The Marshall Plan and Point 4 Programm
The Man Who Misrules the World
1964: Rockefeller: "Public Enemy No. 1"
The „Cold War“ and the Korean Crusade
The so-called „Cold War“ is obviously a cautious expansion of the Soviet Empire to invest the lands ceded to it by the Rockefeller Soviet Axis pact. Likewise, the Korean „Crusade“, or „police action“, serves to carry out the pattern of the same pact. In no other manner can there be explained many of their very strange aspects.
First, the Kremlin has made no move to disturb the Rockefeller interests in their peaceful possession of the enormously oil-rich Arabian Empire, in spite of its need for oil.
Any inclination to doubt the existence of an understanding between the members of the Rockefeller-Soviet Axis will be dispelled promptly by an examination of the map of Asia Minor. It will be noted that Soviet Russia borders Turkey for hundreds of miles, and that there exists no real barrier that would block the Soviet seizure of Turkey, Arabia, Palestine, Iraq, and all the puppet states that have been set up in that region. It would be absurd to propose that the $600,000,000 fund levied on American taxpayers „for the rearming of the Greek and Turkish armies“ sufficed to make Rockefeller’s Saudi Arabian oil secure from the hordes of the Soviet Army, that outnumbers the total population of those countries.
Certainly, it did not create, nor does there now exist in that region, the military might that would stop the enormous, well-trained Soviet Army. There is only one answer to the question: „What stops the Kremlin from seizing the plentiful Arabian oil that it needs so direly?“ The answer is quite obvious. The Soviets are receiving that oil at no cost, or at a price that is less than the cost of production by themselves, on the basis of an alliance with its producers, the Rockefeller Empire, which has thus secured immunity for its holdings. This brings up the next question: „Who is paying the grasping, ruthless sham philanthropists for that oil?“ By now the answer should be obvious to the dullest.
On May 13, 1948, the Wall Street Journal carried on its front page in a special dispatch by Ray Cromley, the substance of the agreement reached at this conference, confirming substantially the secret agreement reached at Yalta, some three years earlier, between Stalin and Edward Stettinius and Alger Hiss, who, with „Roosevelt“, represented the Rockefeller Empire.
The dispatch was a release by the Rockefeller puppet agency, the State Department, of a pretended „warning“ to Russia, under the headlines „News For Russia, U.S. Diplomats Sketch a ‚Line‘ Which Soviet Shall Not Cross“. In effect, the „line“ divided the world between the Rockefeller-Soviet allies into the Western and Eastern zones. The „line“ runs to the west of Finland and Sweden, through mid-Germany and Austria, along the Yugoslav Adriatic coast, across northern Greece and Bulgaria, north of the Bosphorus and Turkey and along the eastern border of Persia to the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea. It was drawn to leave the Rockefeller Empire in control of its Saudi Arabian oil-fields and its line of supply through the Mediterranean; and it gave to the Soviets, Finland, Sweden, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, East Austria, Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Poland, Rumania, Bulgaria and all of Asia with the exception of Turkey and Arabia.
The correspondent naively explains:
„The weakness of the Iranian defense line— and the importance of Near East oil—are major reasons why military men and diplomats want no bad flare-up in Arabia.“
He discreetly fails to mention that Near East oil is important primarily to the Rockefeller interests. But he makes it clear that it is the crux of the situation. He makes it clear that Iran and its oil, concerning which there is now such a pretense of concern, was relegated to the Soviets, in line with the confirmed policy of the Rockefeller-Soviet Axis to despoil and destroy the British Empire. China, which the Rockefeller „philanthropy“ agents, operating through the State Department, have played the key role in delivering to the Soviets, was assigned to the Soviets together with Japan, Indo-China, Indonesia, Burma, Ceylon, India, Tibet and Afghanistan, where Rockefeller agent Owen Lattimore has been as curiously active as he was in China before its betrayal. The pro-Communist activities of Nehru in India and the appointment as U.S. Ambassador to India of Chester Bowles, the former partner and associate of pro-Communist Senator William Benton, who is intimately identified with Alger Hiss and Nelson Rockefeller, and with Rockefeller’s Institute of Pacific Relations, presage an early delivery of India to the Soviets. Tibet has already been delivered to the Communists, following the activities there of Owen Lattimore and of the same clique. And Afghanistan, that has been likewise the object of Lattimore’s attentions and the interest of Standard Oil agents, will no doubt soon follow suit.
