2015/08: Agypten: 850 Mrd. m³ Erdgas gefunden

Das Gasfeld Zohr  wurde 2015 etwa 190 km vor der Küste von Ägypten entdeckt. Mit einer Ausdehnung von 100 Quadratkilometern und einem geschätzten Gasvolumen von 850 Milliarden Kubikmetern handelt es sich um das größte bisher entdeckte Gasfeld im Mittelmeer.


Das angegebene Gasvolumen entspricht nominell gerade einem sogenannten supergigantischen Gasfeld. Bei Unterschreitung dieses Wertes fällt das Gasvorkommen in die Kategorie eines „Weltklasse-Giganten“. Entdeckt wurde es vom italienischen Erdöl- und Energiekonzern Eni in einem Gebiet von ca. 1500 m Wassertiefe mit einer Bohrung von 4000 m Tiefe in ägyptischen Hoheitsgewässern.


Bei einem jährlichen Verbrauch von 50 Milliarden Kubikmetern kann das Zohr-Feld alleine den ägyptischen Gasverbrauch rechnerisch 17 Jahre lang decken. Prognosen, dass Ägypten sich mit dem Zohr-Gasfeld vom Erdgasimporteur zum -exporteur wandeln könne, wurde von Experten jedoch widersprochen.

A Mediterranean treasure trove

The Zohr field is believed to be the largest-ever gas discovery in Egypt and the Mediterranean. The integrated approach we’ve taken with this project has enabled us to bring the gas on stream just over two years from initial discovery; a record for this type of deposit.


Zohr is located within the Shorouk concession, approximately 190 km north of the city of Port Said. Eni has a 50 per cent stake in the block and is responsible for operations there. The other stakeholders are Rosneft (30 per cent), BP (10 per cent) and Mubadala Petroleum (10 per cent).


In August 2019, production from the field reached more than 2.7 billion cubic feet of gas per day (bcf/d), roughly five months ahead of the development plan. This result was achieved thanks to the completion of all eight land-based treatment units and all the systems for treating and removing sulphur – proceeds from the sale of which, as fertiliser, are used to funding initiatives related to our local development strategy. The rapid success can also be attributed to the commissioning of a further three wells and a second 30-inch gas pipeline, which extends 216 km and connects the underwater production installations to the land-based treatment plant.


In 2020 development activities progressed at the Zohr project, targeting to ramp-up the field production capacity and concerned:

  • the drilling of two additional productive wells and linked to onshore production facility, reaching a gross production capacity of 3,200 mmscf/d
  • optimization and upgrading activities of the subsea facilities and of the onshore treatment plant. 

Development activities of the Zohr project concerned:


  • EPCI activities for the construction of new submarine facilities and two additional treatment unit with a capacity of 6,000 barrels/d to manage and recovery production water. The construction of further three units with a capacity of 9,000 barrels/d is being studied
  • development drilling activities with the completion of two additional production wells with start-up expected in 2022.  As of December 31, 2021, Eni’s proved reserves booked at the Zohr field amounted to 706 mmboe.