WorldUnrests: Chapter 16
In every part of the country we find that the International Revolutionaries desire to control and direct Labour unrest and discontent. They have a general contempt for the intelligence of the masses, and assume that they wiU never go in the right direction without their guidance. This contempt for public opinion is fully expressed by Mr. G. D. H. Cole in his book, The World of Labour, p. 34.
- „For if there can be greater dishonesty in envisaging the problem, a greater refusal to face the facts, than that which the aspiring politician has to learn, it is assuredly to be found in the narrowness, egoism, andintellectual indolence that characterize the great British public. If the industrial revolution has turned the worker into a mere producing machine, it has quite equally turned the public into a mass of mere consumers, with consciences always in their pockets and brains nowhere or directed to anything rather than the social question. In this country, at least, it is useless to invoke public opinion, because it is selfish, unenlightened, and vindictive.“
How this direction of the workers towards revolution is to be secured is explained in the Call of May 20, 1920, in an article on „Communist Organization.“ The Call is the official organ of the British Socialist Party (London), and Tchicherin, Litvinov, Fineberg, and other members of the Soviet Government were active members of the B.S.P. when living in London. Karl Radek, Clara Zetkin (German Spartacists), N. Osinsky, and many other Jewish revolutionaries of the Continent are frequent contributors to it. The party is affillated to the Third International, and the letter from Lenin to the British Workers, brought by Messrs. Shaw and Turner, was directed to the B.S.P., and contained a covering letter on behalf of Lenin, signed by Marcel Rosenberg.
The article referred to outlines the methods to be adopted by the revolutionaries to prepare the Labour movement for the coming revolution. The writer describes the working-class organizations as in the main „like rudderless craft in conflicting currents. The mission of the Communist is to supply the rudder.“
*‘ During the stormy period of transition from Capitalism to Socialism, we shall require new machinery of government and production. May it not be that we can use the Trade Unions as our machinery of production, and the Co-operative movement as the framework of our machinery of distribution?
„We need a revolutionary Communist group in every Trade Union branch, in every local Labour Party, on every committee of management of a Co-operative Society; responsible directly to the branch of the Party in that locality, guiding the mass of the workers into the Communist path, preparing for the day when the existing machinery of society is no longer adequate to carry out the desires of the people.
„By these means the existing working-class organizations can be made to serve the purpose of the revolutionary proletariat. Each branch of the Party shoiild co-ordinate the activities of these organizations in its area and render periodical reports to Party headquarters. Headquarters would thus become the real nerve-centre of Communist propaganda. By this means, in a short time it would be possible to ensure the election of Communists to all executive and organizing posts in the Trade Unions and the Labour Party.
„At the same time, recruiting should be proceeded with from the point of view of attracting to our Party the flower of the proletariat. If a young man of promise is elected as branch secretary or shop-steward in a Trade Union, he should become the objective of intensive personal propaganda to convert him to our ideals. By thus supplying the bulk of the acknowledged leaders of the working class, it would follow that the lead of the Communist Party would be instinctively followed in a time of crisis. Wherever workers meet to discuss wages or the conditions of existence, there should be found a group of comrades ready to help them in their immediate aims, and at the same time point to the root cause of all their grievances and suffering in order to make them realize that only with the overthrow of Capitalism can their conditions be permanentlybettered. . . .
„It is at least certain, however, that only by becoming the leaders and guiding force of such organizations as exist today can the Communist and the revolutionary tomorrow hope to carry with them the mass of the proletariat. „Close up the ranks, comrades!„
In the same issue is an article by Otto Maschl, reproduced from Le Bulletin Communiste, on the function of Workers‘ Councils, in which he describes them as „revolutionary ante-chambers.“ „They are the touchstones, which constantly excite the hatred of the bourgeoisie, even if they are not at all inspired with revolutionary sentiments. For they are the most suitable instruments for keeping alive the class war.“
The aims of these organizers of revolution are revealed in an article by Clara Zetkin, specially written for the Call of April 29, 1920. This writer is a Jewess, and has taken the place of Rosa Luxembourg as a leader of the German Communists. In this article she describes the progress the International Revolutionaries are now making.