Four significant events followed closely on the conference between Nelson A. Rockefeller and Andrei Gromyko, upon which it probably had an important bearing. First was the Berlin Blockade, which paved the way for arresting the dismantlement of the Rockefeller dominated I.G. Farben-industrie plants, the release of its officers from jail and its restitution to control of West Germany under the guidance of its Rockefeller attorney, John J. McCloy, as American High Commissioner. The second was the delivery of China to the Communists through the activities of the agents of Rockefeller’s Institute of Pacific Relations in and out of their puppet State Department; and their proposal to wipe out the Nationalist Chinese Government completely by seating the Communist „Popular“ Government in the UN, that would imply turning over to the latter all the assets of the former that are held abroad. These acts have been disastrous for the nation, and the second has cost the blood of more than 180,000 GIs, the lives of almost 20,000 of them and the specter of national insolvency through the third, the Korean War that was thereby made possible. It was a fulfillment of the conditions laid down by the Rockefeller Empire through the State Department and published in the Wall Street Journal dispatch, as „the price of peace.„
Proof of the fact that an agreement on such a partition of the world existed prior to Yalta and the termination of the war is clearly revealed by the withdrawal of our troops before Berlin in order to yield it to Soviet troops, in the European theatre of war. And in the Pacific, seven months before the termination of the war the Japs offered General MacArthur surrender on the same terms as were accepted at its termination; but the offer was rejected by Roosevelt and his Rockefeller-Soviet Axis bosses.
The war in the Pacific was deliberately prolonged until after Stalin had been induced to agree to permit us to terminate it, after he had the Soviets make a token entry into it as the basis for claiming Far East lands. Obviously the Rockefeller-Soviet partners sought on behalf of Stalin, to exhaust our forces in the process of conquering territory for the Soviets. The dropping of the atom bomb on a people pleading for peace was a needless, brutal psychologic gesture that was designed by the conspirators more to intimidate folks at home than to defeat the already defeated Japs. In this it is proving more lastingly effective than the Orson Welles Invasion From Mars broadcast that they staged later as a test of the gullibility of their thought controlled Americans.
Third, in sharp contrast with the Saudi Arabia situation, Iran, with a larger population and army, and a smaller oil potential and production, is being cautiously stripped from the British Empire, and drawn under the Iron Curtain by the propaganda and agitation of the Communist Tudeh Party, with the sly, dissembled support of the Rockefeller Empire, through its agents and emissaries, including Averell Harriman, and its puppet State Department. Their pretended concern over the situation has served as a cover-up for dollar loans to Mossadegh’s Iranian Government, that may amount to a hundred million or more to begin with, to enable it to carry on without the revenues derived from the Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. operations. Naturally, the American „peasants“ will be forced to pay out this money on behalf of the beggarly Rockefeller Empire, through taxes and the U.S. Treasury. Sickeningly melodramatic Mossadegh, who alternately blusters and sobs, and makes blatant public exhibitions of his cowardice in fainting spells and hospital visits, is giving the „peasants“ a show for their money.
It is also apparent that the present Iranian situation is merely what was planned between the Rockefeller-Soviet Axis partners even prior to Yalta,—speeded up by the impediment placed in the way of delivery of Saudi Arabian oil to the Soviets. The Rockefeller Empire has no direct interest in Iranian oil. In pursuing its consistent policy of being willing to give away other peoples‘ money and property, its puppet State Department had already published its intent to yield Iran to the Soviets.
Fourth, the Rockefeller Empire is supporting the Kremlin in the various phases of the „Cold War“ and the Korean „Crusade“, directly and indirectly, at the expense of the American taxpayers, through the UNRRA, the Marshall Plan, the Point 4 program and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. With the usual cunning of the schemers, all of these plans are being presented to the „peasants“ as devices for „stopping Communism“.
