Cp. the speech of Woodrow Wilson in
1916 in which he apparently broke loose for a moment from the tightening grip on him of
Felix Frankfurter and Justice Louis Dembitz Brandeis to declare:
- “A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is
concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. . . We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world—no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men.” Quoted by Gertrude M. Coogan, op. cit., p. xvi.
If anyone is skeptical about the Jews’ grip on Pres. Wilson, let him read Conrad K. Grieb’s The Balfour Declaration, Warrant for Genocide, New York, 1972, p. 29ff., and Geneva Versus Peace (p. 62) by the Comte St. Aulaire, who was the French Ambassador to Britain from 1920-1924. Let him reflect, too, that it was chiefly Kuhn, Loeb money that had put him in office.
110. In January, 1933, when Sir Otto Niemeyer [a Jew, representing the Bank of England] first suggested a central bank for New Zealand linked to the Bank of England,
Captain Rushworth, M.P., speaking in a budget debate in the New Zealand Parliament,
- “‘If the Government is proposing to set up a central bank that will be beyond the control of this Parliament, I suggest that it is contemplating an act of high treason.’” Quoted by Jeffrey Mark, op. cit., p. 168.
111. Did not James Warburg, in appearing before a sub-committee of the Senate
Committee on Foreign Relations in 1950, declare—perhaps in a tone of threat—“We
shall have World Government whether or not we like it. The question is only whether
World Government will be achieved by consent or conquest.” And did not another
“insider,” Prof. Quigley, take the same attitude? According to his reviewer Mr. N. Cleon
Skousen, “He says, in effect, that it is now too late for the little people to turn back the
tide. In a spirit of kindness he is therefore urging them not to fight the noose which is
already around their necks. He feels certain that those who do will only choke themselves
to death.” See W. Cleon Skousen, op. cit., pp. 4-5.
112. Jeffrey Mark, op. cit., p. 3.
113. Professor Soddy, writing in 1935, sized up the situation thus:
- “The ‘money-power’ which has been able to overshadow ostensibly responsible government, is not the power of the merely ultra-rich, but is nothing more nor less than a new technique designed to create and destroy money by adding and withdrawing figures in bank ledgers, without the slightest concern for the interests or the community or the real role that money ought to perform therein.
- “The more profound students of money and, more recently, a very few historians have realized the enormous significance of this money power or technique, and its key position in shaping the course of world events through the ages. [Any true approach to the problem will be] concerned less with the details of particular schemes of monetary reform that have been advocated than with the general principles to which, . . . , every monetary system must at last conform, if it is to fulfill its proper role as the distributive mechanism of society. To allow it to become a source of revenue to private issuers is to create, first, a secret and illicit arm of the government and, last, a rival power strong enough ultimately to overthrow all other forms of government,” Role of Money, Harcourt,1935, pp. v, vi.
114. Major C.H. Douglas wrote—
- “The question which the world—and each country—has to decide to-day is whether it has at its command a sufficiency of skill and knowledge to undertake this vital work of monetary control, or whether it must remain at the mercy of a monetary system which, supposed to be automatic and self-adjusting, has in effect again and again thrown the entire productive organisation out of gear and condemned millions of people to unemployment and unnecessary poverty. I am far from suggesting that the technique of control needed to remedy this situation has yet been fully worked out, or that there is general agreement among skilled persons about the basic principles of monetary management. If we attempt control we shall make many mistakes; but we shall learn from them and it is surely better to learn from our mistakes than to drown because we refuse to attempt to master the difficult art of swimming.” Quoted in Christopher Hollis—The Breakdown of Money, Sheed, 1934, p. xxiii.
115. See “Silvio Gesell”—toward the end of my Appendix I to this chapter.
116. See the article in Harper’s Magazine for July 1946 by G.R. Walker for “a helpful
analysis of the Gesell theory of money and free economy.”
117. Ezra Pound—Impact, Regnery, 1960, p. 91.
118. See Christopher Hollis, op. cit., pp. 68, 78.
119. Prof. Soddy declared that under a just and reasonable money system
- “the nation [would issue] all the money required just as fast as it could be issued without increasing the price-level—and that is just as fast as there were goods and services to exchange for it.” See his Wealth, Virtual Wealth and Debt, p.16. Ezra Pound wrote,
- “The state monetary authorities can supply the needs of the people and provide for all work useful to the state, up to a limit imposed by the availabilities of raw materials and the people’s brain-power and muscle-power, without having to ask permission of the usurer.” Impact, p. 68. Cp. pp. 99, 146.
And in different words Gertrude Coogan said the same thing. See her Money Creators, p. 318.
120. See Irving Fisher—Stamp Scrip, Adelphi, 1933, Chs. IV and V (pp. 17-44.) See also
his introductory chapters I-III (pp. 1-16.) As Stamp Scrip may prove difficult to find,
even in most libraries, I am reprinting as Appendix III to this chapter the excellent brief
account of the Woergl experiment as published in the English periodical The Week for
5/17/33. See Christopher Hollis—The Breakdown of Money, Sheed, 1934, pp. 225-7. For
a like story, see Olive and Jan Grubiak—The Guernsey Experiment, William Maclellan,
Glasgow, 1960. Perhaps obtainable from Omni Publications.
121. Benjamin Disraeli—Coningsby, Everyman Library ed., pp. 251, 294. It has long
been recognized that, in Disraeli’s mind, his character Sidonia stood for Lionel de
Rothschild and spoke for Disraeli himself. See Everyman ed., pp. xxiv, xxv, and 401 (No.
122. Translated from Die Ausbeutung Der Christlichen Konfessionen Und Politishen
Parteien Durch Die Juden by Franz Kayser, Munster in Westfl., 1895, p. 36. Quoted in
Cobbett, op. cit., pp. 106-7. See also Vicomte Leon de Poncins—The Secret Powers
Behind Revolution, Boswell, London, 1929, p. 160.
123. Quoted in The Protocols and World Revolution, op. cit., p. 121, from an address by
A. Shmakoff in defense of T. Vekshin and others, University Printing Office, Moscow,
124. Letters and Friendships of Cecil Spring-Rice, Houghton, 1929, Vol. 2, p. 242
125. Mr. Wilmot Robertson, writing in 1972, has effectively summarized the facts. See
his The Dispossessed Majority, Howard Allen, 1972, pp. 165-7.
126. Impact, p. 256.
127. See Wilmot Robertson, op. cit., pp. 167-8.
128. Ibid., pp. 168-170. See also Frank Britton—Behind Communism, pp. 91-6.
129. See Nathaniel Weyl and Stefan Possony—The Geography of Intellect, Regnery
1963, pp. 162-4.
130. Mr. Wilmot Robertson, in commenting on Prof. Ernest Van Haag’s appraisal of an
old psychological test of California school children by Lewis Terman, remarks:
- “Other population groups produced extremely high scores, but van den Haag did not mention them. The Scots did even better than the Jews on a percentage basis.”
See The Dispossessed Majority, p. 184, Note 124.
131. See Cobbett—Jews, and the Jews in England, Boswell, 1938. Cobbett is the nom de plume of a distinguished English sociologist.
132. Nietzsche observed: “Die Juden scheinen auch hier bloss Vermittler—sie erfinden
nichts.” (“Even here the Jews appear as mere middlemen—they create nothing.”)
Nietzsche In Seinen Briefen, Kroner, 1941, p. 466. This is fully supported by what
Cobbett has to say about Jewish character and capabilities in his Jews, and the Jews in
England. Cp. Nesta H. Webster—Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, Boswell,
London, 1946, pp. 395-6, where, in part, she says:
- “The fact is that the Jew is not usually a man of vast conceptions, nor is he endowed with great originality of mind; his skill consists rather in elaborating or adapting other men’s ideas and rendering them more effectual. . . Thrown on their own resources, what civilization were the Jews able to create? Whilst Egypt, Greece, and Rome left immortal monuments, what monuments has Palestine bequeathed to the World?”
In a footnote she adds:
- “Gustave Le Bon goes so far as to say that ‘the Jews have never possessed either arts, sciences, or industries, or anything that constitutes a civilization. . . At the time of their greatest power under the reign of Solomon it was from abroad chat they were obliged to bring the architects, workmen, and artists, of which no rival then existed in Israel.’ Les Premieres Civilizations, p. 613 (1889).”
133. It is often insinuated that Spain’s decline after 1492 was due to Queen Isabella’s
expulsion of the Jews in that year, but it needs to be investigated whether the decline was not due primarily (as in the case of Portugal) to the fact that just then the Spanish people whose Christianity left them totally without protection against miscegenation, began for the first time to mix freely with their Negro slaves. Naturally, it would have taken several generations for the miscegenation to show its effects, but by 1585 it had become plain, whatever may have been the basic causes, that Spain was “internally exhausted,” and was entering upon a century of “decadence, ending in intellectual, moral and material degradation.” See the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition, Vol. XXV, p. 551.
134. M.J. Wodislawski, The Jewish World, Jan. 1, 1909.
135. B. Felz, in The Jewish Chronicle (one of Jewry’s leading journals), Dec. 18, 1911, p.
136. Gothic Ripples, No. 95, Dec. 12, 1952, p. 2. For a Manifesto to the same effect
issued by the World Jewish Fellowship in 1935, see A.N. Field—All These Things, Omni,
1963, p. 217. A few weeks later, in its issue for March 8, 1935, the same journal urged
“amendment of the British libel laws to make expression of anti-Semite opinion a
criminal offense.” That is, they aimed to make it a penal offense to expose Jewish
disloyalty even if it amounted to treason!
137. New York Times, 6/13/38.
138. The full quotation reads: “Connected amongst themselves by the most obstinate
faith, the Jews extend their charity to all of their own persuasion, while towards the rest
of mankind they nourish a sullen and inverterate hatred.” Tacitus—Historical Works,
Everyman Library ed., Vol. II, Book V, Sec. 5, pp. 288-9.
139. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, edited by Prof. J.B. Bury (recognized as
the most authoritative edition), Methuen, 1901, Vol. II, p. 73 including footnote 1. The
details of the “horrid cruelties” visited upon gentiles are revolting even to read.
140. For extensive quotations of Voltaire’s views on the Jews, see Houston Stewart
Chamberlain—The Foundations of the 19th Century, John Lane, 1912, Vol. I, pp. 346-8.
141. Benjamin Disraeli—Lord George Bentinck, London, 1852, pp. 7-8.
142. Sir Richard Francis Burton—The Jew, The Gypsy, And El Islam, Hutchinson,
London, 1898, p. 115.
143. See article entitled “What Is A Jew?” by Rabbi Morris M. Kertzer in Look for
6/17/52. Rabbi Kertzer wrote as the official spokesman for the American Jewish
Committee. Also, he was at the time Director of Interreligious Activities of the A.J.C.,
and President of the Jewish Chaplains Association of the Armed Forces of the United
144. See New Edition of the Babylonian Talmud, edited, corrected and translated by
Michael Levi Rodkinson, Boston, Talmud Society, 1918, Vol. I, Preface p. x.
145. The Talmud, New Talmud Pub. Co., New York, 1903, Vol. I, Introduction, p. 1.
146. See again article cited in Note 143.
147. The Rodkinson translation was declared by Rabbi Stephen Wise, under oath, to be
an authorized English translation. The Soncino translation of 1935 is similarly
authoritative. The latter is to be found in the Jewish Room of the New York Public
Library, at Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street. Both are in the Library of Congress. Numerous
photostatic copies of pertinent pages are to be found in The Plot against Christianity by
Elizabeth Dilling.
148. Published by Mr. Freedman, who has long been a resident of New York City.
Copies may be obtainable from concerns selling “Conservative” or “Right Wing” books.
149. What this amounts to is that their priestly caste, in revising the books of the Old
Testament, chose to believe this and taught it to their people. But there is no more
validity to it than there is to the erstwhile belief of the Japanese that they are the children
of the Sun!
150. For passages in Burton’s book where direct quotations from the Talmud may be
found, see pp. 80-92, 118-120; in Freedman’s book, pp. 35f., 52-4.
Moscow tried for years to pass off the Katyn Woods Massacre as an atrocity committed by the Nazis. But Human Events for July 9, 1952, reported that a special committee of the House of Representatives had just turned in the results of its investigation of the matter as follows:
- “The Committee has assembled overwhelming judicial proof of what was known to all
competent students, that the Russian NKVD murdered over 10,000 officers of the Polish army, and buried them in Katyn Forest and other mass graves . . . By this one act the Soviet leaders destroyed very nearly all the intellectual classes of Poland . . . This is ‘selective genocide’ or selective, discriminate and carefully planned murder intended to eliminate solely the leadership of a nation, for slavery, or for whatever purpose was in the minds of the murderers. . .”
Perhaps this, and the peculiar ferocity of the Bolshevik tortures and executions of
Christians at the time of the 1917 Russian Revolution, may be looked upon as
demonstrations of what the Talmud intends for gentiles. See also the Report of the
Overman Comm. before the U.S. Senate in 1919; and The Protocols and World
Revolution, p. 89ff: “The Policy of Terror,” and p. 97ff.: “The Destruction of Religion
and Christianity,” where authoritative testimony is quoted.
151. See Nesta H. Webster—Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, Boswell, 6th
ed., 1946, p. 369, where she says:
- “The conception of the Jews as the Chosen People who must eventually rule the world forms indeed the basis of Rabbinical Judaism.”
Let me add that Winston Churchill paid tribute to Mrs. Webster’s reliability as a historian in his article on the part of the Jews in the November 1917 Russian Revolution, published in The Illustrated Sunday Herald, Feb. 8, 1920.
152. It was this matter of doubtful loyalty that so disturbed Mr. H.A. Gwynnie, editor of
the London Morning Post, when writing his Preface to, and his endorsement of, The
Cause of the World’s Unrest, Grant Richards, London, 1920.
153. See L. Fry—Waters Flowing Eastward, British American Press, Chatou, France, 1934, pp. 91-106, where the story is told in full. Mrs. Fry comments: “It is safe to conclude that Putnam’s firm was threatened with bankruptcy if it persisted” (p. 105).
154. Transcribed from the entry in my journal written at the time.
155. I have a photostat copy of this letter. One may be found in L. Fry, op. cit., between
pp. 106 and 107.
156. Peter Nicoll, M.A., B.D., was a Scottish clergyman. An American edition of his
book is available from the Noontide Press, Box 1248, Torrance, California 90505.
157. Prof. Harry Elmer Barnes was formerly head of the Dept. of History at Smith
College, and a President of the American Historical Society. Along with Charles A.
Beard and Charles Callan Transill, he was one of the most outstanding of the so-called
“revisionist” historians, who made a heroic struggle to get the truth about the two world
wars before the American people.
See his The Struggle against the Historical Blackout, 6th edition; Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace (with the collaboration of such men as William Henry Chamberlain, George A. Lundberg, George Morgenstern, Frederick R. Sanborn, and Charles Callan Tansill), Caxton, 1953.
In writing me on 6/26/53, Dr. Barnes revised somewhat his initial estimate of Britain’s Blunder. He expressed his
- “firm opinion that the truth [about Hitler’s occupation of Czechoslovakia] lies about halfway between Nicoll’s view and the one generally accepted here”—i.e., in the United States.
158. Cosmopolitan Book Publishers, Chicago, 1933.
159. Adolf Hitler—Mein Kampf, Houghton Mifflin, 1943, pp. 231-2.
160. In fact so easily that it is very disquieting evidence of how little our people are on
their guard against the Jews, and of how readily they can be made the victims of
inveterate Jewish liars practiced in deception. In regard to books that prove the Six
Million story a lie, I shall have much to say in due course.