„Over Italy roar the thunders of the coming storm; in France there is sheet-lightning; storms rage through the proud Empire of Great Britain. In England and Scotland growing masses of workers unite round the Socialist, the Communist, flag. Ireland, Egypt, and India are in revolt. The wage slaves in the United States muster for the class struggle; their strikes become greater and greater in extent, more important, and take a
revolutionary character. The international situation, in consequence of the diplomatic squabbling amongthe Allied Powers for the booty of the world war, is rich in conflicts, pregnant with future wars. Here, too, the economic basis of Capitalist order, class antagonism, and class struggles, grow in intensity and bitterness. From beneath the
volcanic depths of Society rises Socialism, Communism.“
She goes on to call not for resolutions but for mass action.
- „Now the battle between workers and bourgeois is no longer one for reforms in the Capitalist order, its aimis to overthrow, to subdue this order. Capitalism or Socialism and Communism is the battlecry. Noresolutions on paper must be the aim, but the living, powerful action of the working masses.“
She concludes by appealing to the British workers to rally „to the red banner of the Third
International, “ and sends them greetings from the Communists of „Germany in revolution.“ In the Socialist, the organ of the Socialist Labour Party (Glasgow), which is affiliated to the Third International and provides nearly all the strike leaders on the Clyde, there appeared on April 22, 1920, a statement from the Communist Bureau at Amsterdam urging the workers in Great Britain to strike on May Day. The appeal is signed by H. Roland Hoist. In the course of this statement it is declared that „a real peace“ with the Soviet Republic of Russia „is impossible under Capitalism.“ „A real peace for Russia means the victory of the World Revolution, and nothing less.“ He
advises other coimtries to strive towards Soviet Republics.
„This inspiring aim we must always have in mind in all our deeds, in all our actions. We must fill our heads with revolutionary thoughts, we must be willing to destroy the weapons of oiur enemies. . . . All this we can only achieve in a constant fight with our exploiters, by giving this fight a general revolutionary character. It means a complete break with bourgeois civiHzation, bourgeois morals, bourgeois supremacy. It means
Labour as the basic principle of social and moral life. . . . The outward fagade of the bourgeois state of society still exists, but it may fall to pieces at any moment, although along and severe struggle will doubtless be necessary, as much to finally crush the bourgeoisie as to affect in the mass of the people the moral and intellectual transformation that will make them able to institute the Communist Commonwealth, and render them fit to live in it. We may be convinced that any little thing, an indifferent circumstance, may now at any moment, by causing the countless elements of the new revolutionary consciousness floating all over the world to unite into a new body and manifest themselves with unexpected force, be the instigator of renewed strife and promiseful up heaval. . . . The times for the passing of Capitalism are ripe, and any dead calm may be the foreboder of new social storms unexpectedly rising.“
„Prompted by these considerations,“ the Amsterdam Bureau urges the workers‘ organizations to be prepared for action and to strike on MayDay 1920, „in favour of Soviet Russia.“
The Executive of the Amsterdam Sub-Bureau of the Third International is one of the chief foreign influences that affect our revolutionary societies. The manifestoes of this Bureau are signed by D. J. Wynkoop, Henrietta Roland Hoist, and G. J. Rutgers. In the B.S.P. organ, the Call of April I, 1920, there is a long manifesto from this Bureau entitled „German Revolution: An Appeal to the British, French, and Belgian Proletariat.“ After condemning the Allies for their treatment of Germany, it bursts into exhortations.
- „Workers of the Entente! Loudly proclaim your solidarity with the German revolution!