The Marshall Plan and its continuation, the Point 4 program, and the North Atlantic treaty are completely transparent plans for subsidy of the partners of the Rockefeller-Soviet Axis. They were conceived in the 1930’s by the Rockefeller-subsidized „social scientists“ and promoted by their Foundation, and their Council on Foreign Relations. They were labelled with the names of their pawns, Marshall and Truman, and were dictated to the members of Congress, who passed them without pretense of a debate. In an address before the „78-79“ club of Congress, in 1946, I predicted that it was planned to use the Marshall Plan in the same manner as the OPA — as a principal agency of Communism—to paralyze the flow of commodities through normal channels of industry in order to force inflation and chaos in business, with the purpose of furthering Communism and dictatorship in the U.S.; and also to subsidize Soviet Russia. In The Strange Death of F.D.R., I repeated the prediction.
The Committee for the Marshall Plan that propagandized the „peasants“ through all the mass channels of information and misinformation controlled by the Rockefellers and their allies, from an office at 537 Fifth Avenue, New York City, in addition to the Rockefellers personally, comprised the familiar list of Rockefeller agents, puppets and pawns of the Foreign Office of the Rockefeller Empire, the Council on Foreign Relations. Its personnel include the following:
- Hamilton Fish Armstrong
- George H. Blakeslee
- Isaiah Bowman
- Stephen Duggan
- John W. Davis
- Charles H. McIlwain
- George Shuster
- Henry L. Stimson
- Allen W. Dulles
- Reinhold Niebuhr
- Charles Seymour
- Henry W. Wriston
- Nelson A. Rockefeller
The following Trustees of the Rockefeller Foundation were members of the „national council“ of the Committee:
- Karl T. Compton
- John S. Dickey
- Robert G. Sproul
- Arthur Hays Sulzberger
- Winthrop W. Aldrich
On December 13, 1949, the Chicago Tribune published an editorial bearing the caption „Rockefeller Profits From The Marshall Plan“. This editorial was based entirely on the reports of the ECA Marshall Plan, records of the first 45-day period of operation. It points out that the Rockefeller family, the demonstrated bosses of all Standard Oil Companies, played the key role in getting the Marshall Plan through Congress and are cashing in on it handsomely. It quotes from the ECA report the following instances in which Rockefeller’s Standard Oil companies, or their subsidiaries, collected several times from the American taxpayer for the same products in connection with Marshall Plan deals:
- „Anglo-American Oil Company Ltd., 100 percent owned British subsidiary of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey,
- purchased from two other wholly owned subsidiaries of the same company, the Esso Export Corp. and the Standard Oil Export Corp., $7,258,332 worth of products that were paid for by the U.S. taxpayers out of ECA funds.
- The transaction which was in effect merely a transfer of the products from one department to another of Standard Oil, netted it two profits at the expense of the taxpayers.
- „Standard Francaise des Petroles, a French company 83 percent-owned by the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, bought $4,020,210 worth of products from the Esso Export Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of Standard Oil, in the same type of deal.
- „Other subsidiaries of the Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey, throughout the world engage in the same type of transactions with their mother companies at the expense of the American taxpayers.
- „Les Raffineries de la Vacuum Oil bought from Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., its parent company, $2,249,877 worth of products under the same conditions.
The appointment of Paul G. Hoffman, former Studebaker Co. executive, protege of Bernard Baruch, Rockefeller henchman and member of the Rockefeller Empire Foreign Office, the Council on Foreign Relations, as head of the ECA, assured the Rockefellers of direct and full control of its activities.
The banks controlled by the allied Rockefeller and Roosevelt interests, the Chicago Tribune editorial states, have an exclusive monopoly of the profitable letter-of-credit business arising out of these plans, and in the financing of the exports made under them.
The nations in the name of which the Marshall Plan was set up saw little of the funds or benefits from them. A large proportion of the billions levied on the U.S. taxpayers never left the country, but was transferred directly or indirectly from the U.S. Treasury to the coffers of various Rockefeller-controlled corporations here or abroad, as stated in the Chicago Tribune editorial and the ECA reports. As a consequence, most European nations have manifested little interest in the Marshall Plan. In France for example, ECA officials were instructed by their superiors to create the appearance of enthusiasm for the plan and to instigate a demand in the French press for the passage by Congress of the necessary appropriations bill. Few French newspapers, other than those controlled by the Rockefeller and allied interests, even mentioned the story. They were not interested in the Marshall Plan because they were getting little or nothing out of it.