161. As a corrective for this, see not only Nicoll’s Britain’s Blunder, but also Unfinished
Victory by Arthur Bryant, Oxford Prof. of History, and books by the revisionist historians
previously mentioned. But perhaps the best corrective is Hitler’s own book Mein Kampf,
162. The spokesman was Mr. Samuel Untermeyer, who had presided over the
International Jewish Boycott Conference in Amsterdam, Holland, in July 1933. Its
avowed purpose was to organize such economic and financial strangulation of Germany
as to bring Hitler down. Jewry had already “declared war on Germany” some six months
earlier and set up a “fighting fund” of half a billion pounds sterling [perhaps the
equivalent of 2 billion dollars.] See the London Daily Express, 3/24/33, and the Sunday
Chronicle (London), 1/2/33.
Upon his return to New York, Mr. Untermeyer, described as “leader in the boycott against Germany,” made a highly inflammatory speech in which he called upon the entire world to join in a holy crusade to destroy Hitler. The boycott proved so effective that in one year British imports from Germany were cut by 25 percent. See The New Pioneer, Editor: Viscount Lymington, June, 1939.
163. The truth about this has begun at last to come out. See ‘Twas A Famous Victory by
Benjamin Colby, Arlington House, 1974.
164. I have already had occasion to quote him, briefly, in the conclusion of my chapter on Jesus. The year following, these articles he published a book entitled Five Men of
Frankfort, which is essentially an account of “the rise of the House of Rothschild.” Dial
Press, 1929.
165. Century Magazine, Jan. 1928, pp. 347-8; February 1928, p. 476. In the February
article he makes his boasts even more specific. Looking upon Christianity as essentially a conquest of gentiles by Jews (which, of course, is exactly what the Russian Revolution of 1917 so is now known indisputably to have been), he actually claims (more or less in
accord with Gibbon’s Decline, Chapters XV, XXVIII, XLVII and XLIX) that Jewish
“conspiracy” was at the bottom of the destruction of Rome and the whole civilization of
The Christian teaching, which, in the beginning, was simply the doctrine of a
small Jewish sect, embodied
- “a philosophy calculated to appeal to humble people . . . the meek, the despised, the disinherited, the down-trodden.”
- As such, the Christian movement, in its way, was as subversive of basic aristocratic values as is present-day “Communism.” It was the Jews, Ravage boasts, who
- “destroyed a great gentile civilization and a great gentile empire with which Jewry was at war.”
- “The upheaval which brought Christianity into Europe was—or at least may easily be shown to have been—planned and executed by Jews as an act of revenge.”
- Century Magazine, pp. 447, 479, 481. But, however disturbing such boasts may be, the claims that I have already shown are quite sufficient to my purpose, and more immediately relevant.
166. In this connection, I cannot forbear to quote another pronouncement, that of a half-
Jew, taken from H. Wickham Steed’s The Hapsburg Monarchy, Constable, 1913, pp.
168-170. Mr. Steed, from 1896 until 1913, was foreign correspondent of the London
Times. He became its foreign editor in 1913, and its editor in 1919. This book of his the
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, pronounced
- “the most illuminating work that has been written on Austria-Hungary.”
“The present writer [H. Wickham Steed] has in his possession a remarkable letter from
the son of an Austrian-Jewish father and non-Jewish mother, born and educated in
Western Europe, and, to all intents and purposes, completely assimilated as regards taste, habits, and general views of life. The letter was written in the autumn of 1905 from the Hungarian capital . . . It runs:
- “ ‘Is it indeed true that this race [the Jewish] battens so upon the land it has fastened its tentacles on that, whether the race be comparable with orchid or spider, nothing remains but the dead trunk or the bloodless corpse? Is it true that all the banking, all the distributing trades, nearly all the retail trades and most of the land are in Jewish hands; that the Hungarian noble leaves his land to Jews who own the peasants, body and soul; that by usury they extract from the smaller freeholders what they possess, and that, having exploited the nation which harbours them from the sowing to the reaping, they then minister to their physical weaknesses and their moral by the ultimate exploitation of the tavern and the brothel?
- “ ‘If this, or nearly this, be true, there is no Hungarian question in the true sense. There is a Jewish question, and this terrible race means not only to master one of the grandest warrior nations in the world, but it means, and is consciously striving, to enter the lists against the other great race of the north (the Russians), the only one that has hitherto stood between it and its goal of world-power.
- “ ‘Am I wrong? Tell me. For already England and France are, if not actually dominated by Jews, very nearly so, while the United States, by the hands of those whose grip they are ignorant of, are slowly but surely yielding to that international and insidious hegemony. Remember that I am half a Jew by blood, but that in all that I have power to be I am not. I admire their strength, their constancy, their intelligence, but I hate the Jew because of his nature he is evil, while the Aryan of his nature is good.’”
167. Karl Marx—Selected Essays, International Publishers, 1926, p. 88.
168. Coningsby, Everyman Library edition, p. 209.
169. Theodor Herzl—The Jewish State, American Zionist Emergency Council, 1946, p.
170. See Count Harry Kessler—Walter Rathenau, His Life and Work, Harcourt, 1930, p.
117, where Kessler cites the Neue Freie Presse (Dec. 24, 1912), which H. Wickham
Steed pronounced the chief German-Jewish organ in the Hapsburg Monarchy. (Steed, op. cit., pp. 182, 186.) Kessler adds: “He himself [Rathenau] was one of the three hundred. He was associated at that time with eighty-four large concerns, either as a member of the supervising Board or as a Managing Director.” And he goes on to list these concerns.This reminds us of the claim of Montagu Norman, Governor of the Bank of England from 1920-1944: “I hold the hegemony of the world.” (Quoted by Prof. Carroll Quigley.) TheWall Street Journal, Nov. 11, 1927, called Mr. Norman “the currency dictator of Europe.” See Gary Allen, “The Federal Reserve,” op. cit., p. 26.
These references to Mr. Norman in the present connection do not necessarily mean that I pronounce him a Jew. As yet I have been unable to ascertain what his race is. But it is
hardly to be denied that Montagu is exclusively a Jewish name.
171. Quoted in the Introduction to World Conquest Through World Government, Britons
Publishing Co., 1971, p. 7.
172. Comte de Saint-Aulaire—Geneva Versus Peace, Sheed, 1937, pp. 79-81. Mr. A.K.
Chesterton, commenting on this in Candour, 11/14/58, wrote: “Mr. de Saint-Aulaire did
not reveal the identity of this international banker as the banquet was private, but there is
every reason to suppose that he was one of the Warburg partners in Kuhn, Loeb & Co.”
173. Baruch was actually adviser to Presidents through five or six administrations,
regardless of whether they were Democrat or Republican—the “unofficial President”
through them all.
174. Congressman Louis T. McFadden, for many years Chairman of the House
Committee on Banking and Currency, also referred to Colonel House as “that busybody,
that ‘holy monk’ of the financial empire.”
One of my correspondents has challenged my inclusion of House in this list of Jews, and claims that he was “a second generation American of British ancestry.” But Mr. Arnold S. Leese, of whom I formed a high opinion when I met him in England in 1949, and who devoted himself for many years to the accumulation of exact and meticulously accurate information bearing on the Jewish Question (I never knew him to be in error in the smallest particular), wrote me when I inquired about House, that he had traced the family name to “Apfelhaus” (which hardly supports the idea of “British ancestry,” at least on the father’s side!), and pointed out that House’s middle name was “Mandel,” which he had never known in anyone not Jewish.
175. This is quoted by Mr. A.N. Field in his All These Things, p. 113, from The
International Jew, published by the Dearborn Independent, Vol. II: Jewish Activities In
The U.S., Chapter XXV: “Disraeli of America—Jew of Supreme Power,” pp. 56-7. For
amplification, see this chapter in its entirety, and also Chapters XXVI and XXVII.
This book of Mr. Field’s had the strong endorsement of Mr. A.K. Chesterton, as I know
from his personal word to me, and Mr. Chesterton’s command of facts (especially distant,
elusive and hidden facts, the world over) and his accuracy of diagnosis, together with his
integrity and courage, made him, to the best of my knowledge, without a peer. And such
a man’s endorsement must add considerable weight to Mr. Field’s work even when he
quotes from The International Jew, which Jewry has done its utmost to discredit.
To this, I would add two reflections, which have special bearing on the quotes from The
International Jew that will appear in my next few pages: (1) This quoted material can
only have come from Congressional records that are on file in Washington, but I am not
now so placed that I can ascertain exactly where; and (2) the distinguished British
historian Hilaire Belloc witnessed to the astonishing accuracy which, as a rule, he had
found to mark “anti-Semitic” publications. And Belloc was very definitely not anti-
Jewish himself. See Hilaire Belloc—The Jews, revised edition, Constable, 1937, p. 153-4.
176. A.N. Field—All These Things, op. cit., p. 114.
177. The International Jew, op. cit., Vol. II, pp. 63, 65.
178. Ibid., p. 65. The italics in all above quotations appear in the original Dearborn
Independent articles cited.
179. A.N. Field—All There Things, op. cit., pp. 114-5. Cp. A.K. Chesterton—The New
Unhappy Lords, 4th ed., 1972, pp. 34-9.
180. Quoted from The Patriot, 11/29/34, by A.N. Field, op. cit., pp. 115-6.
181. A.N. Field—All These Things, op. cit., pp. 115-6.
182. A.K. Chesterton—The New Unhappy Lords, 4th ed., op. cit., pp. 33-4.
183. C.H. Douglas—The Brief for the Prosecution, Liverpool, 1945, p. 83.
184. For a significant sampling, see A.N. Field, op. cit., pp. 152-9, 129. This might well
be supplemented by the information on a 2’ x 3’ chart or poster, published about 1960 by
Common Sense (Union, NJ) to show the extent to which posts of critical importance in
our country are held by Jews. It points out that by what amounts to a system of
interlocking subversion
- “they recommend each other for the top level jobs and posts, they hire each other, they promote each other, they raise each other, they assign each other, they protect each other.”
And in consequence courts, Federal Reserve, radio and television, the Press, immigration, education, American medicine, labor, the State Department, and the United Nations have all passed out from under gentile control into the hands of Jews.
185. This was published shortly afterward in a British White Paper. A copy of it may be
found in the Library of the British Museum; I have seen photostat copies of it. It is surely
very significant that in the next issue of a British White Paper this reference to the Jews’
part in the Revolution had been withdrawn—without explanation. This fact is evidence of
the great power of Jewish influence in British counsels.
186. See The Cause of World Unrest, with an Introduction by Mr. H.A. Gwynne, editor
of The Morning Post (London), 1920, pp. 33-4.
187. Nesta H. Webster—World Revolution, Constable. I shall shortly have more to say
about Mrs. Webster and her work.
188. Cp. Benjamin Disraeli—Lord George Bentinck, London, 1852, pp. 497-9, where
Disraeli points out that the leaders of the abortive revolutions that took place in Europe
around the middle of the last century, were mostly Jews.
189. This book, along with Prof. John Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy (reprinted in
1967 by Western Islands, Belmont, Mass.)—both of them on the secret causes of the
French Revolution—“created an immense sensation in their day,” both in Europe and in
the U.S. Barruel’s book went into eight editions. See Nesta H. Webster—Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, pp. ix, 254.
190. See The Cause of World Unrest, pp. 7, 9-10.
191. The Cause of World Unrest, p. 10.
192. Also, “anti-Semitism” was at once made a capital offense. See A.S. Leese—
Bolshevism Is Jewish, 1939, pp. 5-6: “On 9th August, 1918, Lenin signed an order of the
Council of People’s Commissars instructing ‘all Soviet Deputies to take uncompromising
measures to tear the anti-Semitic movement out by the roots. Pogromists and pogrom-
agitator are to be placed outside the law. . .’ In Russia, ‘anti-Semitism’ is a crime
punishable by death.”
193. I myself have made a careful study of The Protocols and the issues it involves,
including an examination of the Jewish case against the authenticity of The Protocols,
and in particular that appraisal of them by a panel of American historians, headed by John S. Curtiss, Prof. of History at Columbia University. But as it is impossible to present the results of my study here, I will refer interested readers to the following:
- (a) Nesta H. Webster—World Revolution, 6th revised, up-dated and expanded edition, Britons Pub. Co., 1971, pp. 10, 287-300, 332; and Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, London 1946. In the field of secret societies and subversive movements, what they are, have aimed to accomplish and have accomplished in the way of changing the world, I judge that her thorough and dispassionate scholarship have made her the top authority.
- (b) A.K. Chesterton—The Learned Elders and the B.B.C. This is a reprint of his article of the same title that was first published in Candour, The British Views Letter, June 9, 1961. Obtainable from the Candour Pub. Co., Liss Forest, Hants., England. This is the most succinct and incisive judgment of the matter that I know of.
194. R.P. Oliver—Christianity and the Survival of the West, Sterling Enterprises, p. 60.
195. Lord Acton (John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Action), Regius Professor of Modern
History in the University of Cambridge—Lectures on the French Revolution, Macmillan,
1932, p. 97. The passage reads:
- “The appalling thing in the French Revolution is not the tumult but the design. Through all the fire and smoke we perceive the evidence of calculating organization. The managers remain studiously concealed and masked; but there is no doubt about their presence from the first. They had been active in the riots of Paris, and they were again active in the provincial rising.”
196. An American edition was published by Omni Publications, Hawthorne, Calif. It has
an Introduction by General P. A. Del Valle.
197. Concord Press, 1973, P.O. Box 2686, Seal Beach, Calif. 90720.
198. Reprinted from Candour, April, 1973, Vol. XXIV, No. 532. Copies may still be
available from Candour Publishing Co., Liss Forest, Hants., England.
199. It has been only because of what must be viewed as an almost fantastic series of
accidents that this manuscript has not already been published.
200. France in 1306; Saxony in 1349; Hungary in 1360 (and again from the Christian part of Hungary in 1582; Belgium in 1370; Slovakia in 1380; Austria in 1420; Netherlands in 1444; Portugal in 1498; Prussia in 1510; Bavaria in 1551. They were not permitted to
enter Sweden until 1782, See Frank L. Britton—Behind Communism, Los Angeles, about 1951, p. 6.
201. Quoted in The International Jew, Vol. IV, Dearborn Pub. Co., 1922, p. 222.
202. See Sir Richard Francis Burton, op. cit., p. 115ff. See also pp. 72ff. and vii ff.
203. See Lord Acton’s Lectures On The French Revolution, but above all the four books
by Nesta H. Webster, which, she has said, were written according to the following plan:
- “In The Chevalier De Boufflers [Dutton, 1926] the Revolution was seen through the eyesof the best of the aristocrats, in The French Revolution [Dutton, 1919] it was watchedfrom the street on the great days of tumult and from the standpoint of the people.”
And in the remaining two, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette before the Revolution and Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette during the Revolution (Putnam, 1937 and 1938, respectively),
- “the Revolution [is] seen through the Palace windows by the king and queen of France.”
All four are remarkable for their scholarship and their insight. But I know of no one who has brought out the basic line-up of forces behind the Revolution, and behind the struggle of Napoleon which followed, better than Mr. R. McNair Wilson in his The Mind of Napoleon, Routledge, 1934. (See also his Monarchy or Money Power, already mentioned.)
The story of Napoleon reveals many striking parallels with that of Hitler, as will come out shortly when I write of the part played by the Jewish International Money Power in the Second World War. Both men have been grossly falsified and made to appear on the pages of history as inhuman monsters only because the Money Power, when it triumphed, as it did in both cases, was ultimately possessed of the power, exercised through control of education and the mass media and pressure on politicians and statesmen, to determine how men’s minds should gradually be shaped.
