1939/09: WKII: Mobilmachung in Großbritannien
Ausbruch des zweiten Weltkriegs
In Großbritannien wurde am 1. September 1939 die allgemeine Mobilmachung von, Heer, Flotte und Luftwaffe durch königliche Proklamation angeordnet (3).
Am gleichen Tage, um :21 Uhr unterbreitete der britische Botschafter in Berlin dem deutschen Außenminister in einer Unterredung die folgende, als Warnung gedachte Note der britischen Regierung (4):
- Early this morning the German Chancellor issued a proclamation to the German army which indicated clearly that he was about to attack Poland.
- Information which has reached His Majesty Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government indicates that German troops have crossed the Polish frontier and that attacks upon Polish towns are proceeding.
- In these circumstances, it appears to the Governments of the United Kingdom and France that by their action the German Government have created conditions (viz., an aggressive act of force against Poland threatening the independence of Poland) which calls for the implementation by the Governments of the United Kingdom and France of the undertaking to Poland to come to her assistance.
- I am accordingly to inform your Excellency that unless the German Government, are prepared to give His. Majesty’s Government satisfactory assurances that the German Government have suspended all aggressive action against Poland and are prepared promptly to withdraw their forces from Polish territory, His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom will, without hesitation, fulfill their obligations (5) to Poland.
Als Instruktion und zur persönlichen Information hatte, Lord-Halifax dem britischen Botschafter in einem vorausgegangenen Telegramm vom gleichon Nachmittage folgendes über den Charkter der Note,und über die PIäne der britischen Regierung mitgeteilt (6):
- 3. In reply to any question you may explain, that the present communication is in the nature of warning, and is not to be considered as an ultimatum.
- 4. For your.own,information. If the German reply is unsatisfactory the next stage will be either an ultimatum, with time limit or an immediate declaration of war.
(3) The London Gazefte, No. 34663.
(4) Miscellaneous No. 9 (1939), Cmd. 6106, No. 110; Ausw. Amt 1939 Nr. 2, Dokumente zur Vorgeschichte des Krieges, Nr. 472.
(5) Vgl. den britisch-polnischen Beistandspakt VOM 25.8.1939. Cmd 6101.
(6). Miscellaneous No. 9 (1939), Cmd., 6106, No. 109.