It is only the lands in which the Rockefeller interests seek further expansion, or have an axe to grind, that are given direct and visible benefits from the Marshall Plan, for the purpose of influencing acceptance of the deals in question.
The Rockefeller Empire itself has been the largest supplier to the Communist forces in Korea of an absolute essential for modern war—oil. The North Korean forces could not have launched the war without the oil provided them by Rockefeller’s Caltex Co. from Saudi Arabian oilfields, entirely at the expense of American taxpayers through the Marshall Plan. That oil has made it possible for the enemy to operate its tanks, planes and other equipment that slaughter our GIs. It has made the Korean War an extremely profitable venture for the Rockefeller Empire.
Within a month after the Korean War got under way, it leaked out that Rockefeller’s Caltex Co. was supplying the enemy with their oil. The matter became so ugly a public scandal that puppet Secretary of State Dean Acheson was compelled to go through the form of ordering his Rockefeller Empire bosses to stop the treasonous trade. This meant, according to Rockefeller’s Caltex employees, a complete standstill and loss of their highly profitable business. For the Rockefeller interests were paid for each barrel of oil three times by U.S. taxpayers, and made three profits. The oil is produced originally at the expense of the taxpayers by the Arabian American Oil Co., known as Aramco, a subsidiary of Caltex. Aramco was paid for the oil which it delivered, by the ECA. Caltex shipped the oil to Hong Kong in tankers, at the expense of the U.S. taxpayers, through the ECA, and sold it to a British subsidiary of Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Co. Caltex was paid for the oil by the ECA. The Hong Kong company delivered the oil to the Chinese Communists and North Koreans and was paid for it out of the British Marshall Plan funds, by the ECA. The Caltex employees were trained in methods of billing and paper work in a special course given by the ECA in Washington at expense of the taxpayers.
Shipment of oil to the enemy was promptly taken over by a British subsidiary of the Standard Oil Co. in Hong Kong, still at the expense of the U.S. taxpayer, through the ECA. The tankers engaged in the trade, many of them built at the expense of the U.S. taxpayer, were transferred to Panamanian, Greek, Norwegian and other foreign registry, and the trade continued under foreign flags, at the expense of the ECA. When the facts leaked out several months later, aroused public sentiment once again compelled puppet Secretary of State Dean Acheson to go through the motions of „bringing pressure to bear“ against the „British“ traders to discontinue the shipments of oil. Thereafter the shipments have been made by companies that are less directly controlled by the Rockefeller interests, from other parts of the world, such as Venezuela. This oil keeps the war going.
It is a matter of record that the Marshall Plan and North Atlantic Treaty countries transship the bulk of the material which they receive under the plans, or their equivalents, to Russia and the Iron Curtain countries. They fabricate raw materials which they receive, that are in short supply in the U.S., into military equipment and munitions, and export them to Russia and Korea. The sixteen Marshall Plan nations have a total of ninety-six trade pacts with Russia and her satellites, in connection with this treacherous commerce.
Fulton Lewis Jr. reports that he toured all of Western Europe seeking in vain the heavy tractors and combines which were shipped there by the ECA. He noted that there were no sections that he visited where they could be used. Had he been permitted to visit the collective farms of Russia, he would have discovered that they had all been transshipped by our Western European „allies“ to Russia.