204. See Nesta H. Webster—Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, pp. 196, 230.
205. See Vicomte Leon de Poncins—The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, op. cit., pp.
33, 39, 60. Dr. Revilo P. Oliver has witnessed to the reliability of de Poncin’s research.
See his Christianity And The Survival Of The West, Sterling Enterprises, Sterling, Va.,
1973, p. 25.
206. See Nesta H. Webster—Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, pp. 273-285;
World Revolution, Britons Pub. Co., 1971, pp. 31, 33-4. Also de Poncins, op. cit., pp. 29-
83, 87, 92, 111, 128. To what extent this is true of Freemasonry in Britain is a question.
Admiral Sir Barry Domville declared, “up to the hilt.”
See his From Admiral to Cabin Boy, Boswell, 1947, 156-9. Admiral Domville was a man not only of great and manifest integrity and courage, in whom his country had placed the highest trust, but he had exceptional knowledge of what was going on beneath the surface of life. He had commanded British ships in battle, and been Director of Naval Intelligence and President of the Royal Naval College at Greenwich.
207. When Mr. A.K. Chesterton, in his book-debate with Mr. Joseph Leftwich, remarked:
“I do not think you will deny that Continental freemasonry is, and has been for nearly
two hundred years, notoriously Jew-controlled,” Mr. Leftwich, who of course was a Jew,
in his reply made no attempt to deny it. The Tragedy of Anti-Semitism, London, 1948, p.
209. See also Nesta H. Webster—World Revolution, 1971, p. 32.
208. Nesta H. Webster—Secret Societies, 1946 ed., p. 280. Also, J. Wickham Steed—
Through Thirty Years, 1925, Vol. I, p. 302. I have already called attention to the fact that
for 17 years Mr. Steed was Foreign Correspondent for the London Times, stationed in
Berlin, Rome, and (from 1902) in Vienna, where his experience gave him those
exceptional insights which enabled him to write his outstanding and authoritative work
on Austria-Hungary. Out of his years in Vienna, he set it down that
- “the Freemasons were mainly, if not entirely, Jewish” (Vol. II, p. 241). This had special reference to the years just before the First World War.
209. Leon de Poncins, op. cit., pp. 33-71.
210. See Count Egon Caesar Corti—The Rise Of The House Of Rothschild, Cosmopolitan Book Corp., New York, 1928, pp. 25, 30, 35, 159, 373.
- “It is a curious fact, and evidence of the consuming power of usury, that if Caesar
failed because he did not oppose the power of the usurers, Napoleon failed because he did. Napoleon was the last great champion of the common people against the growing power of finance, as even a superficial study of his Continental System will show. The hostile forces that ringed him round and finally brought him to ruin were financed by usury; and, Wellington among them, were fighting usury’s battle.” - “ ‘It cannot be too strongly insisted that finance and not territorial aggrandizement is the key to Napoleon’s reign. Had the French Emperor consented to abandon his financial system in favour of the system of London—that is, in favour of loans by the money market—he could have had peace at any time.’ ” (R. McNair Wilson, Napoleon’s Love Story, London 1933.)
- “It should be unnecessary to add that historians, writing in the interest of modern
democracies based on usury, have completely falsified this situation. Napoleon,
according to them, was a romantic figure who was nevertheless ‘dangerous’ to the peace of Europe. Napoleon was only ‘dangerous’ to the dominance of the usurers, and the most significant thing about him is that he was loved by his people and served by his soldiers with a loyalty and devotion which is probably unequalled in all history. He was with them and was fighting for them, and they knew it.” See Jeffrey Mark, op. cit., London, 1934 edition, pp. 176-7. (Bombay edition, p. 138.)
The same thesis is developed in R. McNair Wilson—Monarchy or Money Power,
London, 1934. Cp. Ezra Pound—Impact, pp. 104, 189, 190, 192.
212. See Brooks Adams—The Law of Civilization and Decay, Knopf, 1943, pp. 326ff.
213. Cp. Egon Caesar Corti, op. cit., pp. v, vii, 108, 230, 249, 254, 405.
214. Moses Margoliuth—The History of the Jews in Great Britain, London 1851, Vol. II,
p. 161.
215. I would call to my readers’ attention, for what it may be worth, that the Protocols,
ostensibly, make precisely this claim for Jewry:
- “gold … is all in our hands”; “all the money in the world will be concentrated in our hands”; “In our hands is the greatest power of our day—gold; in two days we can procure from our storehouses any quantity we may please.”
- See the Protocols, translated by Victor Marsden (formerly Russian Correspondent to the London Morning Post), Protocols III, XV, XXII. The whole work is full of the idea of deluding, betraying, mastering, and enslaving the gentile peoples.In support of the
- Jewish boast that they control all the money, see Jeffrey Mark, op. cit., pp. 9-10: “. . . the creation, the cancellation, the control and the literal ownership of nearly all the money in or out of circulation is in the hands of a private monopoly (the banking system) whose policy is not and cannot be controlled—except in a purely nominal way—by any government in Western civilization today.
- The bankers, in fact, have a legalized ‘corner’ in money throughout the world.” London ed., p. 17. Cp. pp. 56-7. Bombay ed., pp. 9-10, 42.
216. In its issue for Sept. 10, 1920. The American Hebrew is one of the outstanding
organs of modern American Jewry.
217. While writing this, I have noted that the question that I have raised here seems to be supported by an observation of Prof. W. G. Pitt-Rivers of Oxford away back in 1921, in his The World Significance of the Russian Revolution. He said:
- “It is . . . yet possible, without laying oneself open to the charge of anti-Semitism, to
point to the obvious fact that Jewry, as a whole, has, consciously or unconsciously,
worked for and promoted an international economic, material despotism which, with
Puritanism as an ally [and Puritanism was very largely inspired by the Jewish Old
Testament], has tended in an ever-increasing degree to crush national and spiritual values out of existence and substitute the ugly and deadening machinery of finance and factory.”
Also, I would suggest to my reader that he turn to Professor Carlton J.H. Hayes—A
Political and Cultural History of Modern Europe (Macmillan, 1937), pp. 6, 8, 36, 46-7,
and 454, and see whether, after reflection upon what he has to say, the reader is not
inclined to grant the validity of my suspicion that the hand of the Jew has, from the start,
had a great deal to do with the exceedingly nasty state of every part of the world to which our modern technology and industrialism have penetrated.
In any case, it is surely not irrelevant that Werner Sombart, writing in 1913, declared that
- “Jewish influence made the United States just what they are—that is, American. For what we call Americanism is nothing else, if we may say so, than the Jewish spirit distilled.”
And again:
- “. . . modern capitalism is nothing more nor less than an expression of the
Jewish spirit.” The Jews and Modern Capitalism, op. cit., pp. 43-4, 38.
Equally pertinent is the judgment of Ezra Pound:
- “The nineteenth century: the century of usury. Mazzini wrote, ‘. . . the history of the last half century, and the name of this half-century is Materialism.’” Impact, p. 50.
To the above, I must allow myself to add the following passage from Prof. Arthur
Bryant’s Unfinished Victory, Macmillan, 1940, p. 187:
- “To Hitler, Jewish Marxism completed the process of social corrosion that Jewish joint-stock capitalism had begun.
- “Yet the ultimate objective of that sinister Movement was not, it appeared, the triumph of the Proletariat, but the domination of those who by exploitation had created the
Proletariat—the Jews. . . The ultimate aims of Marxism and international Capitalism
were in Hitler’s eyes the same: the concentration of all power in the hands of a few, and the elimination of every independent agency that could resist the process—religion, country, private property.”
218. At this point, let me call attention to a very pertinent and well-founded observation
of Mr. Christopher Hollis in the opening pages of his The Breakdown of Money (Sheed,
1934, pp. xvii-xx).
- “History, as she is taught, is marred by a much more serious fault than that of occasional bias. That serious fault is the complete neglect of monetary causes. Take the stories of any of the great catastrophes of history as told by a student of money and as told by an ordinary text-book. The two stories are almost without correspondence. The text-book, speaking of the English Civil War or the Revolution of 1688, the American War of Independence or the French Revolution, explains it entirely by political causes. . .“
Now it is not the theory of a particular school but the agreed admission of economists of every school that this view is a most serious distortion of the truth.
- “Count Corti, in the foreword to his Reign Of The House Of Rothschild, tells how it used to be said that Metternich or Bismarck did this, how Cavour or Louis Napoleon had such and such a policy. The text-book recorded that a war was fought; it said nothing of how the war was paid for. When he came to read the Rothschild private papers he found there the record of the intimate relations between every statesman in Europe and that great house—that great house whose name was not even mentioned in the text-books.”
Mr. Hollis speaks of Count Corti’s “restrained and authoritative words, and the admirably
documented work which follows,” and quotes a passage from Corti which reads:
- “Strangely enough the influence of the Rothschilds is barely mentioned, or at the least casually referred to, in otherwise comprehensive and painstaking historical treatises. . . In the course of my researches, I found that references to the name of Rothschild in official documents and in books of memoirs were as common as they are rare in contemporary text-books.”
See Ezra Pound to the same effect: Impact, pp. 185, 16, 187-90. Also, Gertrude Coogan, op. cit., Chap. X: “The Historical Facts, Our Untaught History,” pp. 173-184; and Jeffrey Mark, op. cit., London edition, p. 237ff. (Bombay edition, p. 189ff.)
219. In the same way, as I shall shortly relate, in the case of the Second World War, the
Jewish financial powers of the world, assembled in Amsterdam in August 1933, declared
war on Hitler six years before actual fighting began, and launched an enormous crusade
to enlist the entire world to destroy him.
220. Belmont’s original name was August Schoenberg. He was a German-born Jew who
spoke English as thickly as Henry Kissinger does today.
221. For some of these facts about Belmont, Slidell and Benjamin, I am indebted to the
research department of The Councilor, Shreveport, La. See its issue for Oct. 5-25, 1973
(Vol. 10, No. 15).
222. Gertrude M. Coogan, op. cit., p. 210ff. See also Bismarck’s remarks to Conrad Siem in 1876 as reported in La Vieille France, No. 216, March 1921.
A passage from this is quoted by Francis Neilson in his The Makers Of War, C.C. Nelson, Appleton, Wisc., 1950, p. 53f. Mr. Neilson, at one time a member of the British Parliament, was a revisionist historian of distinction. Further and longer excerpts from the article published in La Vieille France are to be found in Gertrude Coogan’s Money Creators, pp. 214-6, and in Uncovering the Forces for War by Conrad K. Grieb, Examiner Books, New York City, 1947, pp. 91-3. From these I quote the following:
Bismarck declared:
- “It is not to be doubted, I know of absolute certainty, that the division of the United States into two federations of equal power had been decided upon well in advance of the Civil War by the top financial power of Europe (la Haute Finance). These bankers were afraid that the United States, if they were to remain entirely one and were to develop into one Nation only, would achieve economic and financial independence, and this latter would completely upset the capitalist domination of Europe over the world.“
Of course, within the ‘inner circle’ of Finance, the voice of Rothschild dominated. They
foresaw the chance of prodigious booty if they could substitute two weak democracies,
burdened with debt, imploring the aid of the Jewish financiers, in place of the vigorous
Republic, confident and proud, sufficient unto herself. Consequently they put their
emissaries in the field to exploit the question of slavery, to open up an abyss between the two sections of the Union. . .
- “The rupture between the North and the South became inevitable; the masters of
European finance employed all the forces to bring it about and to turn it to their own
Bismarck then went on to tell of Lincoln’s part in the unfolding drama.
223. See, for instance, “the infamous Hazard Circular . . . written by an agent of London
bankers, and very judiciously distributed among the professional money lenders of
America,” including U.S. Senators and Congressmen. That infamous circular favored the
abolition of slavery in America, but only to pave the way for a more subtle form of
slavery. It said, in part:
- “Slavery is likely to be abolished by the war power and chattel slavery destroyed. This I and my European friends are in favor of, for slavery is but the owning of labor and carries with it the care of the laborers, while the European plan, led by England, is that capital (money lenders) shall control labor by controlling wages.”
(Banishing purchasing power at will and making the laborers victims of unemployment.) [Parenthesis added by Miss Coogan.]
- “This can be done by controlling the money. The great debt (national) that capitalists
(money lenders) will see to it is made out of the war, must be used as a means to control the volume of money . . . It will not do to allow the greenback, as it is called, to circulate . . . for we cannot control them.”
See Gertrude M. Coogan, op. cit., p. 212.The final sentence of the quotation is supplied by Ezra Pound. See his Impact, p. 104.
224. Lincoln wrote:
- “As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until wealth isaggregated in the hands of a few and the republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of the war.”
Coogan, op. cit., p. 1. See also, Francis Neilson, op. cit., p. 53f.
225. Quoted by John R. Elson in his Lightning over the Treasury Building, Meador,
Boston, 1941, p. 78.
226. See Gertrude M. Coogan, op. cit., p. 322, 215.
227. Bismark realized this was what had happened, and said so—to Conrad Siem—in
1876. See the conclusion of the conversation recorded in La Vieille France, March, 1921,
as quoted in Coogan, op. cit., p. 216, and in Conrad K. Grieb, op. cit., pp. 91-3.
228. See Isola Forrester—This One Mad Act, Boston, 1937. The author was the
granddaughter of John Wilkes Booth, Lincoln’s assassin. She states that
- “the same secret cipher that was later found in the office of Judah Benjamin was found in Booth’s trunk after the assassination.”
This was manifest evidence of clandestine communication between them. Booth was of Spanish descent and was one-quarter Jewish. The book is of absorbing interest, and completely convincing that he was the tool of a conspiracy. And the fact that he made a secret trip to London and Paris at least suggests that foreign parties of some sort desired Lincoln’s removal. The book is eminently worth reading in its entirety, but valuable impressions can be gleaned by reading only pages 51, 54, 117f., 186, 194-7, 203, 206, 214, 248-293, 344, 356, 359f., 451. On the whole it is fully substantiated by Otto Eisenschiml’s Why Was Lincoln Murdered? Little Brown, 1937. Cp. Francis Neilson, op. cit., pp. 53-4.
229. Ezra Pound, op. cit., p. 102.
230. Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, British Ambassador to the U.S. during the years just before
the outbreak of the First World War, made such observations as the following: One by
one the Jews were getting control of the big newspapers. They had acquired the New
York Times. The Jewish banks were supreme. They had captured our Treasury
Department. They forced upon Woodrow Wilson
- “the appointment of the German, Warburg, on the Federal Reserve Board, which he dominates.” This Paul Warburg, nearly related to Kuhn, Loeb and Schiff, and a brother of Max Warburg, a dominant figure in German finance, “ practically controls the financial policy of the [Woodrow Wilson] administration.”
See Letters And Friendships Of Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, Houghton, 1929, Vol. II, pp. 242-3, 245.
231. The facts seem to be,
(1) that repeated scientific investigations, sent out from
Britain, the U.S.A., Germany, France, and elsewhere, from the beginning of this century
and even earlier, kept reporting that “an extensive oil-field exists in the Jordan and Dead
Sea Valley” (Arnold S. Leese—Devilry in the Holy Land, London, 1938, p. 8);
(2) that Palestine is within easy striking distance of Arab lands “that contain between 50 and 55 per cent of the estimated crude oil reserves of the world” (Alfred Lilienthal—What Price Israel, Devin-Adair, 1953, pp. 149-150);
(3) that as early as 1925 an official British Report entitled Production of Minerals from the Waters of the Dead Sea, stated that “the value of the chemical deposits of the Dead Sea may be estimated . . . at more than that of all the gold stored at Fort Knox.” (Douglas Reed—From Smoke to Smother, Jonathan Cape, 1948, p. 297.)
