Introduction Malic Acid and Magnesium for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Syndrom By Billie J. Sahley, Ph.D., C.N.C.
My first experience with patients suffering with painful fibromyalgia was in 1979. I was in my final year of training in a special pain management program working with an orthopedic surgeon, Walt Simmons, M.D. Day after day patients would come in and say, “I hurt all over, but some places hurt more than others.”
Many of the patients had back and neck injuries requiring surgery and rehabilitation follow up. But even after the surgery, physical therapy, and pain medications, they would still come in and say, “I hurt all over.”
I began to evaluate each of these patients in order to establish a pain pattern, so we could implement a better treatment program. My research led me to a chronic pain syndrome known as fibromyalgia. I found each patient presented with similar painful trigger points, and a relationship between the soma and psyche.
In-depth interviews with over one hundred patients provided a definite pattern of behavior, deep-rooted stress, and overuse. Pain medications and antidepressants are ineffective for long-term pain.
These patients were predisposed to addiction problems. They felt deserted, especially when they were told the only help was to increase their pain medications and antidepressants. This left them helpless, hopeless, and frustrated with increased anxiety and muscle pain. I felt there had to be something missing or a deficiency of some sort. But everything I tried fell short of giving them total relief.
Over the past twenty-five years, I have continued to collect data and search for answers to help patients with fibromyalgia without drugs. Rheumatologists recognize Fibromyalgia as the second most common rheumatic complaint seen by physicians. It affects over 16 million people in all walks of life. Fibromyalgia is a complex problem. I feel the treatment program outlined in this book will give those suffering relief naturally, allowing them to live a better quality of life.
Dr. Billie J. Sahley