The North Atlantic Treaty countries are demanding of the U.S., arms, equipment, cruisers and other material of war for the purpose of „resisting aggression by Russia“, and at the same time are shipping to Russia all their production of those items that is made possible by the Marshall Plan aid they are receiving. Thus the October, 1951, issue of Shipping World reports that Marshall Plan countries are building the following ships for Soviet Russia at the present time:
Denmark | 8 trawlers |
Italy | 2 passenger-cargo ships |
Netherlands | 3 cargo ships, 6 tankers, 10 whalers, 2 suction dredge hulls |
Belgium | 8 cargo ships, 7 trawlers |
Sweden | 12 trawlers, 2 tankers |
In connection with the hubbub about atomic bombs, there naturally comes to mind the question of the bearing of the Rockefeller Soviet Axis on the leakage of information on the bomb and of raw material for its manufacture. Major Jordan testified that Harry L. Hopkins‘ name played a role in clearing both information on the development of the bomb and actual shipments of processed uranium. Hopkins serve the Axis loyally as one of its top Washington agents.
A large number of the scientists connected with the development of the bomb were identified with institutions subsidized by the Rockefeller „philanthropies“. Many of the college presidents who went on record publicly as favoring the release of atomic energy information to the Soviets are members of the Rockefeller Empire Foreign Office, the Council On Foreign Relations, and were there identified with and indoctrinated by Alger Hiss and with the editors of Amerasia Owen Lattimore, William W. Lockwood, Thomas A. Bisson and Frederick Vanderbilt Field and others of the same tinting.
David E. Lilienthal, Chairman of the Atomic Energy Committee who approved of its grants for research work in the field to known Communists, is likewise a member of Rockefeller’s crew. William Wesley Waymack, a fellow member of the AEC was a member of the Board of Trustees of Rockefeller’s American Institute of Pacific Relations and of the Rockefeller subsidized, Marxist National Planning Board, and was identified with numerous other subversive or Communist front organizations, including the Russian War Relief Inc. and the Council for Democracy, as well as a member of the Executive Committee, with John Foster Dulles and David Rockefeller of the Carnegie Endowment For International Peace that appointed Alger Hiss its president, (in which capacity Hiss became his associate), and a member of the Red Twentieth Century Fund. Rear Admiral Lewis Lichtenstein Strauss, the other member of the AEC, who opposed its subsidizing acknowledged Communists in atomic energy researches but was overruled and resigned, member of Kuhn Loeb & Co. who has been appointed financial adviser of the Rockefeller Bros. Inc., is also a member of Rockefeller’s Council on Foreign Relations.
This situation makes thoroughly understandable the fact that the Marshall Plan, the Point 4 program and the North Atlantic Pact all have operated to strengthen and rearm Russia while depleting and weakening the U.S. As in the case of the UNRRA, Russia and the „Iron Curtain“ countries are receiving, directly or indirectly, a lion’s share of Marshall Plan aid and are being very materially supported through it in their Korean War, however involuntarily, by the American taxpayers. Indeed, the promptness with which Russian overtures for an armistice followed the adoption by Congress of measures, such the Kem Bill, that ordered the withholding of all aid from nations that traded with Russia and her satellites, make it appear probable that all the oil, munitions and supplies for the North Korean and Communist forces were being supplied, directly or indirectly, by the Rockefeller-Marshall conspiracy against the U.S. and its taxpayers.
One cannot wonder that the Rockefellers, especially Nelson, are wildly enthusiastic about the Marshall Plan. It has poured billions of dollars of American taxpayers‘ money into their pockets through the firms which they control. It has assured their control of governments and concessions throughout the world. It has discovered for them new and fabulous sources of wealth, such as the new oil fields drilled with Marshall Plan funds by one of their subsidiary companies in French Equatorial Africa, which they now seek to exploit at the expense of the U.S. taxpayer through the extensions of the Marshall Plan which they have promoted, the MSA and the Point 4 program.
The most insolent and grandiose of the conspiracies to make the American taxpayer support with his money and life the expansion of the Rockefeller Empire and of the Rockefeller-Soviet Axis, is the Point 4 program. This program, as has been related, was launched by John D. Rockefeller 3rd in 1948, on his return from Africa, on a mission supposedly on behalf of the Rockefeller Foundation that quested the welfare of the Hottentots that are so dear to the heart of Henry Wallace and the rest of the crew of Rockefeller Reds.