In terms of the prices current in the late Forties, this wealth was estimated at 5 trillion dollars. (See the full page article published in the New York Herald Tribune for Jan. 14, 1947.) A somewhat more conservative but still “staggering figure” was given by the London Daily Telegraph for Jan. 26, 1934. (A.S. Leese, op. cit., p. 11.)
Douglas Reed, I must remind my readers, was for years the European correspondent of
the London Times, and gained considerable fame as the author of Insanity Fair and
Disgrace Abounding, and then of From Smoke to Smother (mentioned above), and finally of Somewhere South Of Suez. In the last of these books (p. 317), he comments:
- “This wealth in the Dead Sea may explain the enormous output of energy which has been devoted to acquiring Palestine, and might serve as the basis on which world power would be built there. If that is the explanation, Count Bernadotte [with his proposals] cut right across the design. Therefore, with perfect logic, he was killed. . .”
Apparently the Jews’ plan, before the First World War resulted in the Balfour Declaration
and the promise of Palestine “as a National Home,” was to work very clandestinely to get
a concession for the exploitation of its enormous treasure while at the same time
maintaining strict silence about it and doing their utmost to suppress all knowledge of it.
Even in 1921, such was their control over the British Government that they were able,
illegally, to secure the cancellation of all existing rival concessions, and, without the
knowledge of Parliament, to secure the grant of a monopoly concession for themselves.
(Douglas Reed—From Smoke To Smother, p. 297.)
But evidently this was not enough. More and more, “since 1916, Zionists have proceeded on the theory that their plan for creating an independent Jewish state in Palestine [emphasis added] was the only certain method by which Zionists could acquire complete control and outright ownership of the proven Five Trillion Dollar ($5,000,000,000,000) chemical and mineral wealth of the Dead Sea. A Jewish state possessing this fabulous wealth would by virtue of its financial power soon become a nation with greater international importance than any nation in the world.” (Herald Tribune article cited above.)
Only after the Zionists felt sure of the outcome, and that nothing henceforth could break
their hold on the country, did they begin to loosen up a bit in regard to the intensity with
which they had concentrated on getting it. In May, 1929, in a speech before the Zionist
Federation Conference at Sydney, Australia, the Jew, M. Ettinger said: “Capitalists of all
countries have been turning heaven and earth in order to get this concession. In time to
come, particulars over the Dead Sea Concession may become public, and they will
probably read like a most exciting detective story, with intrigues, political and financial,
covering all countries . . . Had we lost this Concession, our whole future might have been
endangered.” (A.S. Leese, op. cit., p. 11. Cp. Douglas Reed—From Smoke To Smother,
p. 297. Also Borge Jensen—The ‘Palestine’ Plot, Lawers by Aberfeldy, Scotland, 1948,
p. 5, where excerpts from the Herald Tribune article of 1/14/47 are quoted.)
And as for “strategic importance,” Douglas Reed pronounced Palestine “geographically
the centre of the world, roughly speaking.” While Nahum Goldman, a president of the
World Jewish Congress, quite gave the game away when he bluntly declared:
- “The Jews might have had Uganda, Madagascar and other places for the establishment of a Jewish Fatherland, but they want absolutely nothing except Palestine: not because the Dead Sea water by evaporation can produce Five Trillion Dollars worth of metaloids and powdered metal; not because the sub-soil of Palestine contains twenty times more petroleum than all the combined reserves of the two Americas; but because Palestine is the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa, because Palestine constitutes the veritable centre of world political power, the strategic centre for world control.”
No wonder that Major Tulloch, of the Palestine Potash Co., Ltd., in a speech before the
Royal Society of Arts, in July 1934, declared that Palestine was “the most valuable spot
in the whole world.”
232. See, for instance, Harry Elmer Barnes—Genesis of the World War, Knopf, 1929, p.
679, where he says that the gradual unearthing of the original documents bearing on the
First World War, its causes, events and results, had forced every “competent and honest
authority on the problem of war guilt” to reverse what for long years was the prevailing
judgment as to who started the war.
See also Sidney B. Fay—The Origins of the World War, Macmillan, 1929, Vol. I, p. 2ff. Arthur Bryant, Prof. of History at Oxford, records that
- “in 1935 a joint Commission of German and French historians unanimously agreed that no deliberate desire for a European war could be attributed to any particular Government or people in 1914.”
American Historical Review, 1938. Cp. Francis Neilson, op. cit., p. 21: “No historian of any repute today believes that Germany was solely responsible for the war.”
233. Sidney B. Fay—The Origins of the World War, Vol. II, p. 53.
234. Leon de Poncins—Secret Powers Behind Revolution, Boswell, 1929, pp. 78-80,
where he quotes a long passage from General Ludendorf’s Kriegshetze Und
Volkermordern, Munchen, 1928, p. 170, to the effect that a high-placed Mason, having
learned in 1911 of the plot to assassinate the Archduke and precipitate a world war, had
gone to the head of the Order in Germany in an effort to release forces to frustrate it. But
he found himself up against a stone wall.
235. The American Jewish News for Sept. 19, 1919, contained a personal memoir of one
Litman Rosenthal, an “intimate friend” of Max Nordau, a powerful German Jewish
financier. The gist of the matter is that Nordau, in his report to a meeting of Jews in Paris
in regard to the Sixth Zionist Congress of 1903, which he had just attended, had
“prophesied” the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which promised Palestine to the Jews for a
national home. Nordau brought his speech to a climax thus:
- “Let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder
leading upward and upward: Herzl [the father of modern Zionism], the Zionist Congress [the First—in 1897], the English Uganda proposition [the British Government, just before this, had offered the Jews a national home in East Africa, and the Sixth Zionist Congress had just rejected it], the future world war, the peace conference where, with the help of England, a free and Jewish Palestine will be created.”
That was in 1903. Douglas Reed, long a highly distinguished special correspondent to
various large London newspapers and the author of a number of best-selling books on the fast-shaping situation in Europe prior to the Second World War, in his Somewhere South Of Suez, pronounced the passage quoted “foreknowledge of the highest order” (p. 311).
The obvious question is whether it could have been mere prescience, or whether the
prophecy must not have depended upon firsthand knowledge both of some secret plan
and of a hidden power to bring the plan to fulfillment.
236. And now for the backward glance over the same period. In 1928, in the course of
addressing a New York meeting of Zionists, the British Lord Melchett, President of the
English Zionist Federation and a public figure of great power, spoke in much the same
vein as had Max Nordau in 1903. According to The Jewish Chronicle for November 9,
1928 (p. 19) he said:
- “Let me take you back to 1913. If I had stood here in 1913 and said to you, ‘Come to a conference to discuss the reconstruction of a national home in Palestine, you would have looked at me as an idle dreamer; even if I had told you in 1913 that the Austrian
Archduke would be killed and that out of all that followed come the chance, the
opportunity, the occasion for establishing a national home for Jews in Palestine. Has it ever occurred to you how remarkable it is that out of the welter of world blood there has arisen this opportunity? Do you really believe that this is an accident? Do you really in your hearts believe that we have been led back to Israel by nothing but a fluke? Do you believe there is no greater inner meaning in the opportunity we have been given? After two thousand years of wandering in the wilderness we have a chance and an opportunity bestowed upon us, and many sit back and say it is of no interest to us. I wonder if they have thought of that train of circumstances.”
Before being made Lord Melchett, he was Sir Alfred Mond. He was the First
Commissioner for Public Works in the Lloyd George Ministry, and as head of the Mond
Chemical Works (afterwards converted into Imperial Chemical Industries), the most
powerful chemical industry in England, he dominated the chemical resources of the
British Empire. In short, he was in a position of very great public responsibility and
Douglas Reed comments (op. cit., p. 312f.):
- “If the words meant, as they appear to mean, that the God in whom Political Zionists
believe ordained the murder of an archduke and a welter of blood in order to bring about the National Home, they could with slight alteration be used of the second welter of world blood which brought about the Zionist State. The speaker, had he lived, might in 1948, have asked, with as much or as little truth as in 1928, whether this was nothing but a fluke.”
237. See Robert L. Owen—The Russian Imperial Conspiracy, 1892-1914, A.&G. Boni,
1927. At the end of May, 1914, Colonel Edward Mandel House, roving diplomat for
President Wilson, wrote him from Berlin:
- “Whenever England consents, France and Russia will close in on Germany and Austria.”
Intimate Papers Of Colonel House, Houghton Mifflin, 1926, Vol. I, p. 249.
238. Vol. II, Sept. 15, 1912, pp. 787-8. Published at 8 Avenue Portalis, Paris. Quoted by
Sidney B. Fay, op. cit., Vol. II, pp. 110- 111, footnote 103. Quoted also by de Poncins,
op. cit., p. 72.
239. See Leon de Poncins—Secret Powers Behind Revolution, op. cit., p. 75, where he
cites p. 46 of the Pharos shorthand report of the assassins’ trial. The eminent scholar Prof. Revilo P. Oliver, of the University of Illinois, has witnessed to de Poncin’s reliability.
See the latter’s Christianity and the Survival of the West, Sterling Enterprises, Sterling,
Va., 1973, p. 25.
240. Sidney B. Fay, op. cit., Vol. II, p. 3.
241. Ibid., Vol. II, pp. 55-6.
242. De Poncins, op. cit., pp. 77-80, quoting the Pharos shorthand record of the testimonyin the trial of the assassins:
- “In Freemasonry it is permitted to kill. Ciganovic [one of the conspirators] told me that the Freemasons had condemned to death the Archduke Franz Ferdinand more than a year before.”
De Poncins also quotes Count Czernin as having said in his book Im Welt-Kriege [In The World War]:
- “The Archduke knew quite well that the risk of an attempt on his life was imminent. A year before the war, he informed me that the Freemasons had resolved his death.”
In this connection, it is to be recalled that
- “at the Masonic congress of Wilhelmsbad . . . itwas decided to remove the headquarters of illuminized Freemasonry to Frankfurt, whichincidentally was the stronghold of Jewish finance, controlled at this date by such leadingmembers of the race as Rothschild, Oppenheimer, Wertheimer, Schuster, Speyer, Sternand others. At this head lodge of Frankfurt, the gigantic plan of world revolution wascarried forward, and it was there that, at a large masonic congress in 1786, two FrenchFreemasons afterwards declared the deaths of Louis XVI [King of France at the time ofthe Revolution] and Gustavus III of Sweden were definitely decreed.” See Nesta H.Webster—World Revolution, 1921, pp. 19-20 (1971 edition, pp. 32-3)
243. Sidney B. Fay, op. cit., Vol II, p. 99.
244. As reported in The Jewish World, January 5, 1922, Henry Ford recalled the
impression made upon his mind by the talk of “two very prominent Jews” who were on
the “Peace Ship” with him when it was crossing the Atlantic in 1915.
- “We had not been to sea 200 miles before these Jews began telling me about the power of the Jewish race, how they controlled the world through their control of gold, and that the Jew and no one but the Jew could stop the war.
- “I was reluctant to believe this, and said so. So they went into details to tell me the means by which the Jews controlled the war—how they had the money, how they had cornered all the basic materials needed to fight the war, and all that, and they talked so long and so well that they convinced me. They said, and they believed, that the Jews had started the war, that they would continue it so long as they wished, and until the Jew stopped the war it would not be stopped.”
Mr. A.N. Field, after quoting the above in his All These Things (p. 118), went on to
record Lt. Colonel Repington’s recollections of a conversation with Count Albert
Mensdorff in Austria in 1921. He said:
- “Mensdorff thought that Israel had won the war. They had made it, thrived on it, and
profited by it. It was their revenge on Christianity.”
245. See Conrad K. Grieb—The Balfour Declaration, Warrant for Genocide, New York,
1972, p. 29ff.; also Anthony Sutton—Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, Arlington
House, 1974, p. 176.
246. Nothing was said then about setting up a Jewish political state.
247. Two books by principals in the affair are Samuel Landman’s Great Britain, The
Jews and Palestine, published in 1936 under the auspices of the Zionist Association, and James A. Malcolm’s Origins Of The Balfour Declaration: Dr. Weizmann’s Contribution, 1944, reproduced from a copy in the British Museum.
Samuel Landman was Secretary of the joint Zionist Council of the United Kingdom (1912) and editor of The Zionist from 1913 to 1914. James A. Malcolm was active in initiating the deal. As was Sir Mark Sykes, an ardent gentile convert to Zionism, who was destined to “play a decisive part in the ultimate success of the Zionist movement.”
See Two Studies in Virtue by Christopher Sykes (the son of Sir Mark), Collins, London, 1953, pp. 107-235, but especially pp. 173-188.
The fullest account, packed with incontrovertible evidence, is that of J.M.N. Jeffries—Palestine: The Reality (Longmans, 1939). It is a large, tightly packed book, and now very hard to find. The most recent account, with extracts from official Jewish documents, is that of Leon de Poncins—State Secrets, Britons, London, 1975, pp. 9-17.
See also Conrad K. Grieb’s The Balfour Declaration cited in Note 245. It contains valuable new material.
248. Harry Elmer Barnes—The Struggle against the Historical Blackout, 6th ed., pub. by
its author in the early Sixties.
249. War Memories, Vol. II, 509.
250. In a speech of Nov. 3, 1919.
251. A.N. Field, All These Things, p. 96, where Theodor Fritsch is quoted:
- “Since the beginning of William II’s reign, the Jews have been the real rulers of the German Empire.”
It is to be recalled that only a few years before the Revolution erupted, Count Walter
Rathenau, one of Germany’s most powerful financiers, remarked that “three hundred men [of whom he was one], all acquainted with each other, control the economic destiny of the Continent.” And Cecil Spring-Rice, while British Ambassador to Germany shortly
- before the War, wrote a letter to our Henry Adams in which he said: “Rothschild’s agentis admitted into the Foreign Office before ambassadors. . . The press is almost entirely inthe hands of Jews.” And Prof. Antony Sutton, of whom I shall soon have much to say, records that “
the Kaiser himself was not aware of the revolutionary movement until after Lenin had passed into Russia.” Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, p. 40.
252. See Cecil Spring-Rice, op. cit., Vol. II, 200f., 242, 245, 421f. Also A.N. Field—All
These Things, pp. 4-6, 111, 155.
253. Mr. F.W. Wile, correspondent for the London Daily Mail, in Men around the Kaiser
(Heinemann, 1914), stated that Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg came of “an old-time
Frankfort merchant and banking family,” whose founder had been expelled from Holland
because of his religion. What his religion was is not stated, but it could hardly have been
anything but Jewish.
Also, for whatever it rnay be worth, Irvin Potter, in a pamphlet entitled “The Cause of Anti-Jewism in the U.S.” (P.O. Box 162, Astor Station, Boston, Mass.) quotes a passage from Count Spirodovich’s The Secret Government which refers to “Miss Bethmann of Frankfort, a daughter of a partner of the Rothschilds, an ancestor of the German Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg-Rothschild, the ‘hero’ of the ‘scrap of paper’ incident.” See A.N. Field, op. cit., p. 84 (and 88).
But the most explicit identification of Bethmann-Hollweg as a Jew comes from Mr. Boris
Brasol, already introduced to my readers as an international jurist of distinction who was
sent to the U.S. early in 1917 in an attempt to negotiate an Anglo-American loan on
behalf of the Czar’s Government. He was therefore in a position to know the facts, and in
his The World at the Cross Roads, Boston, 1919, he wrote:
- “Bethmann-Hollweg, one of those notorious Jews whose birthplace was Frankfort-on-
Main—the strongest anti-Russian, Semitic center in the world. . .”