Compel your Governments to withdraw the troops from the occupied territory. Railwaymen! Refuse to allow the transport of any troops or any arms or munitions to Germany. All of you answer any attempt on the part of your Governments to
strangle the German revolution by extending and intensifying your own revolutionary activity.„
The writers of this manifesto compliment the British Proletariat on the magnificent meetings of the „Hands off Russia“ Committee, and they state that the revolutions in various countries are part of one revolution, the Social Revolution. The „fate of the European Revolution depends on you,“ they write, and conclude with „Hurrah for
the Communist Revolution in Germany! Hurrah for the Worid Revolution, the Universal Soviet Republic!“
In an article by Dr. Hermann Gorter written for Data (February, 1920), the „organ of the
Socialist Information and Research Bureau“ (Scotland), he specially appeals to the British workers to lead the European Revolution—the English proletariat „must place itself at the head of the proletariat in Western Europe.“ “ The fate of the world revolution, the fate of humanity, lies in the hands of the English workers.“ Among the supporters of this Bolshevist campaign against the British Empire is Mr. E. D. Morel, of the notorious Union of Democratic Control. Writing in Foreign Affairs, the organ of the U.D.C., for June, 1920, Mr. Morel discusses
„The advent of a great Socialist State in Europe is a solvent of Empire. Empire—the dominion over many nationally conscious peoples by a singleaHen people—and Socialism are irreconcilable factors. They are mutually destructive. The Imperialists who presently govern the British Empire and who contemplate the consequences of the triumphant emergence of a great Socialist State in the geographical position of Russia—half European, half Asiatic—are not thinking in terms of Britain when they seek to prevent such a consummation. Ihey are thinking in terms of the British Empire.“
After stating that British capital has nothing „to fear from the growth to adolescence of a Russian Socialist State, “ because Lenin is willing to give us trading concessions if we will make peace with him, he says: „But British Imperialism has everything to fear from the survival of Soviet Russia.„
‚“The hearts of the British Empirebeats in Asia—I speak, not of the Commonwealth, but of the Empire. . . . The Russian mind knows how to read the Asiatic mind. Picture Russia a Socialist State, freed from her external foes, flanked by a series of racially alien or politically allied—some-times both—lesser States, not in Europe only but in Asia, States enjoyinf full autonomy, permeated with Socialist ideals and precepts and practices
radiating from a centre where education and science have been elevated into fine arts, where the treasures of knowledge, the accumulated learning of the ages are thrown open to all, made accessible to the humblest citizen. Picture Russia thus—then look at India, Persia, Afghanistan, Burma, under present conditions. Need you ask why
British Imperialism shrinks at the prospect and fears; fears unutterably as it scans the future?„
Mr. Morel goes on to declare that British Imperialism is today more unyielding and intolerant in consequence of the „very magnitude of its successes in the war, “ which have intoxicated it. „It has become a mihtarist Imperialism as it neverwas before.“ Lenin and Trotsky have discredited Western diplomacy, and „the dangers to beapprehended from the future are so enormous for the existing Order that the Russian wreckers of
the occult power which rules the people’s lives must be broken.“ Morel therefore concludes that British Imperialism is fighting the Bolsheviks because it „knows its very existence is at stake.„
These statements from Morel resemble those of Trotsky and Radek on attacking the British Empire in Asia.
