1974: CIA-Cult Intelligence: ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Victor Marchetti and John D. Marks : The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence
Work on The CIA and the Cult of /ntt’lligena began in early 1972 and from the beginning the effort was plagued with problems, largely generated by an angry CIA and a misguided U .S. government. Throughout the ordeal. our friend and agent, David Obst, was a constant source of encouragement and help. Similarly, the good people at the American Civil Liberties Union Aryeh Neier, Sandy Rosen. John Shattuck, Mimi Schneider, and others, but especially Mel Wulf-provided more than free counsel and an effective legal defense of our constitutional rights. They have been friends of the best sort.
We owe a special debt of gratitude to our editor, Dan Okrent, and to Tony Schulte of Knopf, who never lost faith and always offered inspiration. To the president of Random House, Robert Bernstein , who had the courage to go forward with the book in the face of intimidating odds, we are deeply indebted. And. lastly, to Jim Boyd of the Fund for Investigative Journalism and all the others who helped in various ways but must in the circumstances remain anonymous, we say thank you.
V.M. and J.D.M.