See the edition reprinted by Omni Pubs., 1970, pp. 8-9.
254. Walter Rathenau was president of the great German electrical combine, the A.E.G.,
and “associated . . . with 84 large concerns, either as a member of the supervising board
or as a managing director.” The A.E.G. was closely associated with the Deutsche Bank,
dominant among Germany’s “big four” banks.
Its manager, Felix Deutsch, was married to the sister of Otto Kahn, a partner in the firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. of Wall Street.
After the war, Mr. Rathenau became the German Foreign Minister. It is to be remembered that Paul Warburg, also a partner in Kuhn, Loeb was a brother of Max Warburg, head of the powerful Hamburg banking house of that name, and closely associated with the House of Rothschild.
Albert Ballin was another one of the very powerful Jews who “were in immediate personal contact with the Kaiser.” In fact, he was said to be “the closest adviser of the German Emperor.” “Directly after the outbreak of the war . . . Rathenau and Ballin took over the organization of the economic side of the war [much as Baruch did for the Allied side]—ostensibly in the interest of the nation, but in reality . . . [to secure all sorts of advantages for the Jews].” For the above quotations, unless otherwise indicated, see A.N. Field—All These Things, pp. 84-96, 211. The whole situation supports the judgment with which Mr. Field concludes his examination of a particular incident—namely, that it “reveals Jewish activity of a highly ambiguous and possibly decisive character at the inmost core of the European crisis, with the lives of millions of human beings [chiefly gentile human beings—WGS] swaying in the balance” (p. 94). Cp. Antony C. Sutton, 1974, pp. 40-41.
But it was a Jew known as Parvus (real name, Israel Lazarevitch Helphand) who was
responsible above all others. For the story of this, see Nesta H. Webster—The Surrender
of an Empire, 1933, pp. 73-80; World Revolution, 1971, pp. 276-7.
255. Stalin, at a session of the Third International in Moscow in May 1936, stated what
has always been basic Communist strategy in relation to the capitalist states. He said:
“The revival of revolutionary action on any scale sufficiently vast will not be possible
unless we succeed in utilizing the existing disagreements between the capitalistic
countries, so as to precipitate them against each other into armed conflict. The doctrine of Marx-Engels-Lenin teaches us that all war truly generalized should terminate
automatically by revolution. The essential work of our party comrades in foreign
countries consists, then, in facilitating the provocation of such a conflict. See The Rulers
of Russia by Prof. Denis Fahey, C.S. Sp., D.D., D.Ph., B.A., a Prof. of Philosophy and
Church History, Dublin, 1962, pp. 15-16.
256. The race of Lenin and Trotsky may not be of great importance, since a pliant and
gifted gentile tool or “front” may often serve a Jewish revolutionary purpose better than a
Jew. But Trotsky is universally conceded to have been a Jew, and though Lenin was at
first declared to be “a Russian,” and later his race was said to be “in doubt,” C.D.
Darlington (The Evolution of Man and Society, 1969, pp. 556-7) states that he was one-
quarter Jewish, by his grandfather on his mother’s side. In any case, it is definitely known that he married a Jewess and that Yiddish was the language spoken in his family circle; and Chaim Weizmann, President of Israel from 1948-1952 was quoted in the London Jewish Chronicle of Dec. 16, 1932, as saying that Lenin had taken part in Jewish student meetings in Switzerland thirty-five years before.” For all this (in addition to Prof.
Darlington), see A.N. Field: All These Things, p. 275; Dr. Denis Fahey—The Rulers of
Russia, 1951 ed., p. 30. Prof. Darlington, of Oxford, is certainly one of the most
outstanding of our living geneticists.
257. Quoted by Denis Fahey, op. cit., pp. 6-7.
258. Geneva Versus Peace, op. cit., p. 74. See the whole chapter (No. III): “The Real
Forces at Work.”
259. Nesta H. Webster—The Surrender of an Empire, 1933, pp. 78-9.
260. Congressman McFadden witnessed to this fact when, in addressing the House on
June 10, 1932, he referred to Kuhn, Loeb & Co. as “German international bankers.” The
Jewish Money Power manifestly does not pay allegiance to any country—unless it be to
Israel. Cecil Spring-Rice, when Britain’s Ambassador to the United States in the years
just before the First World War broke out, made the same observation. Confidential
discussions with the Jewish banking houses in Wall Street were straightway
communicated to their fellow Jews in Frankfurt, Germany. See Letters and Friendships
of Cecil Spring-Rice, II, 243.
261. Nesta H. Webster—The Surrender Of An Empire, pp. 76-7.
262. For all these quotations from Prof. Sutton, see his Wall Street and the Bolshevik
Revolution, Arlington House, 1974, pp. 43-4, 17-18, 55ff. He bases his rejection of the
Sisson Documents on an article by George F. Kennan. “The Sisson Documents,” Journal
of Modern History, 27-28 (1955-56): 130-154. See Dr. Sutton’s book, p. 43, Note 9. I
shall be introducing Dr. Sutton to my readers very shortly.
263. See the New York Journal-American for Feb. 3, 1949. Also, W. Cleon Skousen The
Naked Capitalist, published by its author, 2197 Berkley St., Salt Lake City, 1970, p. 40-1.
He largely takes his facts from the monumental two-volume work Tragedy and Hope, A
History of the World in Our Time, Macmillan, 1966, by Prof. Carroll Quigley, of Harvard
and Princeton, and now with the Foreign Service School of Georgetown University.
264. See H.S. Kenan—The Federal Reserve Bank, Noontide Press, 1967, Chap. III,
where McFadden’s speech is given in full. See especially pp. 142, 146.
265. Boris Brasol—The World at the Crossroads, Small Maynard, 1919 (1970 reprint,
Noontide, pp. 70-3.) See here also the perspicacious report of Count Lamsdorf, Russian
Foreign Minister to the Czar, January 1906, in regard to the abortive revolutionary
upheaval in Russia in 1905.
266. Both were published by Arlington House, the former in 1973, the latter in 1974.
267. For Dr. Sutton’s statements about all this, see his Wall Street and the Bolshevik
Revolution, pp. 15-19, but especially Chap. 11: “The Alliance of Bankers and
Revolution” (pp. 169-179). The whole book must be read.
268. At this point, in fairness to Dr. Sutton, I must bring it to my readers’ attention that,
though he absolutely clinches the case that International Finance was what got Communism fastened on Russia in 1917 and has kept it going ever since, he does not
subscribe to the idea of Jewish dominance in Finance, or at least, he is not convinced that in and behind Jewish operations in the financial field there has been a conspiracy to make Jews the masters of the world. But as my reply to this has run to some length, I am
putting it in Appendix V at the end of this chapter.
269. See Nesta H. Webster—World Revolution, 1971 edition, p. 278; Antony C. Sutton—
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, op. cit., pp. 39-40.
270. See Denis Fahey—The Rulers of Russia, Dublin, 1951; A.N. Field—All These
Things: see “Trotsky” in the Index.
271. For the significance of this, see A.K. Chesterton—The New Unhappy Lords, 4th
revised edition, 1972, p. 13.
A passport was issued to Trotsky at the insistence of President Wilson, who was “under the powerful influence of—and indeed was financially indebted to—this group of internationalists”—which had just been stated to have included such financiers as Carnegie, Paul Warburg, Otto Kahn, Bernard Baruch, Herbert Hoover, and indeed the very nucleus out of which “the modern internationalist movement” has grown.
See Antony C. Sutton—Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, pp. 175-6. See also, for the vise in which President Wilson was held by the Jewish powers, Conrad K. Grieb—The Balfour Declaration, New York, 1972.
272. Nesta H. Webster—The Surrender of an Empire, 1933, pp. 73-4.
273. The Cause of World Unrest, pp. 23, 131f.
274. The Last Days Of The Romanoffs, Thornton Butterworth, London, 1920, pp. 147,
27-8, 81, 118, 119, 127, 139-148.
275. See A.N. Field—All These Things, Appendix B (pp. 274-6).
276. See especially pp. 6-32. Pages 32-45 are very significant also.
277. U.S. Senate Document 62, 1919.
278. “It is in the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party that the governmental power
resides.” Robert Wilton, French edition of The Last Days of the Romanovs, pp. 136-8.
279. A.N. Field—All These Things, Appendix B, pp. 276-7.
280. Douglas Reed—Insanity Fair, Jonathan Cape, 1938. Later books of his were no less important—notably From Smoke to Smother, Jonathan Cape, 1948, and Somewhere South of Suez, Devon Adair, 1951. The latter book bears the sub-title: “A Further Survey of the Grand Design of the Twentieth Century.” And he who has the book before him might do well to read p. 328.
281. See Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, President of the World Jewish Congress, in American
Bulletin, 5/15/35; Jewish journal Le Droit de vivre, Paris, 5/12/35; Jewish Chronicle, London, 4/4/19; The American Hebrew, 9/10/29.
282. Geneva Versus Peace, Sheed, 1937, pp. 78-84.
283. If this conception of Russia as an antagonist to the United States seems inconsistent with what I have said about the Jewish Money Power’s control of both, let me point out that this Power, though it may be as “invisible” in Russia as it is unrecognized by most people in the United States, may nevertheless be quite capable of using its very control to sacrifice all gentiles against one another, in order to accomplish the weakening and ultimately the destruction of the United States, and thus to advance the always dominant interests of World Jewry.
284. H. Wickham Steed—Through Thirty Years, Doubleday, 1925, Part II, pp. 301-2.
285. If Churchill was not bought, he must have been cowed. My readers will recall his
very strongly worded alert against International Jewry that he uttered before Parliament
on Feb. 5, 1919 and published in the London Illustrated Sunday Herald on Feb. 8, 1920.
Between then and the time he was chosen to become the chief instrument in Britain for
the achievement of Jewish aims, he obviously underwent an enormous about-face. I
figure that one day he found himself confronted by one of the great moguls of Jewish
International Finance and told bluntly that if ever again he declared himself in such terms
about Jews he would be finished; but that if he proved himself their man they would
make him one of the greatest figures in the modern world, and his name one of the most
illustrious in history. On the other hand, if he stood against them, they would turn him
into a nobody. To this he succumbed. From then on he was their tool. In line with all this
is the known fact that Churchill came to the U.S. in the early Thirties and was the guest
of Baruch in New York. At that time he was out of office, and had been for some while.
Also, his home estate in England was up for sale, which suggests that financially he was
in a very straitened and embarrassing position. But when he returned to England, his
estate had been taken off the market and he joined in the Jews’ world-wide crusade for
the destruction of Germany. See “The Buying of Mr. Churchill”, Attack, July 1977, page
And as for Roosevelt: I have just finished reading George Crocker’s Roosevelt’s Road to
Russia (Regnery, 1959). It is a brilliant and blistering exposure of FDR’s secret war aims
and the working of his mind, and ought to be not only read but thoroughly absorbed by
every American of intelligence who loves his country. But I think that Mr. Crocker makes too much of a mystery of FDR’s psychology. Again and again, as I read the book, it came over me that all one need do in order to dissipate the mystery is to put behind “FDR” the word “Jew.” It must always be borne in mind that World Jewry officially declared war on Germany in 1933 (six years before overt war broke out) and called on the entire world to unite in its “holy crusade” to “destroy medieval Hitler land.” It goes without saying that the Jews could never have accomplished such a purpose in their own persons. They could accomplish it only as they succeeded in getting the nations of the world to do their fighting for them, and in particular to get so many of the big nations into the fight that they would surely bring Germany down.
To this end, they had to mobilize every possible agency and institution to serve their
cause, but, above all, to choose in each country the man, the leader, who would direct his share of the whole performance, the man who, however great his appearance of
independence, would in fact be their pliable, obedient tool.
They picked their leaders well. To manage things in Britain and wherever British influence reached, it was Churchill. In the U.S., it was Roosevelt. And for both, though in the beginning top priority was assigned to the destruction of Nazi Germany, the overriding assignment, especially to FDR, was his support of everything that would strengthen and advance the cause of Marxist Communism, no matter what the cost to his own country, or how greatly to its weakening. Both men undoubtedly had abilities akin to genius, but these certainly served in the long run for the overthrow of Western civilization and thus the removal of this obstacle to the advance of World Jewry toward world dominion.
286. See Francis Neilson—The Makers Of War, C.C. Nelson, 1950, Chap. XX: “The
Pledge to Poland”; Peter Nicoll—Britain’s Blunder, Part I, espec. Chap. 4: “The pledge
to Poland.” This last was published by its Author, but my reader may recall that it was
nevertheless pronounced by Prof. Harry Elmer Barnes “a cogent, brief account of the
essential facts about World War II.”
See also Charles Callan Tansill—Back Door to War, The Roosevelt Foreign Policy, 1933-1941, Regnery, 1952, pp. vii-viii, 18-19, 37, 44, 200, 509-514, 541-547, 555-6. Dr. Tansill was Prof. of American Diplomatic History in Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. Prof. Henry Commager pronounced this work “the most valuable contribution to the history of the pre-war years in our literature.” Dr. Tansill himself says of it that he “was given access to the confidential material that revealed in great detail the President’s policy of proclaiming pacifism while working for war.” On page 555, he quotes a document which is in line with the Forrestal Diaries, p. 121-2, (also quoted) to the effect that, in the summer of 1939, England and France were assured of “all aid” from the United States if they would support Poland in her refusal to negotiate with Hitler’s reasonable proposals for a settlement in regard to the Polish Corridor—upon which, it seemed, peace had come to hinge. Forrestal recorded a statement of Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain “that America and the world Jews had forced England into the war.” We must always remember that under and behind all the maneuverings on the Allied side there was the undeviating aim of the Jewish Money Power to work Hitler into a position where, in order to maintain himself, he would have to strike—and thus bring down almost the whole world upon him to his destruction.
See also Charles A. Beard—President Roosevelt and the Coming of the War, Yale
University Press, 1948; Frederic R. Sanborn—Design for War, Devin-Adair, 1951;
Admiral H. E. Kimmel—Admiral Kimmel’s Story, Regnery, 1955; Captain Russell
Grenfell, R.N.—Unconditional Hatred, Devin-Adair, 1953.
287. See George E. Morgenstern—Pearl Harbor, The Story of the Secret War, Devin-
Adair, 1947; Rear Admiral Robert A. Theobald (Retired)—The Final Secret Of Pearl
Harbor, The Washington Contribution to the Japanese Attack, Devin-Adair, 1954;
George N. Crocker—Roosevelt’s Road to Russia, Regnery, 1959.
288. Substantiation of this will be given when I come to my section entitled “The Jews’
Part in the War.”
289. See the leading editorial in The South African Observer for Sept. 1974 (pp. 3-4) by
its thoroughly informed editor Mr. S.E.D. Brown.
290. See R. Harris Smith—OSS, The Secret History of America’s First Central
Intelligence Agency, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1972, p. 367.
291. See Frank A. Capell—Treason Is the Reason (847 Reasons for Investigating the
State Department), published by The Herald of Freedom, Zarephath, N.J., 1965.
292. See Rene A. Wormser—Foundations: Their Power and Influence, Devin-Adair,
1958, pp. 45-48. For the documentation in this note and in the two preceding notes, I am
pleased to acknowledge my indebtedness to Mr. Frank A. Capell.
293. Antony C. Sutton—National Suicide, 1973, p. 39.
294. Antony C. Sutton—Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, 1974, p. 176, Note 14.
295. Ibid., p. 172.
296. Prof. Harry Elmer Barnes.
297. Senator Robert L. Owens—The Russian Imperial Conspiracy, 1892-1916, A.&G.
Boni, 1927, p. 2. Cp. p. 202f.