Point 4 is an essential part of the program of the Rockefeller-Soviet Axis. It was laid down as such by Earl Browder, in his book Teheran, Our Path In Peace And War, published in 1945:
„America can underwrite a gigantic program of industrialization of Africa to be launched immediately … (p. 53)
„Our (U.S.) government can create a series of giant industrial development corporations, each in partnership with some other government or group of governments and set them to work upon large scale plans of railroad and highway building, agricultural and industrial development, and all-round modernization in all the devastated and undeveloped areas of the world . . . “ (p. 79) John D. 3rd dictated the program to Truman. Truman dictated it to Congress. Congress subserviently adopted it without any question of the orders it had received, other than a few feeble protests about a „global WPA“.
It is not difficult to understand the interest of the Rockefeller-Soviet Axis in the Point 4 program for the development of Africa. For the Soviets the plan presents a number of immediate advantages. They are trading heavily with the British and French colonies in Africa. A development of its industries would make Africa an even more important source of military supplies and material. It would build up the continent at the expense of the U.S. taxpayers, hasten the financial debacle that would lead to the U.S. downfall, while at the same time building up Africa and make it a prize worthy of the conquering efforts of the Rockefeller-Soviet Axis. Their agents are already at work preparing the way for both of these accomplishments. Ralph Bunche, the Urban League and a host of other agencies subsidized by them are simultaneously agitating the F.E.P.C. program, inciting race friction in the U.S. and actual race warfare and riots in Africa.
John D. Rockefeller 3rd’s praise of Bundle’s prediction of an Asiatic Communist pattern of „upheaval“, or revolution, in Africa at the Urban League’s dinner to the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize has been related. The job they are doing is proving very effective in all sections of Africa. In the industrial and mining sections of the Union of South Africa, they are breeding totalitarianism and hatred of the white, and stirring up race riots that are directed initially against the Hindu immigrants. In the uranium-mining sections of Katanga, they are adapting their methods to the customs of the natives. They are concentrating on indoctrinating the powerful tribal witch doctors and making them the agents of hate and revolution.
Nelson Rockefeller’s Point 4 program has been in the hands of trusted Communist agents from the very start and in it he is carrying forward the objectives of the Rockefeller-Soviet Axis, closely associated, as usual, with pro-Communists and Communists and Communist agents, in and out of the State Department. The Executive Director of the Secretariat of the Inter-Departmental Committee on Scientific and Cultural Cooperation which is the official title of the Point 4 program, is Haldore Hanson. Haldore Hanson has a long record as a Communist, starting with the editorship of a Chinese Communist magazine in Peiping. Collaborating with Haldore Hanson and Nelson Rockefeller in the Point 4 program in Afghanistan is Owen Lattimore, whose earlier activities in Asia, on behalf of the State Department and the Rockefeller-Soviet Axis, were so successful for the Soviets, that the Communists took over the country without a struggle.
Nelson Rockefeller’s Point 4 Program is doing its best to make the world, and the U.S., safe for Communism. It is engaged in the Marxist enterprise of providing social security in Egypt, whose king can insure the permanent and absolute security of death by arbitrary edict to any and all of his subjects, at the expense of the U.S. taxpayers, as was announced on May 1, 1951. It is building ports and developing mines and oil fields in Africa for the Rockefellers and providing them with the irrigation projects, for which a large part of undeveloped California, Nevada, New Mexico and other sections of the U.S. languish. It is rapidly getting around to Henry Wallace’s favorite enterprise of providing „milk for the Hottentots“, with Marxist dialectics as a flavor, at the expense of the world’s greatest sucker, the U.S. taxpayer.
The immediate urgency and the direct impetus to Rockefeller’s Point 4 program for Africa was revealed in a center-page photographic spread in the Sunday magazine section of their official journal, the New York Times, on September 23,1951. Under the headline Africa Strikes Oil, it relates in the legends of the photographs that oil has been found in French Equatorial Africa, in the Ogoue River basin of Gabon territory, about 150 miles from Port Gentil on the Atlantic coast. The oil was found after four years of exploration by the Societe des Petroles d’Afrique Equatoriale Francaise. It relates that the company was French government financed, but states that the $207,000 dollars that the French government furnished was U.S. Treasury, E.C.A. and Marshall Plan funds. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil entered into a partnership with the French government in the 1920’s, as related elsewhere, that made them equal partners in the French oil monopoly.
