Zionismus Der Judenstaat and Altneuland were visions of a Jewish state to be populated by European Jewry, who in 1900 were far more numerous than the tiny remnant of oriental and Sephardic Jews in Muslim lands and the Balkans.
1896-The Jewish State
1 Datei(en) 289.29 KB
Balfour Declaration and the Palestine Mandate
1 Datei(en) 30.48 MB
Behind the Balfour Declaration
1 Datei(en) 291.61 KB
1 Datei(en) 78.72 KB
1972-Haavara-Transfer nach Palästina & Einwanderung dt. Juden 1933-39
1 Datei(en) 20.00 KB
- Wikipedia-de: Zionismus
Zionism-The Hidden Tyranny
1 Datei(en) 171.91 KB
1896-The Jewish State
1 Datei(en) 289.29 KB
Full speech of Rabbi Rabbinovitch; The planned destruction of the White race
1 Datei(en) 49.81 KB