298. “In 1922, Nahum Sokolov, at the Carlsbad Zionist Congress, said: ‘The League of
Nations is a Jewish idea. We created it after a fight of twenty-five years. Jerusalem will
one day become the capital of world peace.’” See Douglas Reed—Somewhere South of
Suez, p. 327.
299. Geneva Versus Peace, Sheed & Ward, 1937, p. 77.
300. Quoted by Mr. D. S. Fraser Harris, Chairman, League of Empire Loyalists, in
Candour, No. 265, Nov. 21, 1958, p. 167. This is remarkable in itself as coming from
Lloyd George, who had “close Jewish associations during the greater part of his career,”
“had been . . . solicitor to the Zionist Association in England,” etc. See A.N. Field, All
These Things, pp. 34, 39-40.
301. Lloyd George’s private secretary and constant companion was the Jew Philip
Sassoon, whose mother was Aline de Rothschild of Paris.
- “And the House of Sassoon, with all its affiliations and ramifications, is considered from a financial standpoint as holding the same position in Asia as that held by the House of Rothschild in Europe.”(A.N. Field—All These Things, p. 105.)
- Clemenceau’s secretary was the Jew Mandel-Rothschild.
- Woodrow Wilson was surrounded by Jewish “advisers” such as Bernard Baruch, Jacob Schiff, Henry Morgenthau, Sr., and Justice Brandeis. “Paul Warburg, partner in the firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., part financier of the Russian Revolution and agent-in-chief for the founding of the U.S. Federal Reserve System, accompanied President Wilson to the Versailles Conference, where he acted as financial adviser to the American delegation, while the German delegation employed as financial adviser a partner in the Hamburg lending house run by Paul Warburg’s brother, Max.” A. K. Chesterton—The New Unhappy Lords, 1972, pp. 14-15. Cp. Boris Brasol, op. cit., p. 207f.
Moreover, the interpreter and the only man present when the Big Four were in secret council, was the Jew Monteux.
302. Far more significant than Lippmann’s part in the drafting of Wilson’s Fourteen
Points is the following:
- “Jacques Bainville has said that to write an exact history of the third Republic it would be necessary to know the official minutes of the masonic general assemblies. This necessity applies to the history of the League. The works of MM. Ballery-Radot, Leon de Poncinsan du Messnnil-Thoret, better known abroad than in France, have thrown a brilliant light over the obscure relationship between these two institutions which are wellconstituted to understand one another. M. Leon de Poncins has recently published a fullreview of the Congress of Freemasons of the allied and neutral countries, held in Paris on June 28th, 29th and 30th, 1917. This document established that two years before theTreaty of Versailles freemasonry was beginning to place its foundations in position, wasadopting a scheme for the League of Nations in thirteen articles and communicated it toall governments of allied and neutral countries. Every essential point in this project is reproduced in the Covenant.” (Emphasis added. WGS)
See Comte de Saint-Aulaire, Geneva Versus Peace, p. 62. That European Freemasonry
has long been dominated by the Jews, I have already submitted some evidence.
303. Comte de Saint-Aulaire, ibid., pp. 89-90.
304. Boris Brasol—The World at the Cross Roads, p. 206.
305. See The Inside Story of the Peace Conference, Harper, 1920, pp. 496-7ff.
306. Quoted in Francis Neilson—The Makers of War, C.C. Nelson, 1950, pp. 151-3.
307. Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace, edited by Prof. Harry Elmer Barnes (with the
collaboration of seven distinguished “revisionist” historians), Caxton Printers, 1953, p.
81, at the beginning of the chapter entitled “The United States and the Road to War in
Europe,” Section entitled “The Peace Treaties of 1919 Insure the Outbreak of Another
World War,” by Charles Callan Transill. See also the last pages of this Chapter, Sec. 10:
“German Reaction to the Treaty of Versailles” (pp. 96-7). Also, Unfinished Victory by
Arthur Bryant (Oxford Prof. of History), Chap. 2: “The Pound of Flesh”; and Peter
Nicoll—Britain’s Blunder, 1948, Chap. 1: “The Seeds Are Sown,” espec. pp. 3-4.
308. Britain’s Blunder, pp. 3-4.
309. “Incredible as it seems, a document introduced at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials
showed that Max Warburg was later involved in the financing of Adolf Hitler. (See
Stephen Birmingham, Our Crowd, pp. 428-430.)” Was this done in order to make another
big war possible? Of course, the financing stopped as soon as it became evident where
Hitler was taking Germany.
310. See Jeffrey Mark, op. cit., p. 30:
- “Germany, driven to desperation by the humiliating impositions of Shylock-driven statesmen at the Treaty of Versailles; having witnessed the total obliteration of her middle-class savings in the effort to wipe out an impossible internal debt by the spectacular depreciation of the mark; having writhed in the financial coils of the Dawes and Young plans—essentially schemes of external taxation by the foreign creditor powers; and having contracted further debts to America and Great Britain to the tune of several billion dollars in an effort to pay them, has at last turned under the emotional but intensely sincere leadership of Hitler.”
311. Macmillan, 1940. Though by no means pro-German, the book is very revealing of
Germany’s position—and not least, of her attitude toward the Jews, and of what caused
312. Such as that of Houghton, Mifflin, 1943, or that of Hurst & Blackett, London, 1939.
Prof. Arthur Bryant refers to Mein Kampf as Hitler’s “great work . . . the Koran of the
Nazi Revolution . . . one of the most germinating works of the age.” And again: “Like
other prophets who have founded religions, he has given his testament to mankind, and in Mein Kampf. . . laid bare his soul for the world to view.” Unfinished Victory, pp. 243,
313. Op. cit., p. 44. In strong confirmation of this, see Francis Neilson, The Makers of
War, p. 184
314. Francis Neilson, in his The Makers of War, op. cit., pp. 102, has the following to say
about Hitler at the time he came to power (1933) and about some tributes that Winston
Churchill had previously paid to him. I quote:
- “In Germany, Hitler began his series of reforms with speed and certainty of touch. WhileRoosevelt and his Brain Trust were trying futile experiments, the totalitarians were working wonders in Germany. . . In three short years, this Austrian upstart, who had been the butt of comic cartoonists for years, changed the whole outlook of the German people. Their triumph was so startling that Winston Churchill wrote, in Great Contemporaries: ‘Whatever else may be thought about these exploits, they are certainly among the most remarkable in the whole history of the world.’ The tribute was written in a work published in 1937.“
Churchill’s extraordinary tribute, . . . , is the most unusual one ever paid to the head of a
foreign state. “In a passage exposing the follies of the French and British Governments, during the years before Hitler took his place at the head of the Reich, Churchill says:
- “ ‘While all those formidable transformations were occurring in Europe, Corporal Hitler was fighting his long, wearing battle for the German heart. The story of that struggle cannot be read without admiration for the courage, the perseverance, and the vital force which enabled him to challenge, defy, conciliate, or overcome, all the authorities or resistances which barred his path. He, and the ever-increasing legions who worked with him, certainly showed at this time, in their patriotic ardor and love of country, that there was nothing they would not do or dare, no sacrifice of life, limb or liberty that they would not make themselves or inflict upon their opponents.’“
In conclusion, Mr. Neilson quotes the following from Churchill’s Step By Step:
- “If our country were defeated, I hope we should find a champion as indomitable to restore our courage and lead us back to our place among the nations.”
Parts of the above excerpts from Mr. Neilson are to be found in the Duke of Bedford’s
And as for Lloyd George:
- “. . . a change in Germany’s monetary system caused her to turn from abysmal depression to a glorious economic boom which, even in its initial stage, caused England’s World War I leader, Lloyd George, to call Hitler, after a visit to see with his own eyes, ‘the greatest statesman living,’ and the German people ‘the happiest on Earth.’” Hugo R. Fack in The Great Betrayal, Free-Economy Pub. Co., San Antonio, Texas, p. 25.
315. Citizens of the “freedom loving democracies” often smile—or sneer—at the
Germans’ apparent love of discipline and willingness to submit themselves in implicit
obedience to a leader. I suggest that anyone so disposed take a look at a map of Europe
and note Germany’s geographical position. She lacks the protection of natural barriers,
and “has always had foes east and west and had to fight on two frontiers in the world
wars.” Long and bitter experience has made the German people realize that if they are to
survive, they must act as a unit. It was a life and death necessity. See Francis Neilson, op. cit., pp. 134-5, where this is somewhat enlarged upon.
But the most compelling presentation of Germany’s situation that I know of comes from
the pen of Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, who before being Britain’s ambassador to Germany was
her ambassador to the Czar’s government, as later, just before the outbreak of the First
World War, he was ambassador to the U.S. Obviously he was one of the most capable
and responsible men whom Britain had in her Civil Service. His judgment, therefore,
deserves to be carefully weighed.
And since an American understanding of Germany is of prime importance for the achievement of White solidarity, and this in turn for White survival, I must take the space to present to my readers what Sir Cecil had to say. The first two quotations are taken from letters that he wrote to our Henry Adams, the last from a letter to Theodore Roosevelt.
- “Germany is in a peculiarly exposed position from the military point of view, which the
years succeeding Jena have brought home to the national consciousness. She may have to fight war with two fronts, and if she does not win she may be absolutely extinguished. How to face the danger? By a great army which has had to be increased time and again, and also to be fed and armed. For this she has to find men and money. . . It is also true that Germany does not provide enough food to feed its population and that in case of war with certain countries [in particular Sir Cecil’s own Britain], Germany in default of a sufficient navy may run a risk of starvation. [In the British blockade incident to the First World War, millions of Germans actually starved to death. WGS] The Germans seem no less unable to conceive of not accepting the Government as the Government because they object to its policy than a Hindoo would be of not worshipping the Ganges because it had overflowed his crops. Perhaps the reason again is the immense and tremendous pressure from without, which makes a German regard his Government as a sailor does his captain when the ship is in a cyclone. - “If you were here, you would be a good deal interested in politics. I hope it won’t bore
you to hear a little about them because the questions here are so very different from what they are with us. On the one hand, the monarch with the history of blood and iron and the army of (in theory) absolute slaves. On the other, all the people who are liberal, who read, think, work, make money or books. Now, which would you go with? There is on either side, in France and Russia, a deadly enemy waiting his chance. This time, the war will be a war of extermination, which it is hardly likely that the beaten party will survive as a nation. Everything depends on the army and its leaders. . .” - The above quotations are to be found in Cecil Spring-Rice—Letters and Friendships of Sir Cecil Spring Rice, Houghton Mifflin, 1929, Vol. I, pp. 223, 237, 239.
316. Arthur Bryant, op. cit., pp. 199-200.
317. Ibid., p. 253.
318. Francis Neilson, op. cit., p. 108. “Lloyd George, after a personal visit, said of Hitler:
‘There is no doubt that Hitler, so far as Germany is concerned, is the resurrection and the life.’ ‘He is the savior of Germany, a great and wonderful leader.’ ‘He is the George
Washington of Germany’ ” See C.C. Veith—Citadels Of Chaos, Meador, 1949, p. 285.
319. Cesare Santoro—Hitler Germany, As Seen by a Foreigner, Internationaler Verlag,
Berlin, 1938, p. 290. Cp. pp. 292-4. For significant recognition of the value and authority
of this book, see Francis Neilson, op. cit., pp. 81-2.
320. Duell, Sloane & Pearce, 1940, Chap. XVI (p. 187ff.): “In A Eugenics Court.”
321. For all these quotations, see Ezra Pound, op. cit., pp. 65, 186. Cp. Gertrude M.
Coogan, op. cit., p. 137, where she quotes The Breakdown of Money by Christopher
Hollis. See also Ezra Pound, op. cit., pp. 174, 189, where he quotes eight lines from a
letter by Thomas Jefferson to Crawford which he pronounced “eight of the most
significant lines ever written.”
322. The Duke of Bedford—The Neglected Issue, Glasgow, 1946, p. 29.
323. After Germany adopted a new monetary policy the London Times said
- “Germany ceased to experience any financial difficulty. In this country [Britain] the
people suffer the burden of heavy and increasing taxation, but in Germany nothing is ever heard of the necessity of increasing taxation, compulsory savings, or the issue of enormous war loans. Quite the contrary. Recently an important tax was abolished. Public savings bank deposits touch new monthly records again and again. Money is so plentiful that the interest rate on the Reich loans could recently be reduced from 4 1/2 percent to 4 percent.”
Quoted by C.C. Veith in his Citadels Of Chaos, Meador, 1949, p. 283—taken from a
chapter entitled “The Peace We Lost” in Robert J. Scrutton’s book, A People’s
Runnymeade, London, 1942.
324. Hitler said in 1937:
- “We were not foolish enough to to make a currency coverage of
gold of which we had none, but for every mark that was issued we required an equivalent of a mark’s worth of work done or goods produced.” C.C. Veith, p. 282.
He said further:
- “we laugh at the time when our national economists held the view that the value of a currency is regulated by the gold and securities lying in the vaults of a State Bank; and more especially we laugh at the theory that its value was guaranteed thereby. We have instead come to learn that the value of the currency lies in the productive capacity of a nation.” Veith, op. cit., p. 284,
where he also quotes the gist of “Hilter’s Official Program,” published by Unwin, London, in 1938. Money, in Hitler Germany, was based, not on gold, but on the capacity of the German people to create real wealth.
325. Quoted by C.C. Veith, op. cit., p. 266-7. Also, in Freedom and Plenty, San Antonio,
Texas, 1947. Freedom and Plenty, edited by Hugo R. Fack, was the official mouthpiece
in the U.S. for the Silvio Gesell movement toward a “natural economic order.”
326. The evidence for this is too voluminous to cite here, but as indicative of it I suggest
Francis Neilson’s The Makers of War, especially Chap. XX: “The Pledge to Poland.”
Also, see the pages listed in the Index under “Poland,” “Danzig,” and “Checho-slovakia.”
Also, Peter Nicoll—Britain’s Blunder, Part I, especially Chap. 4: “The Pledge to
327. Quoted in C.C. Veith, op. cit., p. 263.
328. Ibid., p. 263.
329. Francis Neilson, op. cit., pp. 109, 203.
330. Ibid., pp. 213-4.
331. Ibid., p. 85.
332. Ibid., p. 110
333. C.C. Veith, op. cit., pp. 287, 288.
334. Francis Neilson, op. cit., p. 112.
335. Ibid., p. 86.
336. Ibid., p. 83-4. Neilson supports this with a quotation from the League of Nations
Armaments Year Book for 1936, showing that at that time, even though Germany was
even then “completely encircled,” the “total German war strength” amounted to little
more than one-quarter that of the Little Entente and France (in all cases measured
apparently in terms of “men under arms”), not to mention that of the British Empire.
337. Mr. Arnold S. Leese, one of the most exact and thorough investigators of the Jewish
Question, in his The Jewish War of Survival (published by its Author, Guilford, England,
1947, pp. 81-2), quotes several paragraphs from the London Sunday Chronicle article of
January 2, 1933, as follows:
- “The Jew is facing one of the biggest crises in his troubled history. In Poland, Rumania, Germany, Austria, his back is to the wall. But now he is going to hit back hard. . . Now a united front composed of all sections of Jewish parties is to be formed.
- “The great International Jewish financiers are to contribute approximately 500,000,000 pounds sterling. This sum will be used to fight the persecuting States. The battle will be fought on the world’s stock exchanges. Since the majority of the anti-Semitic States are burdened with heavy international debts, they will find their very existence threatened.
- “A boycott throughout Europe of their export products by way of the retailer may
undermine the present uncertain economic stability of several of the anti-Semitic
countries.” [At this point, I must call my readers’ attention to the fact, reported in The
New Pioneer for June 1939, that in one year the Jewish boycott had cut British trade with - Germany by 25 percent, and that the boycott had put Germany’s neck, economically, in a hangman’s noose.]