On November 24, 1950, President Truman dutifully appointed Nelson A. Rockefeller chairman of the Advisory Board on International Development, to plan aid for the underdeveloped areas of the world, more specifically of petroliferous Africa, and to implement the Rockefeller-Soviet Axis scheme. In making the appointment, Truman left it ostensibly to the Board, but actually to Rockefeller, to decide „the type and size of programs . . . desirable for the United States to undertake in this held.“ This was, in effect, a carte blanche to Nelson and the Empire.
On March 11, 1951, the Rockefeller report, or order, was handed to Truman in the name of the Board. It recommended that $500,000,000 should be appropriated by Congress to launch the program. To secure additional power, scope, funds and personnel, it recommended a merger of all overseas economic activities including the Marshall Plan’s Economic Cooperation Administration, the State Department’s Institute of Inter-American Affairs that Nelson Rockefeller had launched, and the Technical & Cooperation Administration, among others.
The „opposition“ in Congress had not one word to say against the utter un-Constitutionality of the Point 4 proposal. Part of the explanation is probably the fact that the law firm of the leader of the „opposition“, Sen. Robert A. Taft, has represented the Rockefellers in such affairs as Abby Rockefeller Milton’s and her husband’s Charleston Shipyard deal that tapped the U.S. Treasury. Taft evidently heard „his master’s voice“ and was as eager to approve of this outrageous criminal raid on the U.S. Treasury as any other of the Rockefeller puppet, „bipartisan“ agents in Congress. He rushed to volunteer his support of it so that it could be included in the press reports carrying the Rockefeller proposals, obviously by pre-arrangement, in order to block effectively any protest or opposition. The Associated Press report quotes him as saying, as „leader“ of the fake opposition in Congress:
„I have no objections to Point 4 assistance so long as it is conducted on a limited basis and isn’t a global giveaway.“
Sen. Taft echoed, in effect, the famous words of Sen. Arthur Vandenberg: „Anything Rockefeller wants is O.K.“ Evidently Taft does not mind a „small“ violation of the Constitution, when his firm’s client, Rockefeller, is the beneficiary.
With the opposition thus bowled over, the Rockefeller-Soviet Axis Point 4 program was adopted in record time by Congress. In the midst of the Korean War that was taxing the resources of the nation and piling up staggering costs and taxes, a Point 4 appropriation of $500,000,000, for subsidizing further the Rockefeller interests, was passed by Congress with literally no opposition, to help speed the insolvency of the nation and its taxpayers.
Since his appointment Nelson Rockefeller, who in the words of Joe Alex Morris, his biographer, seeks „to get a good return on his investment“, has devoted a large part of his time and energy to promoting his Point 4 Program. Indefatigably he races around the country speaking before any orgainzation that will listen to the promotion of his Point 4 business. He demanded of Congress for Point 4 $19,000,000,000, plus a greatly aggrandized Marshall Plan. After placing agents in key positions Nelson resigned in December 1951.
After the outbreak of the war, there was loud public protest against the continued shipment of „Lend Lease“ material to Russia by the boatload. A demand was made in Congress for discontinuance of the shipments that would inevitably reinforce Russia in her war on us. The Rockefeller-dominated State Department and other agencies, promptly opposed a boycott of the shipments on the absurd ground that it would violate an agreement made with Russia for the supply of material for the waging of World War II, the hostilities of which were already ended. The innumerable breaches by Russia of agreements with us and the Korean War constitute ample ground for stopping the shipment of supplies. When union longshoremen refused to unload Russian imports, both Dean Acheson and President Truman condemned them for their intelligent and patriotic boycott.
The Rockefeller agencies, including their puppet State Department, have bitterly fought any measure that sought to cut off U.S. taxpayer support to the Soviets or their purveyors. The only conceivable explanation of their acts is that the Rockefeller Empire is pledged to the Soviets, as an instigator or ally, to supply them with all material for their conquests and the Korean War. The immunity of their Saudi Arabian oil-fields from Soviet molestation and agitation, as compared with the inspired disturbances in Iran and Egypt bears out this view.