The „Elders of Zion“ used „anarchy as a means to an end.“ This view is supported by the manifesto of the Executive Committee of the Third International, published in the Call of April 22, 1920, and signed by G. Zinoviev. This manifesto states that the revolutionary forces in France, America, England, and Germany are growing, and „Anarcho-Socialist bodies and those individuals who till now claimed to be orthodox anarchists, mix themselves up with the others in the general current. The Executive Committee of the Third International welcomes this most cordially.“
After explaining how Syndicalists and Anarchists, being opposed to Parliaments, may help on the world revolution, the Committee declare that „the botirgeois State, its Kings, Presidents, Parliaments, Constituent Assemblies, etc., are our deadly enemies and must be crushed.“ They point out that it is possible at times to further the revolution in a cotmtry by participating in political action, and they instance Liebknecht in Germany and Hoglund in Sweden. Thelatter, „utilizing Parliament, precipitated the collapse of Parliamentism. Nobody has ever done more than he in Sweden for the Revolution.“ The same again in Bulgaria, where the „Communists also used the pulpit of Parliament for the propagation of the ideas of the Commimist Revolution.“ These revolutionaries are to enter Parliament with the intention of getting „into closest touch with its machinery, and then put spokes in its wheels.“
Conditions in England, France, and America are not yet ripe for the overthrow of the State. In these countries „there have been very few individuals who could be said to resemble the Russian Bolsheviks or the German Spartacists.“ So the Committee at Moscow advise that:
„If such elements (Bolsheviks and Spartacists) increase in numbers and strength, everything may get changed. At first it is necessary:
- (i) The centre of gravity of the struggle mustbe outside of Parliaments (strikes, revolts, insurrections, etc.);
- (2) the struggle inside the Parliaments must be closely connected with the struggle outside;
- (3) the representatives must take part in general organization work;
- (4) the representatives must act by directions of the Central Committee and beresponsible to it;
- (5) they must not conform to the Parliamentary manners and customs.“
The manifesto concludes with the following interesting instructions:
- „We have to state again that the most vital part of the struggle must be outside of Parliament —on the street. It is clear that the most effective weapons of the workers against Capitalism are: The strike, the revolt, armed insurrection. Comrades have to keep in mind the following: Organization of the Party, instalment of the Partygroups in the Trade Unions, leadership of the masses, etc. Parliamentary activities and participation in elections must be used only as a secondary measure—no more.“
{Call, April 22, 1920.)
This manifesto also appeared in the Socialist (Glasgow) and other Bolshevist papers in this country. The National Council of Shop Stewards‘ and Workers‘ Committees, a body affiliated to the Moscow International, is canying out these Moscow Instructions on the industrial side.
Confirmation of the anti-Christian nature of the Jewish secret organizations described earlier in this book is foimd in an article in the Call of April I, 1920. An article entitled „Man has Arisen!“ by John Bryan, describing the new „ light in the East„—Bolshevism—says:
- „The pagan world could not have been worse than this world of Christianity. Only it had no bishops to preach from the pulpits the Easter lie, and to administer ‚opium‘ to the masses, as the Bolshevik inscription on one of Moscow’s church gates boldly puts it.“
But „a new light has arisen in the East, and not a will o‘ the wisp, a Hght that reveals the truth, and shows the road, that inspires hope and confidence, that warms and encourages, that adds to the strength of the body and the soul . . . Russia led by the Bolsheviks, Russia guided by the transcendent genius of Lenin, and assisted by a
host of workers with Trotsky, the incomparable organizer, at their head—this Russia has been the saviour of the world, its redeemer from cynicism, scepticism, and demoralization which had been gnawing at its very vitals, threatening destruction
and death. „For this part Russia has been crucified by the capitalist Powers,“ and she is bleeding from every pore. „But, unlike Christ, she did not weep bloody tears out of pity for herself when making up her mind rather to be crucified than to betray the trust which history had placed in her hands; nor is she likely to die on the cross before she accomplishes her mission . . . she lives, an gives life, and, soon, she will descend from the cross and cry out to the world: ‚ Man has risen! ‚“
In the study of the revolutionary movement in this country, it is important to note how it is
guided by the writings of foreign revolutionaries, mainly Jews. The following are only a few of the more prominent and frequent foreign contributors to the Bolshevist Press in Great Britain, whose books and articles are largely circulated in this coimtry in connection with the Marxian economic classes, and for the purpose of revolutionary
propaganda. The works of Marx and Engels are, of course, textbooks in all classes nm by the Labour College Movement and by the Bolshevist Societies.