- (Mr. Leese continues) “Here is an admission of Jewish power and the will to ruin States hostile to them with utter disregard of the trade requirements of the countries of which
they pretend to be nationals. . . - “Within a month, the Goga Government of Rumania, which sought to restrict Jewish
commercial control, fell, owing to an economic and financial crisis. - “On 3rd June 1938, the influential American Hebrew printed an article [in which a non-Jewish newspaperman ventured ‘a daring glimpse into the future’]:
- “ ‘The forces of reaction are being mobilized. A combination of England, France and
Russia will sooner or later bar the triumphant march of this success-crazed Fuehrer.
Either by accident or design, a Jew has come to the position of foremost importance in each of these nations.’”[He mentioned Blum in France and Hore-Belisha in England. He might well have added Baruch and others in the U.S. Hore-Belisha, a Jew of North African extraction, was head of the British War Office; Leon Blum, later, became Premier of France.] These declarations of war against Hitler were eventually acknowledged by the highest Jewish authorities. In 1940, Rabbi M. Perlzweig, head of the British Section of the World Jewish Congress, told a Canadian audience: “The World Jewish Congress has been at war with Germany for seven years.” (Toronto Evening Telegram, Feb. 26, 1940.) And Moishe Shertok, at the British Zionist Conference in January 1943, said: “The Yishuv was at war with Hitler long before Great Britain and America.” (Jewish Chronicle, Jan. 22, 1943. See Arnold Leese, op. cit., p. 84.)
338. Note that this was all the Jews then claimed to be in Germany.
339. The quotations are from Mr. Untermeyer’s speech as reported in the New York
Times for August 8, 1933.
340. This quotation and the one preceding it may be found in Francis Neilson’s The
Makers of War, p. 92. Page 93 contains the following, which surely may be taken as
conclusive. Apparently, Jewish charges of persecution and harsh treatment were flooding our press even before Untermeyer made his speech and had begun to create a serious situation. In consequence, Cordell Hull, our Secretary of State, communicated with the American Embassy and asked for a report. On March 27, 1933, he issued a statement:
- “A reply has now been received indicating that whereas there was for a short time considerable physical mistreatment of Jews, this phase may be considered virtually
terminated. . . Hitler in his capacity as a leader of the Nazi party, issued an order calling upon his followers to maintain law and order, to avoid molesting foreigners, disrupting trade, and to avoid the crisis of possible embarrassing international incidents.”
With this, one may compare the judgment of Peter Nicoll in his Britain’s Blunder, which,
I may remind my readers, received Prof. Harry Elmer Barnes’ almost unqualified
- “The fact is that under the Nazis, a Jew simply as a Jew, suffered no outrage; although here and there he was made to feel an inferior, it was only the Jew who incurred the suspicion of being disloyal, revolutionary or criminal who brought on himself any real penalty” (page 27).
On page 28, he says:
- “By this time [apparently 1939], the worst period of trial was over and the concentration camps held ever fewer prisoners. They had been released in
hundreds. The Jews had been deprived of the privilege of German citizenship in order to safeguard against the previous grip they had in so many regions of German life, and while they were encouraged to emigrate they were not forced to.”
Pages 23-28 should be read in their entirety.
341. See Douglas Reed—Somewhere South of Suez, 1951, p. 327. See also B. Jensen—The ‘Palestine’ Plot, W.L. Richardson, Lawers by Aberfeldy, Scotland, 1948, p. 15.
342. B. Jensen—The ‘Palestine’ Plot, p. 83.
343. I could quote numerous authorities, even outstanding Jewish spokesmen, who
recognized that Hitler did not want war. For example: Bernard Baruch, Charles
Lindbergh, Henry Morgenthau, Emil Ludwig [real name, Cohen], Lord Rothschild,
Vladimir Jabotinsky, and David Brown, Chairman of the United Jewish Campaign. A
collection of such statements, with the original source cited, is to be found in The
‘Palestine’ Plot by B. Jensen, op. cit., pp. 11-12.
344. Devin-Adair, 1968. First published in 1953 by C.C. Nelson. Mr. Veale was also
author of Crimes Discreetly Veiled, Cooper Book Co., London 1958.
345. Henry Regnery, 1959.
346. See F.J.P. Veale—Advance To Barbarism, Devin-Adair, 1968, pp. 18-19, 23-24,
112, 176, 181-5. It is important to get this latest 1968 edition, to which the above page
numbers refer. I believe that the evidence submitted is absolutely unanswerable. My
reader will find my summary of what it all means in Appendix VI at the end of this
chapter. The latter part of this reviews the evidence that Frederick Lindemann was a Jew.
347. The best account of White’s background and doings that I know of, is given by Mr.
A.N. Field in his The Bretton Woods Plot, Nelson, New Zealand, 1957, pp. 3-20. A
reading of the booklet’s 64 pages would be well worthwhile. It has been reprinted by
Omni Pubs., Hawthorne, Calif.
348. See William Henry Chamberlain—America’s Second Crusade, Regnery, 1950, p.
306. Cp. F.J.P. Veale’s Advance to Barbarism, pp. 50-1, 224 footnote. Also, George N.
Crocker—Roosevelt’s Road to Russia, Regnery, 1959, pp. 20-21, 28-29, 221, 240-248.
349. This was all agreed upon in the meetings of Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin. See, for instance, Human Events, Sept. 19, 1951, p. 2.
350. In regard to this, see Epitaph On Nuremberg, Falcon Press, London, 1946, by “the
influential man of letters, Montgomery Belgion”; and especially his later and fuller
Victors’ Justice, Regnery, and the note about it in Human Events for April 27, 1949 (p. 3)
by Frank Hanighen. Also, the still later and quite unanswerable Advance To Barbarism,
Devin-Adair edition, revised, 1968. See the Index: “Nuremberg, The War Trials at.”
Pertinent also is the following statement by Mr. Arnold Leese in his Gothic Ripples,
January 30, 1950:
- “The Jew, M. Perlzweig, an official of the World Jewish Congress, is reported in the
Jewish Chronicle (16th Dec. 1949) to have recently stated in an address at Glasgow—‘It was the World Jewish Congress which had secured the holding of the Nuremberg trials at which it provided expert advice and much valuable evidence.’”
351. 351 See Douglas Reed—From Smoke to Smother, Jonathan Cape, 1949, Chap. 13, p. 130ff., in particular pp. 132-3, where Mr. Reed comments as follows:
- “What seems to me to have been a most significant event at Nuremberg, where the
world’s press was gathered, passed without mention in the mass-circulation newspapers. The dates of sentence and execution were Jewish festivals. . . - “Judgment at Nuremberg was pronounced on Sept. 30th and October 1st (between the Jewish New Year and Day of Atonement). The executions were carried out just after midnight in the morning of October 16th, Hoshana Raba. For Jewry everywhere there was an unmistakable significance in these dates. To Gentiledom everywhere they meant no more than any others. Hoshana Rabba, October 16th, is the day when the Jewish God, after an interval during which he considers his verdict on every single human being, and may still pardon sinners, delivers his final judgment.”
352. The key figure in the creation of the UN was Russian-born Leo Pasvolsky. He wrote
the first draft of its charter, and attended its revision from the first day at Dumbarton
Oaks to the last at San Francisco. He knew more about it than anybody else, and every
member of the official U.S. delegation deferred to his interpretation of its contents. Yet
he was born in Russia and was brought into the State Department ostensibly as an
economist. He had published a book on Communist economics. It is significant that the
head of the UN’s Security Council, UN’s most important post, always has been, and by
UN Charter always must be, a Communist. See Common Sense, Oct. 15, 1952. See also
the special issue of The Freeman, March 1955. The following Communist comments
about the UN speak for themselves. “The United Nations is the culmination and supreme
realization of the global Communist conspiracy.” John Parvulesco, Co-Editor of the
Roumanian Courier—in World Survey, April 1957. “The Communist Party regards the
UN as the most important platform for Soviet propaganda in the world.” Dr. Marek
Korowicz, member of the Communist Polish delegation to the UN. And this from
Commentary, official organ of the American Jewish Committee: “The International
government of the United Nations, stripped of its legal trimming, . . . , is really the
International Government of the United States and the Soviet Union acting in unison.”
Commentary, November 1958, p. 376.
353. See Alfred M. Lilienthal—What Price Israel, Regnery, 1953, pp. 57, 60ff.; The
Other Side of the Coin, Devin-Adair, 1965. And it was the Jews, who committed and
have perpetuated this hideous crime against another people, an innocent people—who
had the effrontery to initiate and put through the law against “genocide.”
354. Since what I want to say to expose this as a lie cannot be contained in a footnote, let
me refer my reader to my very important Appendix VII at the end of this chapter.
355. This figure needs to be updated. It was stated in the London Jewish Chronicle, Nov.
7, 1975, that by the end of 1974 West Germany had paid out over 19 billion dollars in
reparations for Nazi wrongs; that within another few years another 13.5 billion will be
paid out to alleged victims of Nazi persecution and their heirs; and that in the end it is
expected that West Germany will have paid a total of 33 billion dollars as compensation.
356. Commonly abbreviated the “C.F.R.” See A.K. Chesterton—The New Unhappy
Lords, 1972, pp. 179ff. Also, Dan Smoot—The Invisible Government, 1962, and the Dan
Smoot Report, No. 29, Vol. 10, July 20, 1964, P.O. Box 9538, Dallas, Texas; Kent and
Phoebe Courtney—America’s Unselected Rulers, 1962, Conservative Society of
America, New Orleans, 1962; W. Cleon Skousen—The Naked Capitalist, 1970, Salt Lake City, see Index: “Council on Foreign Relations.”
Mr. Smoot was formerly a teacher at Harvard and later a member of the FBI. In the
opening pages of his book he says:
- “Bitter with disappointment [over the refusal of the U.S. to become a member of the
League of Nations] Colonel [Edward Mandel] House called together in Paris a group of his most dedicated young intellectuals—among them John Foster Dulles and his brother Allen, Christian A. Herter, and Tasker H. Bliss—and arranged a dinner meeting with a group of like-minded Englishmen at the Majestic Hotel, Paris, on May 19, 1919. The group formally agreed to form an organization ‘for the study of international affairs.’ [This was paralleled by the formation of the Royal Institute of International Affairs in England.] - “The American group came home from Paris and formed The Council on Foreign
Affairs, which was incorporated in 1921” (p. 3). - In 1927, the Rockefeller family and various big tax-exempt foundations began to finance the C.F.R. “In 1939, the Council began taking over the U.S. State Department” (p. 4).
- “The crowning moment of achievement [up to that time] came at San Francisco in 1945, when over 40 members of the United States Delegation to the organizational meeting of the United Nations . . . were members of the Council . . . By 1945, the Council on Foreign Relations, and various foundations and other organizations interlocked with it, had virtually taken over the U.S. State Department.
- “Some CFR members were later identified as Soviet espionage agents: for example,
Alger Hiss and Laughlin Currie. Others were “subsequently identified as conscious,
articulate instruments of the Soviet international conspiracy” (pp. 5-6). - Mr. Smoot calls attention to the fact that “according to [Colonel] House’s own papers and the historical studies of Wilson’s ardent admirers (see, for example, Intimate Papers Of Colonel House, edited by Charles Seymour, Houghton Mifflin, 1926, and, The Crisis of the Old Order by Arthur Schlesinger, Houghton Mifflin, 1957), House created Wilson’s foreign and domestic policies, selected most of Wilson’s cabinet and other appointees, and ran Wilson’s State Department.”
- Mr. A.K. Chesterton calls attention to the fact that “Paul Warburg and Otto Kahn, of
Kuhn, Loeb & Co., were members of the Council’s first board,” and remarks: “It is
improbable that the direction has passed out of Kuhn, Loeb hands.” (Op. cit., p. 110.)
Further on (p. 181) he says: “Perhaps the real status of the Council on Foreign Relations is much higher than that of the White House and the State Department combined.” - Mr. Smoot continues (p. 2): “House had powerful connections with international bankers in New York. He was influential, for example, with great financial institutions
represented by such people as Paul and Felix Warburg, Otto H. Kahn, Henry
Morgenthau, Jacob and Mortimer Schiff, Herbert Lehman. House had equally powerful connections with bankers and politicians of Europe.” But whereas Mr. Smoot speaks of House’s influence with them, the record shows that House was himself their tool.
Representative Louis T. McFadden, in his speech before Congress on June 10, 1932,
mentions Col. House as referring to Mr. Jacob Schiff, head of Kuhn, Loeb, as “his hidden master in Wall Street,” and again as “that ‘holy monk’ of the financial empire,” as “a financial Judas.” See H.S. Kenan—The Federal Reserve Bank, Noontide, 1967, p. 148. His speech is there quoted in full. Cp. Boris Brasol, op. cit., pp. 200-2, 261.
Mr. Smoot states his overall conclusions, on page iii and iv of his Foreword:
- “I am convinced that the Council on Foreign Relations, together with a great number of other associated tax-exempt organizations, constitutes the invisible government which sets the major policies of the federal government; exercises controlling influence on governmental officials who implement the policies; and, through massive and skillful propaganda, influences Congress and the public to support the policies.
- “I am convinced that the objective of this invisible government is to convert America into a socialist state and then make it a unit in a one-world socialist system.”
Cp. Gary Allen—“C.F.R., Conspiracy To Rule The World,“ American Opinion, 1969;
Open Letter to A U.S. Senator, begun by Upton Close, “a journalist of the highest order,”
and continued by Mary M. Davison, an able and dedicated patriot. Address: Council on
American Relations, West Palm Beach, Florida. Mr. S.E.D. Brown, in an editorial in The South African Observer for October 1973, made the following significant observation:
- “So completely has the C.F.R. dominated the State Department over the past forty years, that every Secretary of State except Cordell Hull, James Byrnes and William Rogers has been a member of the C.F.R. Dr. Henry Kissinger, Mr. Nixon’s chief foreign policy adviser and now Secretary of State, came to the job from the staff of the C.F.R., and the under-secretaries, almost to a man, are C.F.R. members.
- “But no one can begin to understand the C.F.R. and its workings unless one realises that while communist activities have contributed largely to the subversion of European nations and their headlong retreat from their overseas territories, the major pressures for this subversion have been applied by the International Money Power, using the C.F.R. as a base and American governments as instruments.”
He continues:
- “Totally interlocked with the C.F.R. are all the major [tax-exempt]
foundations and so-called ‘Think Tanks,’ the C.I.A., the UN, UNESCO, the World Bank, the IMF and all the other internationalist UN agencies.” And at some length he details the International Money Power’s activities in furtherance of C.F.R. policies. - But a fuller and the most up-to-date report on the C.F.R. is contained in Gary Allen’s
None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Concord Press, Rossmoor, Calif., 1973, p. 80ff. He calls attention to the fact that “although the formal membership in the C.F.R. is composed of close to 1500 of the most elite names in the worlds of government, labor, business, finance, communications, the foundations, and the academy—and despite the fact that it has staffed almost every key position of every administration since those of FDR—it is doubtful that one American in a thousand so much as recognizes the Council’s name, or that one in ten thousand can relate anything at all about its structure or purpose.”
357. See Bryton Barron—The State Department: Blunders or Treason? Crestwood Press, Springfield, Va., 1965, p. v (and indeed the whole book). Mr. Barron, a Rhodes Scholar, served in the State Department under seven successive Secretaries of State, and for six years was Chief of its Treaty Section. He resigned to free himself to tell what he knew of State Department activities. For a review of his record and what he had to say in his book, see the article he contributed to American Opinion, January 1964, entitled “Otto Otepka and the State Department.”