The articles of Lenin and Trotsky are published regularly in the Call, the Socialist, the Workers‘ Dreadnought, the Worker, and other Bolshevist papers. Bela Kim is also another frequent contributor to British Bolshevism, and he writes to the current issue of the Workers‘ Dreadnought suggesting that the „Hands off Russia“ Committee „should be used for Bolshevist ends in the home movement.“ Dr. Hermann Gorter also writes regularly for papers in London and Glasgow, andhis book. The World Revolution, published by the Socialist Information and Research Bureau (Glasgow), is on sale at most revolutionary meetings in London and the provinces. The followingmay be mentioned as International Revolutionary-leaders who contribute to the movement in this
N. Hoglund, of Sweden; Lucien Deslini^res, of France; N. Bucharin, of Moscow, author of the Programme of the World Revolution; Clara Zetkin, Jewess and leader of the German Communist Party; M. I. Kalinin, chairman of All-Russian Central Executive of Committee of Soviets; Karl Radek, of Moscow; Sadoul, Souvarine, Shumiatzki, I. Marchlevski (Karski), Alexandre Kolontay, Russian Soviet Commissaryfor Social Welfare.
We have now concluded our inquiry into the cause of world unrest, and it is for our readers to judge how far it provides an explanation of the revolutionary movements which are disturbing alike the faith of Christian men and women and the whole system of government on which Western civilization has been built up. The famous protocols mayor maynot be genuine, but even the most sceptical must admit that they are the abstract of a philosophy which may be devilish, but which is certainly coherent, and that in many important points they not only anticipate, but explain, some of the ills from which the world is at present suffering. It is the element of time which is inclined to prejudice the Western, particularly the English, reader against them. Can it be possible that any
body of men can seriously commit themselves to a plot which is to be worked out not in years but in centuries, and the fruits of which they themselves can never gather? But it must be remembered that the whole idea is Eastern, and in the East they still think in centuries. Achild with difficulty can span the period of a week, the ordinary Eng-
lishman that of a decade. But an EngHshman who has lived long in the East has quite a different conception of time, and would not find the long roll of years between the prophecy and its fruition a ban to belief. Therefore, let the scoffers remember that all periods of time are relative, and that to some a thousand years may be as a day.
In the first part of this book, the doctrines and programme of revolutionary Freemasonry were described and the liaison between them and the protocols examined. In later chapters, modem revolutionary phenomena were considered in the light of the plot revealed earHer. Can we trace a connection between the two? Our readers must decide for themselves on the evidence submitted to them. It has been shown that the Continental Freemasons were primarily responsible for the revolutions in Turkey and Portugal, and that in theformerat least, the Jews had a prominent share in this Masonic conspiracy. When the Bolsheviks seized power in Moscow—and we gave a table
showing that the vast majority of them were Jews—the propaganda of Litvinov, Radek, and company took the place to a considerable extent of the subterranean Masonic activities and the threads of the plot were therefore easier to trace. For example, we showed how this Bolshevist-Jewish gang tried to take control of the Governments of
Prussia, Bavaria, and Hungary.
We also drew attention to the secret influences working in Paris during the Peace Conference, to the curious fact that the principle of self-determination, so dangerous at present to the authority of the British Empire, was common to both Wilsonism and Leninism, and that Poland, which both Jews and Germans fear, was left economically
and strategically weak by the Conference and, along with Hungary, has been malevolently attacked by the forces of International Labour working imder Bolshevist direction. Finally, we sought to trace a link between the conspiracy and some of the agitations which are at present gravely threatening the security of the British Empire.
Throughout this book we have referred to themenace which this conspiracy constitutes not only to civilized government but to the Christian faith. It is indeed clear that never in its history has that faith had to imdergo so organized and sustained an attack. Men’s thoughts are continually being concentrated on things material, on the inequalities of wealth, on mean and trivial pleasures, and are being told that the cure for all their ills Hes not in themselves but in a peculiar formof government. The Bolsheviks know perfectly well that their cause can make no lasting progress unless it first gets rid of Christianity with its superb indifference to the things on which the world sets such store.
Therefore it may be taken as certain that these attacks will be redoubled. And therein perhaps lies the surest proof of the ultimate failure of Bolshevism. For to the peoples of Western Europe, whether they are conscious of it or not, Christianity is still the beacon that will guide them out of the slough of despond in which they now groan. If that light were extinguished, they might well say of the world what Montaigne thought of it when he lost his friend : „Ce n’est que fumee, ce n’est gu’une nuit obscurè et ennuyeuse.“ Do the Bolsheviks honestly believe that they can conquer two worlds?