358. To be sure, this is fully in line with the revelations made by Major George Racey
Jordan in his book From Major Jordan’s Diaries back in the Forties. It was based on his
“experience as a Lend Lease expeditor and liaison officer with the Russians during the
war, when [he] served for two crucial years, from May 1942 to June 1944, both at
Newark Airport and at the big air base at Great Falls, Montana.” But hideous though
these revelations were, they only lifted a little corner of the rug of tight official secrecy
under which a huge agglomeration of duplicity and perfidy had been shoved.
359. The knockdown feud of the Twenties between Henry Ford and the Jewish Money
Power not only ended in Ford’s humiliating defeat, but led to the absorption of his entire
dynasty and to the perversion of the Ford Foundation of the Republic into a powerful
agency for furthering the very Jewish aims that Ford had hated and fought. This probably
settled once and for all that to throw down the gauntlet to Jewry was to court destruction,
and completely confirmed the pronouncement of Werner Sombart a decade earlier, that
the U.S. was so completely under the Jewish thumb that “Americanism [was] nothing
else, . . . , than the Jewish spirit distilled.”
360. See Spearhead, June 1974, p. 12, for a recent speech that Mr. Butler gave at Caxton Hall, London. Mr. Butler says that Dr. Sutton’s book “provides ‘chapter and verse’
proving that the Soviet Russian Empire has from the beginning, up to the present, been
sustained by massive technological and economic blood transfusions from the West,
mainly the U.S.A.”
361. Dr. Sutton quotes Barron’s Weekly as saying (1/4/71) that the U.S. has been “the
arsenal for communism in the Soviet Union.” It is significant that though Dr. Sutton
summarized his testimony before the Platform Committee of the Republican Party at its
1972 Miami Beach Convention, and though copies of this testimony were hand-delivered
to the two major American wire services covering the Convention, both refused to carry
it. Manifestly, every effort has been made to give Dr. Sutton’s work the ‘silence
treatment.’ See Antony Sutton, op. cit., pp. 252-3; Eric Butler:—“The Plotters Behind the
World Crisis,” Spearhead, 50 Pawsons Rd., Croydon, England, June 1974, p. 12.
362. None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Concord Press, Rossmoor, Calif., 1973, p. 80.
363. The Invisible Government, P.O. Box 9538, Dallas, Texas. See also the Dan Smoot
Report for July 20, 1964. America’s Unelected Rulers, Conservative Society of America,
New Orleans, Louisiana.
364. See A.K. Chesterton—The New Unhappy Lords, Britons Pub. Co., 1972, p. 179ff.;
W. Cleon Skousen—The Naked Capitalist, 1970, Salt Lake City (see its Index: “Council
on Foreign Relations”); Gary Allen: “Conspiracy to Rule the World,” American Opinion,
1969, and his None Dare Call It Conspiracy, 1973, p. 80ff.; Mary M. Davison: “Open
Letter to a U.S. Senator,” Council on American Relations, West Palm Beach, Florida.;
and S.E.D. Brown, the valiant and dedicated editor of The South African Observer—for
example, in his editorials in its issues for January, 1972 (p. 2) and October, 1973.
365. Dan Smoot, op. cit., 1962, pp. 5-6.
366. Frank Capell: “Kissinger—A Former K.G.B. Agent?”, Review of the News, March
15, 1974. See also his “Detente Emerging as an Alliance Between U.S. and U.S.S.R.”
Herald of Freedom, Zarephath, NJ. Mr. Cappell has earned the reputation of being a
careful and very able investigator.
367. The South African Observer, October, 1973.
368. A.K. Chesterton, op. cit., 110, 181.
369. Dan Smoot, op. cit., pp. iii and iv.
370. See Liberty Lobby’s Lowdown No. 100, June, 1971, the first paragraph of which
states: “This story was first broken by Rep. John Rarick . . . in the May 5 [1971]
Congressional Record, with information supplied to him by Liberty Lobby on May 3.
Other than this mention, and the article in the May 15 Washington Observer, this
tremendous story has been totally suppressed in all of the national news media.” Liberty
Lobby, 300 Independence Avenue, S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003. Mr. Rarick named
many of the notables present, such as Henry Kissinger; Edmond de Rothschild of
Germany; former Under Secretary of State George Ball; David Rockefeller and John D.
Rockefeller IV; Lt. General John W. Vogt, U.S. Army, Director of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff; etc.
371. See Liberty Lobby Lowdown, No. 129, May 1974.
372. See A.K. Chesterton, op. cit., pp. 186, 197-210. Also, “Something Rotten in The
State of Holland,” an article by S.E.D. Brown in The South African Observer for March
1971, pp. 7-8.
373. This is anything but fantasy. Consider the significance of the following statements
by eminent Jewish leaders, published in The South African Observer, May 1974:
From General Dayan, commander-in-chief of Israel’s armed forces:
- “Our fathers had reached the frontiers which were recognized in the Partition Plan. Our generation reached the frontiers of 1949. Now the Six-Day generation have managed to reach Suez, Jordan and the Golan Heights. This is not the end. After the present cease-fire lines, there will be new ones. They will extend beyond Jordan—perhaps to Lebanon and perhaps to Central Syria as well.”
Quoted in the London Times, June 25, 1969. From General Yitzhak Rabin:
- “The Americans have given us weapons so that we should use them when necessary. . . in an extreme case it is permitted to the civilized world to take control, by force, of the oil
Quoted in Ha’aretz, July 20, 1973. From General Ariel Sharon:
- “Israel is now a military superpower . . . For the Americans, there is nothing moreimportant than a strong Israel. All the forces of European countries are weaker than weare. Israel can conquer in one week the area from Khartoum to Baghdad and Algeria.”
Quoted in Yediot Aharanot, 7.26.73. From Ben Gurion’s Diary, May 21, 1947:
- “The Achilles heel of the Arab coalition is the Lebanon. Muslim supremacy in this
country is artificial and can easily be overthrown. A Christian State ought to be set up
there. . . We would sign a treaty of alliance with this state. Thus when we have broken the strength of the Arab Legion and bombed Amman, we could wipe out Trans-Jordan; afterthat Syria would fall. And if Egypt still dared to make wars on us, we would bomb Port Said, Alexandria and Cairo. We should thus end the war and would have put ‘paid’ to Egypt, Assyria and Chaldea on behalf of our ancestors.”
And all this is only in line with utterances that have been coming from World Jewry,
every now and then, for the past century and more. Consider the following:
On Feb. 9th, 1883, ninety years ago (as I write this), an editorial appeared in The Jewish
World which throws light on much that has since come to pass. I quote some passages
from it:
- “The Dispersion of the Jews has rendered them a cosmopolitan people. They are the only cosmopolitan people, and in this capacity must act, and are acting, as a solvent of national and racial differences. The great Ideal of Judaism is not that Jews shall be allowed to flock together one day in some hole-and-corner fashion. . . ; but that the whole world shall be imbued with Jewish teachings, and that in a Universal Brotherhood of nations—a greater Judaism in fact—all the separate races and religions will disappear. . . By their activity in literature and science, by their commanding position in every public walk of life, they are gradually molding non-Jewish thought and non-Jewish systems in Jewish moulds; and all that we hear now-a-days of Jewish influence, and all that we have heard of Jewish influence in the past, only represent the accomplished stages in the practical working out of the Jewish Mission.”Does not this sound very like what Mr. Marcus Eli Ravage said about taking us in hand and making us over according to a Jewish image?
- And then there are the more recent declarations of aims, dated around 1948, in which violence as a means for Jewish aggrandizement seems to be plainly implied and more openly accepted. Mr. Douglas Reed (in his Somewhere South Of Suez, 1951, pp. 327-9) cites a number of them. They followed upon the threat of Vladimir Jabotinsky in 1923 about the Jews’ blowing the British Empire to smithereens. In May 1948, Mr. A. Abrahams, Political Adviser to the World Revisionist Executive, wrote: “We must regard ourselves as the mighty nation that we are, and not as a third-rate State conditioned by the small territory we at present hold. All the resources of the world are at our disposal. . .
There is no known weapon in the world without Jews who know its construction, who
have taken part in its development and construction. . . Provided we think and act as a nation at war, planning for total victory, and drawing together all our resources, we shall triumph and shall be restored in full strength and power, marking the first stage of our liberation and clearing the way for the second and final stage—the return of all Israel to the whole of the Land of Israel.”
Later the same year Ben Hecht, a prominent American Zionist, said:
- “Within the next twenty-five or fifty years Israel will get the territory they need and go on to become one of the five leading nations of the world.”
Was he modest, or at least something less than frank, in avowing Jewish aims? For is it
not known that the Jews intend to become the nation, the one nation, of the world? And at this point, does one not call to mind that sinister prediction of Heine in the 1840’s? “I do not know; but I think that eventually the great sea serpent [Britain] will have its head
crushed and the skin of the Northern Bear [Russia] will be pulled over its ears. There may be only one flock and one shepherd—one free shepherd with an iron staff, and a shornalike, bleating-alike human herd!” (See Robert H. Williams—Know Your Enemy,
published by its Author, Santa Ana, Calif., p. 10.)
374. I began to see, and to set down, what here follows, in the late Sixties.
375. I will not pretend that I can make this view square with every one of the latest day-
to-day developments. But if I am correct, it must be expected that many such
“developments” will in fact be a deliberately contrived and necessary part of the hoax. To
get an accurate view of the real movement of events one must base one’s judgment on the over-all trend through a period of some months, or even years. One must be prepared to find that every effort has been made by feint and counter-feint, and by all the means for deception afforded by full control of the important means for reaching the public mind, to make the world think that the real move is in one direction when in fact it is in the very opposite. The aim is to leave the world in the greatest confusion and division as to what is the real move. But when the dust has lifted and the fog cleared, it will be seen clearly that in the end every move has furthered the Jewish design of aggrandizement in the Near East and toward ultimate world dominion. So certain am I of this that, up to the time of this writing, I must let the view here presented stand.
For an appraisal very like my own, of events and of the primary drive behind the
existence of Israel and all its movements, see “South Africa, Israel and the Middle East,”
an editorial by Mr. S.E.D. Brown in The South African Observer issue for Nov. 1973, pp.
1-3. Also, for the part of Mr. Henry Kissinger in furthering all this, see Candour for Sept.
1974, pp. 83-4; and The South African Observer for Dec., 1973, pp. 7-9, where maps are
submitted to show Israel’s expansion from its beginning in 1948 to late 1973; and also
the issue for April 1974, pp. 7-9.
376. Significant passages taken from You Gentiles by Maurice Samuel, Harcourt, 1924:
- “If I have long pondered this question of Jew and gentile it is because I suspected from the first dawning of Jewish self-consciousness that Jew and gentile are two worlds, that between you gentiles and us Jews there lies an unbridgeable gulf” (p. 9).
- “In the main, we are forever distinct. Ours is one life, yours is another” (p. 21).
- “We will not accept your rules because we do not understand them” (p. 33).
- “We could never build a world like yours” (p. 35). “These are two ways of life, each utterly alien to each other. Each has its place in the world—but they cannot flourish in thesame soil, they cannot remain in contact without antagonism. Though to life itself each way is a perfect utterance, to each other they are enemies” (p. 36).
- “We are everywhere, to a large extent, aliens” (p. 60).
- “There does not seem to be a single country with a history which has not been anti.Semitic at one time or another” (p. 95).
- “In our life, the Jewish life, loyalty is unknown” (p. 103). With this contrast “theincomparable and altogether peculiar Germanic loyalty.” See H.S. Chamberlain, op. cit.,Vol. I (p. 544).
- “We are unquestionably an alien spirit in your colleges” (p. 104).
- “Because your chief institution is the social structure itself, it is in this that we are mostmanifestly destroyers” (p. 147).
- “In everything we are destroyers—even in theinstruments of destruction to which we turn for relief” (p. 152).
- “We Jews, we, thedestroyers, will remain destroyers forever. Nothing that you do will meet our needs anddemands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-worldwhich it is not in your nature to build” (p. 155).
- “Our geniuses, in the midst of your world, are an alien and destructive element” (p. 184).
In explanation of the “unbridgeable gulf” Samuel found between Jew and gentile he said:
- “This difference in behavior and reaction springs from something more earnest and significant than a difference of beliefs: it springs from a difference in our biological equipment.” (Emphasis added.)
377. The full text of this may be seen in the New York Times for March 9, 1937, under the caption: “Nazis Say Franklin Urged Ban on Jews.” The case for the validity of this
speech is more than I can take the space to present here.
378. The literature on the subject is growing rapidly. From it, I make a small selection.
Gwen Jones—A History of the Vikings, Oxford, 1968; Norse Atlantic Saga, Oxford,
1964; Eirik the Red and Other Icelandic Sagas, Oxford, nd. David Wilson—The Vikings
And Their Origins: Scandinavia in the First Millennium, McGraw, 1970. Frederick J.
Pohl—Viking Settlements of North America, Crown Pubs., New York, 1972. Magnus
Magnusson and Herman Palsson—The Vinland Saga and the Norse Discovery of
America, Penguin Books, n.d. Count Eric Oxenstierne—The Norsemen, about 1975.
Hjalmar R. Holand—Norse Discoveries and Explorations in America, 982-1362, Dover.
Frederick J. Pohl—The Viking Settlements of North America, Clarkson N. Potter, New
York, 1972.
379. Houston Steward Chamberlain—The Foundations of the 19th Century, John Lane,
1913, Vol. I, p. 269. I confess that I found much in Part II of this work (pp. 251-578)
enlightening and even inspiring. For appreciation of it from two eminent scientists, see
H.F.K. Guenther—The Racial Elements of European History, London, 1927, p. 256.
380. Robert Ardrey—African Genesis, A Delta Book, 1961, pp. 80-1, 134-5.
381. Macmillan, 1926. However, the book greatly impressed me when I first read it.
382. Houston Steward Chamberlain—The Foundations of the 19th Century, John Lane,
1913, Vol. I, p. 273.
383. Tacitus—Germania, Everyman Library edition, pp. 313-4.
384. Houston Stewart Chamberlain, op. cit., Vol. I, p. 260, 263.
385. Friedrich Nietzsche—The Dawn Of Day, Auth. English Ed., Vol. IX, Aphorism 272, pp. 253-4.
386. For observation of this, and comment on it, see H.F.K. Guenther—The Racial
Elements of European History, Methuen, London, 1927, p. 130.
387. Published by Knopf, 1974. Its sub-title reads: “The Radiocarbon Revolution and
Prehistoric Europe.” The publisher adds: “How archaeological history has been pushed
backward in time by the recent drastic revision of radiocarbon dates—which now trace
the megalithic cultures of Europe to beginnings earlier than and independent of Egypt
and Mycenae.” The gist of the book’s conclusions was first published in an article by Dr.
Renfrew in Scientific American for October 1971.
388. Published by Macmillan. Roger Pearson has undertaken to give the substance of the book in a severely abridged but still inspiring version which bears the title The Teuton
and the Roman. Perhaps obtainable through Noontide Press.
389. Methuen, London, 1927.
390. London, 1897. Reprinted by Dover Publications, New York, 1957.
391. For a conception of how comprehensive this should be, see Racial Hygiene by Prof.
Thurman B. Rice, Assoc. Prof. of Bacteriology and Public Health, Indiana University
School of Medicine, Macmillan, 1929.
392. My reader can refresh his memory of what I have already said about “heredity
corporations,” by turning to the latter part of my second chapter on eugenics, entitled
“The Doctrine of the Thoroughbred.”